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MGS: Snake Eater 3D (£9.95 @Zavvi)


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That's all the experience I have with the franchise, but those clips made me realise how deep a story can be put into a game, and I immediately saw it as art.


Movies are recognized as art, aren't they? Naturally, turning a game into a movie would make it art then. ;)

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I'd be more outraged about how hard it is to make out the characters, even on these screens with ridiculously blown up resolution.


When you scale them back to what you'll actually see on the 3DS, it doesn't get better. :heh:






Why do publishers insist to show 3DS games in these blown up resolutions? Yes, they show up larger on a computer screen, but textures supposed to be viewed in 400x240 don't exactly look flattering, even if they're not as shit as this.

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Was about to mention how the resolutions had been blown up but my point was negated by the previous post showing how many god damn jaggies are in this game.


What the fuck happened to these textures? The real time tech demo looked amazing.. Yet another console lies about its capability.


Stop giving me reasons to look elsewhere for the same game Konami! I'll be skipping this in favour of the HD collection.

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What the fuck happened to these textures? The real time tech demo looked amazing.. Yet another console lies about its capability.


Blame Konami for going for the easy route by porting the PS2 game than carrying on working with Naked Sample version using the Peace Walker engine.

Edited by Dante
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3D might of been on and people we need to buy this game or there won't be anymore Metal Gear Solid games on Nintendo systems remember Wii U Metal Gear Solid will be good but only if this game sells well.


The 3D was definitely not on and no, we don't need to buy this game.

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Movies are recognized as art, aren't they? Naturally, turning a game into a movie would make it art then. ;)


Perhaps 'art' was a wrong choice in words, you sly devil you:laughing:


What I mean is that this game had some deeper meaning to it (like Little King's Story) which is nice to see every once in a while.

Furthermore, it goes on to show that games can indeed be used to try and get a (wo)man to think about philosophical ........ things:wink:

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  • 4 months later...

Now compatible with the Circle Pad Pro




It doesn't look as good as the very first trailer we had... for some reason they seem to have dropped a lot of the 3D extras, like the snake, the bees etc...


It's no Resident Evil Revelations, but it also doesn't look anywhere near as bad as those screens we had of the game a while ago.


But anyways, think I'll be spending my money elsewhere (like on Resi, SM3DL etc...), I don't think I'm really a fan of MGS having not really enjoyed Twin Snakes.

Edited by Retro_Link
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  • 2 weeks later...
Definitely, I love MGS but I've yet to play 4, I played 3 on the ps2 for a little bit but it was my favourite out of the lot, absolutely fantastic! this is a preorder for me.


It's easily the best in the series, IMO. I just played through it again at the end of last year, as I imported the MGS HD collection for the PS3. Honestly, if you have either a 360 or a PS3 you are probably better off just buying that when it arrives in Feb. I mean you get MGS2, 3 and Peace Walker ( with added online co-op ) for the price of MGS3 on the 3DS. Madness!

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if you have either a 360 or a PS3 you are probably better off just buying that when it arrives in Feb.


I got a 360, my bro is going to get the HD collection. but im not going to play the 360 or the Wii until May, after my exams. at the moment I only play my 3DS for short bursts after I've finished my work. besides, I've played and enjoyed MGS2 & Peace Walker, but with MGS3 i've never had that chance, so im going to take my time with that game and enjoy it. :D

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I think I'm going to skip on this. Konami have made a really bad decision regarding the timing of the HD collection and Snake Eater 3DS.


I'm probably going to buy the HD collection, which is going for just under £30 for preorder right now and comes with 3 games. Snake Eater 3DS is the same price, is just one of the games offered in the HD collection but with some new 'features' and comes out a month later.


Sorry Konami, no sale.

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I still haven't decided whether or not to get this at some point or play through it on PS2 as it has been sitting in my collection for a good couple of years now :eek:


I have dipped my toe into the opening section in the past but have always come away feeling that I almost know that I'm not gonna enjoy it as much as the original Metal Gear Solid, which is one of my favourite games of all time! I'm sure I will love it when I finally get around to it..

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As others have said, exceeding bad timing for anyone with a HD console and perhaps a slightly bitter one for those without knowing what the others are getting.


MGS3 is a brilliant game and deserves to be treated better than this - spun out for a quick buck with some minimal extras. Of course, when it only does modest numbers, Konami will explain its the reason for no more MGS on the machine in typical fashion. Sweet box though so a bit of credit there.


I remember playing this on the PS2 and genuinely wincing at one scene I was that sucked in - I found it pretty harrowing for a game (I'm sure those who've played know what part I'm on about). And the ending had me welling up too - certainly one of the best I've ever seen.

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