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Sonic Colours

mcj metroid

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So the game is on rails like Secret Rings? I think it looks quite good atm, though I'm not trying to get my hopes up too high (though I did like Secret Rings and Black Knight).


No, it's more like Unleashed, where you have more freedom of movement.

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The game looks pretty fun. Obviously it's stupid to ever say that with a Sonic game, but this game is based on the GOOD points of Unleashed and trims out the Werehog style shit.


I like the powerup ideas too, like having to use a drill move to find the way to go in that video (good thing Galaxy 2 is only RECENTLY out or I'd be shouting rip off so hard).


There's nothing glaringly terrible about the game yet.

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Guest Captain Falcon

It sure looks the part but since it's using the unleashed engine, though it's clearly gone through a graphical upgrade, I still remain a little cautious about the controlling the world's favourite hedgehog after the almost tank like controls in use for that game.

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It sure looks the part but since it's using the unleashed engine, though it's clearly gone through a graphical upgrade, I still remain a little cautious about the controlling the world's favourite hedgehog after the almost tank like controls in use for that game.


Hopefully it'll be more like the 360 version in terms of controls. For the most part they worked pretty well.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Hopefully it'll be more like the 360 version in terms of controls. For the most part they worked pretty well.


That's what I'm hoping for but through some mystical force that still baffles me to this day, the Wii version was praised for better control in reviews and I can see them sticking to it... Go figure?

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That's a polite way to say he seemed to be a moron.


...Okay, that's true :heh:


That's what I'm hoping for but through some mystical force that still baffles me to this day, the Wii version was praised for better control in reviews and I can see them sticking to it... Go figure?


I used the Gamecube controls and they worked just fine.


What was wrong with the Nunchuck controls? (honest question, I never tried them)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I doubt anyone really cares, but SEGA have changed Sonic and Tails' voice actors:


SONIC – Roger Craig Smith



Roger is donning the red sneakers as your new voice actor for Sonic.


Sonic is not the first big name character for Roger’s to voice either; he is perhaps best known for his portrayal of Chris Redfield in Resident Evil 5, he voiced Ezio Auditore da Firenze in Assassin’s Creed 2 and tortured protagonist Siegfried Schtauffen in Soulcalibur IV. Anime and manga fans will also recognise Roger’s vocal talents from the Naruto series where he voiced the character Deidara and from Bleach where he leant his voice to both Shinji Hirako and Noba/Nova.


He’s no stranger to SEGA fans either- though you might not know it.


In the last couple of years he’s been heard in Valkyria Chronicles where he voiced Ted Ustinov, Vyse Inglebard, Johann Oswald Wisen and other additional voices. In MADWORLD where he specifically voiced the Greys,the younger son of “The Masters” and more. In Resonance Of Fate he was the voice of the Barman and going back a bit further Roger also voiced several of the passengers in Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars for the PSP.


We welcome Roger to this exciting new role as the fastest thing alive!


TAILS – Kate Higgins



I think it’d be fair to say that in Kate Higgins, we’ve got a potentially great vocalisation for Tails. I was VERY pleased she was chosen. The name may not be familiar but once more you have heard her in SEGA games – again Valkyria Chronicles (Cordelia gi Randgriz, Martha Lipponen, Freesia York) and MADWORLD (Naomi / RinRin).


Perhaps her biggest voice acting role though is as the English voice of the character Sakura Haruno in Naruto. But voice acting isn’t the only significant string to her bow.


Kate is a very accomplished jazz pianist and singer and has produced five albums – in fact why not have a listen to one of her tracks now? I really like this track personally.


DR. EGGMAN – Mike Pollock


I’m pleased to say the awesome Mike Pollock will be staying on as Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik, Mike has been voicing Sonic’s arch-nemesis since 2005 and the untimely passing of the late Deem Bristow. Mike has in the five years contributed to an impressive array of Sonic titles as well as voicing Dr. Eggman through Sonic X – in fact he could well be the most prolific voice actor ever to be attributed to the series.


He’s also worked on TMNT, Bleach, Yu-Gi-Oh! and in a fact I didn’t know until recently is the Narrator on the Pokémon cartoon series. Now every time you see it you’ll think of Dr. Eggman delivering the lines!

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A 3D sonic game without a stupid gimmick? Surely not.


The GT video makes it look quite good I reckon, even if the level does seem a bit all over the place. The graphics look amazing for a Wii game, makes me look at Skyward Sword in a new way :(


The daytime levels of Unleashed were fantastic, I'd be happy to have a game filled with just those.

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The screenshots do look very good i think


I agree - I imagine they're high-res ones or something but even then. Lot's of detail, which is strange considering how fast you'll be typically going.


Not quite Galaxy but certainly not far off.


I may have to pick this one up!

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Yeah because screenshots and video of Sonic games never give a misleading representation of how good the game is.


Anyone who's aware of how utter shite most 3D Sonic games are is being pretty silly if they'll consider buying this before some at least half decent reviews are in. The only evidence so far that it's worth buying are decent visuals and no strong evidence of game ruining gimmicks.


There's little evidence the game will be a solid package though yet and that the wisps will work well throughout the game.

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