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Sonic Colours

mcj metroid

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Yeah because screenshots and video of Sonic games never give a misleading representation of how good the game is.


Anyone who's aware of how utter shite most 3D Sonic games are is being pretty silly if they'll consider buying this before some at least half decent reviews are in. The only evidence so far that it's worth buying are decent visuals and no strong evidence of game ruining gimmicks.


There's little evidence the game will be a solid package though yet and that the wisps will work well throughout the game.


Yet at the same time there's nothing pointing towards it being a terrible game either. You're right, we won't know for sure if it's decent until there's a few reviews but judging by video's this seems to be one of the best Sonic games in a long time.

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Yeah because screenshots and video of Sonic games never give a misleading representation of how good the game is.


Anyone who's aware of how utter shite most 3D Sonic games are is being pretty silly if they'll consider buying this before some at least half decent reviews are in. The only evidence so far that it's worth buying are decent visuals and no strong evidence of game ruining gimmicks.


There's little evidence the game will be a solid package though yet and that the wisps will work well throughout the game.


Oh sorry, I forgot we weren't allowed to register interest in games before they were released. I'll have to wait for the infallable words of Craig Harris' review to emerge on IGN before I can even consider buying a game.

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Yeah because screenshots and video of Sonic games never give a misleading representation of how good the game is.


Agreed - prev 3D Sonic footage has been misleading


Anyone who's aware of how utter shite most 3D Sonic games are is being pretty silly if they'll consider buying this before some at least half decent reviews are in. The only evidence so far that it's worth buying are decent visuals and no strong evidence of game ruining gimmicks.


There's little evidence the game will be a solid package though yet and that the wisps will work well throughout the game.


Not agreed - the E3 hands-on reports have been glowing. That's enough to at least start getting excited (until we find out it's full of glitches or something).


I'll be picking it up anyway, even the crap ones i've found bits to enjoy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eurogamer interview:

Eurogamer: How do you feel when you read old-school Sonic fans slagging off the Sonic franchise and what it's become?


Takashi Iizuka: The fundamentals of both games, the 3D Sonic or the 2D side-scrolling games, are the same. Sonic is all about the speed and the platforming. It just comes down to how the gameplay differs when you're playing in 3D and 2D side-scrolling.


I understand there are differences in the ways users interpret the 3D side than the fans who particularly like the 2D classic side of the game.


This is why we're releasing two different types of Sonic games this year - to please the 2D classic fans who have been playing from the Genesis [Mega Drive]. Sonic 4 is more for those fans.


There are also fans who like the 3D Sonic games which have been released in the past couple of years. Sonic Colours is probably more for the users who appreciate the 3D side of Sonic.


Eurogamer: But how do the negative comments make you feel? Do you ignore them?


Takashi Iizuka: It's more that those fans are not positive towards the recent 3D Sonic games because we've been releasing only 3D Sonic games in the past couple of years.


It's hard to please both 2D and 3D fans at the same time, in the same title for instance.


This is why the team decided to release two different types of Sonic games. It's always hard to dodge every negative perception or make everybody happy with just one title. So we're giving two options to the users.


So, either way, you'll be pleased.


Eurogamer: LittleBigPlanet is a platformer that allows players to create levels and customise characters. Any plans for similar features in future Sonic games?


Takashi Iizuka: It's something the team is not looking into at the moment. Sonic games, it's pretty clear that how good the level design is directly affects the quality of the game.


The team believes the speed and the tempo is crucial. Sonic Team are the professionals at doing it. It's hard to leave it up to the users because it's quite difficult.


We have, however, allowed this feature through PlaySEGA, which allows our users to create their own levels. But in terms of future Sonic games, this is not in the plan.

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Mighty epic, though I'm sure a lot will disagree.


I don't. This looks like the good parts of Unleashed, and the wisps seem to add some needed variety into that (the good kind of variety, I mean. The one that enhances what's good, instead of changing into a completely different genre)


Speaking about what was good about Unleashed, I certainly hope we can get something like all of those collectibles. Sonic Unleashed did the "hidden items in stages" thing right.

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Does look very nice indeed!!


Hope the gameplay is as fluid as it looks, because anything can be covered up in an official trailer. So hopefully the levels just flow at speed.


I'd also like to see Tails get a little involved in the action... perhaps just in bonus stages or something... because in Sonic Adventure, where Tail's levels were a lot like Sonics only with a few flying sections, it worked well. Be nice if they did the same here.

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The team believes the speed and the tempo is crucial. Sonic Team are the professionals at doing it. It's hard to leave it up to the users because it's quite difficult.


There's a lot wrong in that sentence I don't know where to begin.


But anyway I'll admit sonic colours does look good. Sonic is actually quite fun at it's core in 3d when they don't make a mess of camera or whatever.


Sonic team however seem to have it in their heads that they need a gimmick to sell a sonic game. This is not true. They have also divided the fans into 2 areas and so far they are right but why is it that mario fans are united?


This is because mario games don't alienate their older fans with "modern music" and "hip voice acting" and other things. Sonic has always been style over substance but styles change over the years......mario kept it timeless.

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Maybe if this does finally turn into the "non-shit 3D Sonic game" they are promising the next game will work on the always-fucking-awful soundtrack. Why do they feel the need to hire basement-playing-Blink182-tribute-tribute-tribute-bands?

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I disagree, Sonic themes are awesome!...



Broadcast Yourself

Adventure 2

(may aswell be the theme)

Broadcast Yourself


Broadcast Yourself


(ok well, admitedly this one isn't the best)

Broadcast Yourself


But in general, I've liked the music from the 3D Sonics!

Edited by Retro_Link
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But in general, I've liked the music from the 3D Sonics!


Same here, in fact the title tune for each new 3D Sonic game is one of the things I look forward to. I even imported a Sonic CD a few years back with loads of the songs on from the 3D games.


I adored the one off Unleashed, especially when it kicked in during the last boss fight. Fantastic!

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Played 2 levels of Sonic Colours at Summer of Sonic today!

It's fluid, with great controls and fantastic graphics! It's fast, fun and adds new elements whilst keeping some of the core gameplay that made the original games so great. This is the best Sonic game I've played since Sonic Adventure! The hour long wait in a stuffy, hot room was worth it xD

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What an accolade. They should use that in their marketing (assuming this is the mythical non-shite 3D sonic game we have all beleived in for so long)


I was cautious but it really does seem that after all this time they have made a great 3D Sonic game, the buzz surrounding it was incredible. It certainly stole the limelight from Sonic 4 which was very surprising!

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haha Some of the stuff isn't too bad in the 3d sonics I'll admit


catchy shit. I also love the 1up jingle in this vid for some reason :D


warning contains shitty voice acting


Watching that vid has reminded me how much i loved SA2. Thanks for posting!


On Topic: I'm keeping my eye on this!! Ive enjoyed all sonic games (on varying levels i might add) Sonic the Hedgehog on 360 was a low i might add.. and im hoping this turns out good.

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Hmm very observant. You'd wonder why they go threw the effort of changing certain things like that to be honest.


Besides that though. Great graphics for dreamcast but ok graphics on gamecube. They could have done more.


SA2 is still my favourite out of the 3d sonic games but it still lacks some polish.

it feels like they were going for a quantity approach. Like " see how much we can put in this game" rather than " polish what we've got".


It's a massive game mind!

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Never did finish SA2, i kept getting lost in the Rouge levels. But then my dreamcast's still set up on the CRT in my bedroom so could say i'm technically still playing it :)


Sonic Heroes was my favorite 3D one, glitches n all. I think the music from Casino Park alone shoved the scales to win.

Broadcast Yourself


Come to think of it, the music from that Colours trailer has a similar portamento lead synth...

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