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Call of Duty: Black Ops


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I finally got round to giving this a spin last night.


Overall I had a lot of fun with it!


I only played the single player and the only problem I had with it (apart from not really liking the whole memories thing - which is more a personal thing), was that every so often there'd be a... I don't really know what to call it, not a bug or a glitch, just a... thing.


A "thing" that'd take me out of the mood and pacing.


Examples that spring to mind:


When my character jumped off a car onto a train and grabbed onto the ladder: he was about have the width of the ladder "off" - so his hands and animation didn't line up at all with the actual ladder model.


I was following a guy up a ladder, and as he reached the top and started to stand up my character's collision area with him seemed to increase, causing my character to be propelled sideways 2 metres and then obviously falling to the floor.


When in some crazy room that was then set to blow there was a semi-transparent screen with target location on it - and basically the alpha ordering with that and the windows of the room were wrong, so the windows would overlay over the semi-transparent "thing".


There's lots of other things such as this.


But any sane person would read that and think, "So? Minor stuff!".


So the fact that I'm picking out these quite minor things really shows how solid the single player experience has been for me.


But yeah, just annoying that certain things distract you from the game.

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When my character jumped off a car onto a train and grabbed onto the ladder: he was about have the width of the ladder "off" - so his hands and animation didn't line up at all with the actual ladder model.


I had a problem with this but more to the point the guy was about 10 meters away and managed to reach it, I just thought bull shit.

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The one thing that annoys me in multiplayer is that no matter how new to the Multiplayer you are, you have to play against players far greater in skill and better equipped than you.


But as you get better equipped you feel as though things can only get better. SMG's are bullshit powerful in this game, the first time I used an SMG I was 19/9, my best KDR so far by a long way.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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OK so basically the situation is is that I really want to play this now. I can trade in my absolutely shit phone for 35 quid, which basically covers the cost for this.


Is it 40 quid in GAME?


I may just hold out though tbh.


It's £44.99 in GAME. That's what it was when I bought it on Tuesday. I know GAME have a habit of marking prices up on certain big games slightly after release (at least on the 360/PS3 as they did it with ModNation Racers after it was released) so I don't know if it's still at that price but I'd suspect it is.

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It's not that SMGs are bullshit, you just unlock the really great SMGs before the really great ARs and people tend to avoid LMGs. Fuck sniper rifles, never liked them. I think it's very balanced. You have at least 3 great SMGs, 6 great ARs, all 4 LMGs are pretty great and 1 great shotgun (the Stakeout, the other 3 are crap, pretty much, so they kind of dropped the ball on that one), but none of them makes you "invulnerable", like many guns did on MW2...


How 'bout a get together tomorrow night?

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I'm probably going to go buy this today. Is there anything I should know about it beforehand that may not have been mentioned in reviews, etc?


Yeah. It's more of a personal niggle but the overuse of fucking strobe effects before and after each mission AND, every time you go back to the main menu it has to go through a short, strobe-educed and loud cutscene. (I'd assume it's to mask the loading as the menu is its own sort of level)

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Why to both?


In reply to Sexual Chocolate I don't think even can give it a go, because my internet is so shockingly bad.


I've tried the multiplayer and it just won't connect, I have really shitty internet and will do for the next 9 months (and I have no control over the internet either).


Secondly, even if I did have decent internet I just don't think I could spend the amount of time needed to get into it and enjoy it.


I remember with MW2 I had to play at least 5 times a week to maintain a decent playing level and therefore enjoy it...


I just don't have that time anymore, I thought I would but I have a 9 to 5 and in my spare time I'm trying to cram as much 3D/programming stuff in as well as writing my dissertation and starting one of my final modules.


As for the first point, the reason why I wasn't impressed with it?


Although it felt like a solid framework, it just didn't grab me much at all.


Apart from the technical and user problems I had (which to be fair are minor), there just wasn't any "holy shit" moments that I'd had in MW1/2.


It felt like it was trying to create loads... but none of them came off.


Also, what the fuck is with the... spoiler mode.


What's with the "twist" in the story?


That that guy was killed and then part of my characters psychosis.


It was allued to constantly throughout the game, and then "revealed" in a dramatic way.


I think I was meant to be sitting back going, "Oh my God that shit be DEEP!".


But it was obvious.


And then I had to walk dazed for around 10 minutes with memories coming back (I guess making me even more "amazed") that were all obvious or uninspiring.


And then, to top it all off that guy (I really don't do names well, Hudson?) came and punched me and explained that I'd been reprogrammed and that that guy didn't exist.


One last time, explain it to me again.


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OK so basically the situation is is that I really want to play this now. I can trade in my absolutely shit phone for 35 quid, which basically covers the cost for this.


Is it 40 quid in GAME?


I may just hold out though tbh.


I'll sell it to you for... £32!

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