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Top ten necessary sequels

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Four Swords was great! Too bad you needed all the extra stuff for it (GBA and cables). I wish they would release a new one, but then it would need online 'cause otherwise I would never have three other people to play with (and that's the most fun way!). =P

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That was Shadows of the Empire? They had the exact same level in Rogue Leader (Hoth). Hmm, a bit disappointed by that relevation.


My apologies, Moogle.




I think most Star Wars games that involve flying/vehicles also have the Hoth level.

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Shadows of the Empire (96 and 97 depending on version.

All the Rouge Squad/Leader/Squadron games, starting 98.



Those are the only ones around the same time. Later on though there were RTS's (just not the same feeling though) and the Battlefront games and and so on.


So really just those two, but the battle has definitely become more prevalent.

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Test Drive Unlimited. The first one had such a good idea but did it badly. I'd like to see it with better, more arcadey handling but the same sort of setup as the first. Better buyable houses would be a plus too and actually being able to see peoples avatars too so that there's actually a point to buying new clothes for them.


God damn that game could have been awesome.

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This exists!


Although I'm guessing maybe your longer post would have explained wanting a sequel more like the original?


Yeah my longer post basically explains it, hence why I was so pissed off >_>


But basically I want one in the similar style of that of the first one, 4 player game with a rich environment and just really fun. The DS's are all good, but I want one on the home system. The DS port was a joke and the new one has really nothing to do with the series for what it was.

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Test Drive Unlimited. The first one had such a good idea but did it badly. I'd like to see it with better, more arcadey handling but the same sort of setup as the first. Better buyable houses would be a plus too and actually being able to see peoples avatars too so that there's actually a point to buying new clothes for them.o


God damn that game could have been awesome.


It's due out at the end of this year.

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Test Drive Unlimited. The first one had such a good idea but did it badly. I'd like to see it with better, more arcadey handling but the same sort of setup as the first. Better buyable houses would be a plus too and actually being able to see peoples avatars too so that there's actually a point to buying new clothes for them.


God damn that game could have been awesome.


I thought it was shit.

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As that video said, I will die a happy, happy man if we ever get a worthy sequel to Eternal Darkness. It's one of my top all time games. Just excellent in almost every way for me.


Mcj: I loved RE:0. I know it's got a lot of hate, but I really, really liked it. With the item dropping and the ability to switch between characters, I thought it was quite awesome. Clearly a lot of thought went into it. It probably didn't have the best story, but it had this charm which I was drawn to.


The other game I want a sequel for is Killer 7. Now that's definitely up there as one of my favourite gaming experiences. Better still, give it to us with Wiimote controls, more chapters and more awesomeness.


I really fear for Starfox. I don't know why Nintendo hasn't given us a true sequel to Lylat Wars. I haven't played Assault, and maybe I will enjoy it when I get around to it. But, stop pissing about Nintendo. Does anybody actually want these on-foot missions? Starfox on the SNES and 64 was purely about the flying. You know those dogfights in space from the first three StarWars films? THAT is what we want from Starfox. I played Command on the DS and it turned out to be a huge disappointment for me. The strategy element killed the game for me - I just wanted to get "into" the game, the actual space dogfighting part of the came, without all of this "foreplay" ahead of it. Put me right off.


I get what your saying about Starfox Command but I do wonder if thats the best we are going to see from the series. It was worked on by Q Games and Dylan Cuthbert who worked on the original and they did apparently take stuff from Starfox 2 and put it in it. I didn't mind the Command stuff but I did only pay £5 for the game as I imported the JPN version.

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Test Drive Unlimited. The first one had such a good idea but did it badly. I'd like to see it with better, more arcadey handling but the same sort of setup as the first. Better buyable houses would be a plus too and actually being able to see peoples avatars too so that there's actually a point to buying new clothes for them.


God damn that game could have been awesome.


It's coming!



The sequels I'd like to see are:


Perfect Dark 2

Not a prequel. A sequel. And this game should contain all the features that the original did (PDZ had nearly no features from the original). And of course some nice, realistic graphics, rather than the toony characters of PDZ.


Shenmue 3

Running on the Yakuza engine. ENOUGH SAID!



Containing all the vehicles from the previous games, plus a few new ones.


Need for Speed: High Stakes 2

NFS:HS is my fave NFS game of all time. As a matter of fact, it's one of my fave racers! Better graphics, more cars, some improvements. But all the modes, trachs and features should be carried over!

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It's coming!



The sequels I'd like to see are:


Perfect Dark 2

Not a prequel. A sequel. And this game should contain all the features that the original did (PDZ had nearly no features from the original). And of course some nice, realistic graphics, rather than the toony characters of PDZ.


Shenmue 3

Running on the Yakuza engine. ENOUGH SAID!



Containing all the vehicles from the previous games, plus a few new ones.


Need for Speed: High Stakes 2

NFS:HS is my fave NFS game of all time. As a matter of fact, it's one of my fave racers! Better graphics, more cars, some improvements. But all the modes, trachs and features should be carried over!


We defintely need a new Pilotwings and the sky diving section from Wii Sports Resort only makes me hanker for it even more.

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Naaaaah! Being an N64 launch title, SOTE holds a special place in my heart. However, after the first level (Hoth), the game was pretty bad. A sequel would need to do a lot of stuff differently and better.


Wompa stompa!


Well I believe it's still the only Star Wars product which has made Boba Fett one of it's main characters.


That alone makes it bad ass.

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Good call on 4 swords Zell, easily in my top 10 games of all time. How we haven't seen a DS/wiiware version is beyond me. GC version was obviously gonna sell poorly given how much you needed to play it but geez it was incredible :)


I remember the Infiltration of Hyrule Castle level, stunning.

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Didn't see the video, and a lot has already been mentioned but yeah.


First: weirdly enough, I did enjoy Star Wars SotE.. Not for its gameplay, because I hated the bosses, always defeated them using cheap tactics. But purely for the atmosphere. Even when the gameplay consisted of the occasional boring stormtrooper popping up around the corner of a long uninteresting hallway of some temple, the atmosphere, for me, was always there. And yeah, we've seen plenty of Hoth, but I can never get enough of it. Which each rendition it becomes even better. I do not require a sequel however.


- Starfox (I agree): I want a "true" sequel too. Assault comes closest, and was generally enjoyable, but has plenty of mistakes. I did not really enjoy Adventures (should've been Dinosaur Planet), and I just can't get into Command for various reasons. I'm actually not opposed to on-foot action (that has been available since the N64), my main problem with Assault was the lack of giant memorable bosses for each mission, but on-foot should be dealt with differently. Mainly, it should be a means to get to other vehicles/aircraft, or an option for those who do like to seek out alternative routes and explore. Imagine, starting a mission, but you start on-foot (3rd or 1st person, whatever your preference, mine is 1st), on the Great Fox, and you can go directly to the hangar and take your Arwing out, or you can hang around for a while, manning Great Fox's cannons and help your teammates from there. Great Fox flies a predetermined path, and your teammates have better AI, also because 4-player (online) co-op should be available. Difficulty should be adjusted accordingly. No dinosaurs, no fucking fuel. Classic/Cube controller compatable. Plenty classic arcade on-rails mission, few open-area, some space-based, some planet/spacestation based so tank becomes available, and a few open area missions where on-foot becomes a viable option for those who'd like to. End each mission which a giant epic boss. There.


I'll make the rest shorter ;).


- Eternal Darkness (I agree):

One of my favourite games on the Cube, finished it completely (3 times). Like I've posted in the Red Steel 3 thread, I don't really see the benefit of the vitality sensor, but if there's a game who could benefit from it, this is it. Keep the sanity mechanics (there's plenty new stuff you could do, imagine the speaker on your remote for example), and add some psychological profiling like Silent Hill. Now that would be a mindfuck. Show us where the yellow magick comes from.


- Zelda 4 swords (I agree):

I like the concept, but never got to play it properly. How to remedy this: online and on wiiware please. And keep the DS functionality for local.


- Metroid Prime hunters:

Many disagree, but I love (the concept of) this Metroid spin-off. It's simply the only real franchise Nintendo has for this kind of multiplayer action. Bring it to Wii, because, although they did great job making the controls work on DS, it's still not very practical. Wii controls however are perfect. Give us some Nintendo branded FPS multiplayer action!


- Zack & Wiki (I agree):

Because they're so damn cool. And we need more newskool point & click.


- Deus Ex:

Oh hey, we're getting this one. I hope it's good. The first was fantastic, haven't gotten around playing the prequel.


- Banjo Threeie (I agree):

Haven't played Nuts & Bolts, but it doesn't seem like something I'd want from a Banjo Kazooie game. I've wanted one since Tooie. If they ever make one, I'll finally buy an X-Box (but strangely enough I've already got my gamertag ready :P)


- Super Mario Bros 4:

I love the New Super Mario Bros games, but a direct continuation of Super Mario Bros 3 in 8-bit style like Megaman 9 and 10, would really make my day.


- Command & Conquer 5:

4's supposed to be the last one, and I haven't played it yet, but it already seems to be a disappointing finale, because they chose the last one to experiment with the gameplay. They should've brought back Generals or something for their experiments. Fix it EA.


- Silent Hill (I agree):

The psychological profiling mechanics were as much part of the gameplay as the story itself in the first (first for the Wii), obviously they can't do that anymore, but they should keep the mechanics for the gameplay, and create a complete new story (no remake of the original sequel, as that wouldn't work I guess with "our" first being so different). To bring back the horror and combine it with the psychological profiling, the obvious solution is to profile our phobias. Afraid of the dark? Spiders? Small spaces? Heights? The game keeps track of it and makes sure you'll have to confront your fears quite literally sooner or later.


I'm sure there's plenty more, but I've bored you long enough ;).

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- Silent Hill (I agree):

The psychological profiling mechanics were as much part of the gameplay as the story itself in the first (first for the Wii), obviously they can't do that anymore, but they should keep the mechanics for the gameplay, and create a complete new story (no remake of the original sequel, as that wouldn't work I guess with "our" first being so different). To bring back the horror and combine it with the psychological profiling, the obvious solution is to profile our phobias. Afraid of the dark? Spiders? Small spaces? Heights? The game keeps track of it and makes sure you'll have to confront your fears quite literally sooner or later.


I'm sure there's plenty more, but I've bored you long enough ;).


That's a brilliant idea. Write to Climax suggesting it! :D

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It's coming!


It's due out at the end of this year.


Fucking what?! I'm horribly out of the loop.


I thought it was shit.


I liked the concept, just hated the handling and level design. I know it was based on a real island, but it was still shit. Random bumps half way round a corner does not make a good race track.


I loved the fact that it was basically a millionaire simulator, without all the boring nonsense of actually earning the money/buying thousands of lottery tickets. Plus seeing other drivers and being able to challenge them in free roam was a nice touch.


I'd like to see in the sequel (I've not seen anything on it so some may already be there)


A decent level.

Actually being able to buy houses instead of everyone having the same selection of houses.

Being able to walk round. Maybe in houses/bars/McDonalds car park.


Basically a cross between a racing game and PlayStation Home (but not shit).



Edit: Just checked the website. The walking around bit is in. Excellent.

Edited by Goafer
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I wish you hadn't.

Sometimes I get the feeling that, particularly my longer posts don't get read.. I guess they do, so thanks ;).


I'm keeping my ideas for a new Zelda to myself though. They're too awesome. :D


Actually if you do that. Don't suggest spiders. Please.

I take it you didn't play Deadly Creatures.. Your loss ;).


Heheh, I'm doing [research] as we speak (well, type). And it suggests arachnophobia is required ;). Although I've seen a few top 10s now, and none include fear of the dark. And some aren't suitable for my ideas, fear of public speaking, fear of flying.. But yeah, I may send an elebarote e-mail to Climax one day ;).

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