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Mission mode is solid! It doesn't help trying to use the d-pad on the 360 pad either. :(


I've said it once and I'll say it again...


Why the hell even bother trying to use the piss-poor d-pad on the Xbox 360 controller when you can buy a fightpad for £12 - £18 that has one of the best d-pad's around and has a layout that actually makes sense for fighting games... :blank:


Seriously, since buying one I use it for every fighting title and any arcade title that requires a precise d-pad, to anyone who doesn't have one I'd just say 'buy eeeeet!' it's worth every penny. : peace:

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Posted (edited)
Nah, i'm not that hardcore. I only end up learning just enough moves to get me through the single player as I rarely go online for competitive matches, same with any game I play really.


But... surely it's not about being hardcore, just wanting a decent d-pad? :heh: I'm just surprised that more people haven't picked one up for fighters and arcade games being that they can be found quite cheaply now and are very reliable/useful. :)


I only learn enough moves to get me through as well - currently working my way through all the arcade endings - but if I'd have been using the 360 d-pad to do this then I'm sure my left thumb would have been wrecked by now... :laughing: so it's partly about the comfort level too.

Edited by S.C.G
But... surely it's not about being hardcore, just wanting a decent d-pad? :heh: I'm just surprised that more people haven't picked one up for fighters and arcade games being that they can be found quite cheaply now and are very reliable/useful. :)


I only learn enough moves to get me through as well - currently working my way through all the arcade endings - but if I'd have been using the 360 d-pad to do this then I'm sure my left thumb would have been wrecked by now... :laughing: so it's partly about the comfort level too.


Got a link to the pad you bought?


Just picked this up for the 360 (was £32.97 in ASDA) and I'll give it a whirl later on but I know I'll have difficulty with the d-pad. I'm hoping using the stick is decent enough, although it's not my preferred method of use for fighting games (outside of the original Soul Calibur as the Dreamcast's d-pad was terrible).

Posted (edited)

^ It's called a Fightpad, if you're ordering online than you can get them from Play I believe but if you want high-street then try HMV as that's where I got my second pad from for £12... they seem to seell certain designs cheaper than the rest - Street Fighter themed - so it's worth a look.


Edit - http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/4-/8777691/Street-Fighter-IV-Xbox-360-FightPad-Controller-Ryu/Product.html?ptsl=1&ob=Price&fb=0&searchstring=fightpad&searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0&urlrefer=search


That's the cheapest one on Play which is £27.00 :/ now that's about what I paid for mine when it was new around a year or two ago, it is worth that price but like I say... in HMV in-store they were selling them at TWO for £30 so it is worth looking or checking their site.

Edited by S.C.G

Think I'll have a look for one of those pads tomorrow. Not that it's unplayable with the 360 pad, it's just the d-pad is horribly designed and using the analogue stick just doesn't feel right.


Had a run through on Arcade, my first, earlier and picked a random team which consisted of Wolverine, Zero and C. Viper. Was doing ok but then took ages to take down a team of Wesker, Dr. Doom and C. Viper and then even longer to take down Galactus. The latter was ridiculous at times with some of his attacks (and this was on normal) even though I took down the Wesker/Dormannu (or whatever his name is) easily.


Could definitely tell its been awhile since I played a fighting game (couple of months since I last played Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom) so I still need to get my mind back into the mindset needed to string together combos with the normal controls setup (Not gonna bother with Simple setup as I don't need it simplified) and also need to try everyone out to see who best fits my play style (Wolverine and C. Viper played how I liked, fast and able to string together swift combos). Wish the Baroque and Mega Crash moves had been included in this as they were great in TvsC but there's plenty of other techniques that make up for it.


Alternatively the rotating d-pad controller is coming out soon, and I should have one courtesy of Microsoft in a few weeks. I have a fightpad as well so it'll be interesting to see which I prefer!

Posted (edited)
Alternatively the rotating d-pad controller is coming out soon, and I should have one courtesy of Microsoft in a few weeks. I have a fightpad as well so it'll be interesting to see which I prefer!


Isn't it going to be stupidly expensive though?

Edited by flameboy
Isn't it going to be stupidly expensive though?


It's official and by Microsoft so of course it will be... :p


Having said that though I am curious about the new Xbox 360 controller with a supposedly proper d-pad so I await your feedback on the pad with baited breath Dyson :) though I still don't expect it to fully replace my fightpad even though the 360 pad has rumble which is tempting in itself though I've kind of got used to just not having it...

  • 4 months later...

Not unexpected....


Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will debut at Comic Con in San Diego next weekend, according to insider sources.


An anonymous tipster for comic site The Quarter Bin claims that the title is an expanded version of this year's crossover brawler. There will be 12 new characters included, bringing the roster up to a total of 50 fighters.


The source doesn't reveal who those might be, but given that Frank West and Doctor Octopus files were spotted on the original disc, they seem likely inclusions.


The title will apparently be a similar release to Super Street Fighter IV, suggesting you can expect a budget price tag.


As spotted by Siliconera earlier this week, the listing for Capcom's Comic Con presentation in the show schedule adds further fuel to the fire.


"Fighting fans! Come to this panel to hear the fantastic news about this legendary fighting game franchise straight from producer Ryota Niitsuma," it reads.


The panel kicks off at 7.00pm UK time on Saturday 23rd June for those who wish to mark their diaries.




ULTIMATE ROSTER: Twelve new legends from Marvel and Capcom join the fray, bringing the total roster of characters up to 50.

MORE LEGENDS: Includes the first fighting game appearance of some of the most iconic and celebrated characters from the Marvel and Capcom universes, including Strider and Firebrand from the Capcom side and Ghost Rider and Hawkeye from the Marvel universe.

NEWLY BALANCED: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 offers re-balanced gameplay that will provide accessible depth for both newcomers and pros alike.

ENHANCED MODES: After many fan requests, Spectator mode is now available as part of an overall improved online experience along with other new modes and enhancements.



Trailer at the Amazon link.




All 12 leaked characters





Strider Hiryu

Phoenix Wright



Frank West




Ghost Rider

Dr Strange

Iron Fist

Rocket Racoon




Mega hyped for this, really enjoy playing MvC3 but felt that there wasn't enough characters. Strange they haven't included Megaman, Venom or Gambit though, fan demand was fairly high for them.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Phoenix Wright and Nova Revealed!



Phoenix Wright Theme


Nova Theme



Note 1: Air X-Factor is available now.


Note 2: X-Factor offensive power and the amount of time it is active has been adjusted on a per-character basis.


Before, X-Factor had a minimum damage scaling level of 50%. That has been lowered to 35%, allowing greater scaling.


Note 3: Team Aerial Combos can steal one of an opponent's Hyper meters if you choose to activate it horizontally.


Note 4: A new feature to starting aerial combos. Hold down the S button to automatically super jump towards the opponent after you launch them into the air. You can turn this off in the options.


Note 5: After correctly countering a Team Aerial Combo, it is now possible for you to counterattack.


Note 6: After a Snapback, the amount of time that the snapped in character cannot call assists has been increased.


Note 7: Now, no character can block during their air dashes.


Note 8: Overall meter building has been reduced to around 90% of what it was before.


Note 9: Before when you struck an assist character in a combo, you could take advantage of their knockdown status to continue combos of a repeated nature. The amount of time that you can do this has been decreased.


Note 10: All characters who have 8-way dashes have had theirs slowed down.




Edited by Dante

I was mega hyped for Phoenix Wright and Capcom didn't disappoint, looks really fun to play as!


Just Rocket Raccoon and Frank West left to be shown off now then!


Marvel: Turn this game into Super Smash Bros Brawl!

Capcom: Eh..okay.


A totally new way to play the game. Add abilities using cards, ala Gems or System Direction. Abilities include Parry, Assist Super Armor, XFactor Blowback, Dizzying Attacks, Projectile Invincibility, Special cancels into Specials, Invisibility, etc. Over 100 cards, equip 3 at once, 1.12 million total combinations.


Mode playable online. Battle online as clans in one-week events. Earn cards playing offline. Mode is free DLC post-launch. Howard the Duck is a card. We'd like to speculate that Vita players will be able to trade cards, since "additional Vita functionality" was teased but not announced.

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