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Mountain Dew UK Relaunch

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Dew + Vodka is nice. I can't believe it's never made it in the UK. It's just like any other soft drink here. Very common.


I suppose its a lot like 7Up/Sprite so people think why bother ::shrug: maybe?


Its okay. Not particularly fussed. Had a few in Tokyo where you could get a bottle for around 70p. Will probably be double that here.

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If you're willing to be bathed in it certain sites will pay quite handsomely.




How dare you ruin the glory of Gin with the mediocrity of Vodka.


Wasn't my idea :heh: But yes, Gin is possibly my favourite drink, love it. Unfortunately whenever there are student nights a gin and tonic will always cost significantly more than a vodka/coke so unless its triples for singles it's Gin and lemonades for me!

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We had it and then... we lost it. I actually suspect a really long term marketing ploy exists where you stop producing something in one country for 10 years then relaunch it with an extra 20p on the price (on top of inflation) and sell a shit load to people who've convinced themselves they miss it.


Something like that really wouldn't surprise me for PepsiCo. It is PepsiCo that make it right?



I suppose its a lot like 7Up/Sprite so people think why bother ::shrug: maybe?


I agree it's very similar but is something extra in it, I'm not sure what. I imagine something starting with E followed by many numbers.

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I've bought this in Japan a few times and also once or twice in England and it's okay I guess. Not entirely sure what all the fuss is about though. Oddly last time I had it I looked over the ingredients, and it seems to contain loads of orange juice, which I can't stand on its own (or oranges for that matter). Not keen on Sprite/7up/lemonade either. Might drink this occasionally if it's not too expensive.

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Mountain Dew was awesome back in the day. Wonder if it still tastes as pr0 as it once did.

Something like that really wouldn't surprise me for PepsiCo. It is PepsiCo that make it right?

It appears so, plus they remixed the title:

On October 15, 2008, Mountain Dew's official logo was redesigned to "Mtn Dew", from a PepsiCo rebranding of core products.

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I've never had it, but it sounds a bit odd of a name to call an energy drink chock full of chemicals. Sounds more like the name of a mineral water brand.


I'll probably try it if i see it, now that i know it's got such a fan base.

*is curious*

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Lucky Charms isnt available worldwide? Lunacy.
It used to be available here but the sugar:cereal ratio was too much for us. Children were hyper for 32 hours straight!


Anyone ever try the lidl energy drinks? they're keeping me through my end of year projects... crate after crate of cheapness

We got Emerge at netto - dirt cheap and does the job.

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Well with the dew petitions finally working, about time the internet puts lucky charms as its next target? I personally think the Pokemon Cereal version needs to make a re-entry and have a marshmallow for every mon' guaranteed in the box, so we dont get jipped like some boxes of Lucky Charms having fuck all mallows.

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Well with the dew petitions finally working, about time the internet puts lucky charms as its next target? I personally think the Pokemon Cereal version needs to make a re-entry and have a marshmallow for every mon' guaranteed in the box, so we dont get jipped like some boxes of Lucky Charms having fuck all mallows.


Fuck all that shit, where's my Jolly Ranchers at?


I haven't sucked on a Jolly Rancher for ages. LOL FTW TBF etc

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