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At the moment though only one company offers 4G, soon there'll be competition and maybe not long after better prices.


Call me cynical but I can't see this happening for a while. Perhaps undercut a bit but if people are paying a certain price for 4G I'd imagine the other providers would charge around that price and take a bigger slice for the time being.

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Competition is pretty stiff now and expectations have changed. I don't imagine that it would take anywhere near too long for 4G to become reasonably priced...people want mobile internet like never before. Mainstream usually means reasonable deals/competition/driving down prices etc.

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Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, has anyone tried the Swiftkey Flow Beta? It's fucking incredible!


The only problem i've had is it won't let me predict swear words, i have to put them in myself....but other than that, it's amazing!

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The only problem i've had is it won't let me predict swear words, i have to put them in myself....but other than that, it's amazing!


Type it in and tap on the prediction for the correct swear word - it will be then be added to the dictionary.

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Bought an issue of Retro Gamer and Games tm to see what it's like. Not great on my phone, screens too small. :P Will check it out on my Nexus 7 later today.


Just need the ability to buy TV shows (and more movie support would be nice) now.

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Bought an issue of Retro Gamer and Games tm to see what it's like. Not great on my phone, screens too small. :P Will check it out on my Nexus 7 later today.


Buy a subscription. The vast majority have 14 or 30 day trials. Then make a note to remember to cancel it.


I like the "text" version feature, makes articles really easy to read.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I now have to install Google Play Services in order to use their YouTube app, load of balls. It's also needed for others, and a popup made me think it could be needed for Gmail too, but I installed it now so I won't see what else it is needed for and I am too lazy to Google it. The idea of this extra, and quite large, app rubs me the wrong way and makes me wary.

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So I now have to install Google Play Services in order to use their YouTube app, load of balls. It's also needed for others, and a popup made me think it could be needed for Gmail too, but I installed it now so I won't see what else it is needed for and I am too lazy to Google it. The idea of this extra, and quite large, app rubs me the wrong way and makes me wary.


Wary of what?

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Does anyone use Swiftkeys?


I installed it earlier as i found the default samsung keyboard was having difficulty with my fat thumbs and the R key


Well about 10 min after installing it, i unlocked my phone (which uses a pin and used the default numerik keypad) and got a message about the SD card being unmounted, and the remount option was greyed out


since then it seems to unmount my SDcard randomly, which i can only assume is due to Swiftkeys. A scan of their website revealed in march a few similar issues on HTC desires and some Motorolas, which it seemed to happen when using the keyboard


So think it is Swiftkeys? and potentially related to some sort of conflict where unlocking using the samsung keyboard, then having to switch to swiftkey is causing a bug? or just a huge coincidence? Anyone had similar issues with apps?


currently monitoring it, and will play with altering lock screens, reformatting and then removing the app (maybe not in that order)

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I vaguely remember something like that happening a while back with SwiftKey... It turned out to be something like the app was being stored on the sd card which confused it. I can't really remember though, it may not be a similar problem at all. SwiftKey is awesome though, I'm using it right now!

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i think it was some sort of issue fith firmware versions and swiftkey versions

my android was ICS, but it seems a new update was out i didnt have installed, and swiftkey was obviously updated for this latest firmware.

so i reformatted the sd card, updated firmware and rebooted and suddenly normal again

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Nexus 4 arrived today. Got my shipping email this morning, checked the tracking and it said it was out for delivery. It's a very nice looking phone.


Edit: Urgh, mine has a warm screen.

Edited by Ike
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My Nexus 4 started acting weird last night.


First it wouldn't connect to my wifi, even though it had been connected earlier on the day and other devices were connected.


Rebooted the phone and straight away it said some process had stopped, my background wasn't showing up and the phone was slow, the quick settings pull down showed my battery was 0% even though it wasn't. Had to force the phone to shutdown twice before it went back to normal.


Next noticed the ear piece buzzes and crackles which it didn't a couple of days ago because I checked, and it's quite loud now.


The rumble seems a bit... weak. Not sure how to describe it but it mostly just sounds like the motor running, doesn't seem the same as my Nexus S anyway.


Anyone else with these issues?

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I've had the WiFi problem, just seems to stop working despite being connected to the router. I have had a message saying a service has stopped but haven't had it recently. As for the others I haven't had them.


How did you fix your wifi, mine still won't connect?

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Have you told the phone to forget the network and try reconnect again?


Yep. Got 2 routers and it won't connect to either. Reset one of them and setup a new connection with no security and it still wouldn't connect. My Nexus S could.


Might take it work tomorrow and test it (not used it as a phone yet, waiting for new sim card).


Getting the system process is not responding quite a lot when I restart the phone so it's probably going to end up being sent back.

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