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Unique would certainly be the word to describe the N9. It's going to flop. Badly. Nokia knows it, the networks know it and the retailers know it. Is any network actually running it? Last I heard they weren't and the only way to get one was SIM-free.


Still, it's certainly got support from bedroom nerds, so there's a good chance of some powerful software (that you need a compsci degree to understand how to use) hitting the device.

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It already is to be honest, it won’t be sold in a lot of countries it seems. Yeah, future support is questionable indeed, but I’m really drawn to those unique type of phones. Design wise it’s ok, spec wise it’s good apparently (but not top of the line), but the interface is great. I wish Nokia would’ve given its OS alternative a bigger chance, but alas.

Personally I don’t care about aps, all I need is a calling ability (really), and some internet that is better than on my 3-4 year old phone. And the sim-free availability is only a good thing in my opinion.


If I’d be in the market for a phone right now, this would be a great contender, along with the Iphone 4. But it’ll have to wait for several months.

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Interesting. Google have purchased Motorola. Android will remain open source as always, but Google are planning to use this to work a lot on the user interface. There also seem to be patent reasons behind the purchase.

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It seems I might be entering the world of both smartphones and Android. Is there a good beginner's guide to what's cool to do and have on an android phone? I know bugger all about them, but I'm taking Eddage's DesireHD off his hands and looking to source a giffgaff SIM as well.

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Swiftkey X


I've been using this keyboard for the last month or so (it was the Amazon Free App of the Day) and I really just want to say how good it is. Now, the default theme is ugly but luckily there's a couple of other themes.


First of all, the keyboard is well laid out and having a number/symbol in all keys is very helpful. The symbol page itself is also very nice - the left side has decent-sized number buttons in a kaypad layout with lots of symbols on the right. There's also another page with lesser-used symbols and arrow buttons for navigating text.


The main thing about it is how it analyses how you type. You start off by letting it read your emails/facebook/twitter/text messages (all this is optional) and as you use it more and more it learns how you type. Unlike most keyboards, this isn't just learning single words - it learns how you type together. So after you type the first word, it gives you three options for the next word before you even start typing. Just press that word and it'll put it in and load the next three guesses.


Small example: My name.


On the keypad all I have to do it


1. Type in "de"

2. Click "Dean"

3. Click "Jones".


And I've typed my name in four presses. Any phrases you use often will become very easy to do (which also means you'll notice how often you use some phrases). It also remembers capitalisation - so if you use a word a lot with a capitol it will be there without you needing to press the shift button. It's £2.43ish but I really do think it's worth it. You may not notice much at first but you'll suddenly notice just how fast you start typing.

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Aye, was looking at/for keyboards today and saw that for a few quid. For now have opted for something a little more free for the future running, actually gone with the rather unorthodox looking/working MessagEase. SwiftKey does sound interesting, but not sure I wanna pay something to learn more than it needs to know about me :P

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Yeah I love swype too. They're rolling out a new update soon. Had an email inviting me to update it (which I'll do later) but guess its going public soon.


The update makes use of the swype button itself so you can swipe from that to the 'x' key to cut, 'c' to copy, 'p' to paste. And you can also go from the swype button to 'G', "M' for google maps, or 'T', 'W' (I think, or maybe just 'T') for Twitter.


Plus personalised dictionaries finally as my swype never seems to learn words.

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Sense 3.0 is from the Sensation and onwards. Or via custom roms.


The 3Dness is pointless and a slight hog on resources the lockscreen is great. There is a copy on the marketplace. I'll try to find what it's called.

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I thought you just thought it was a good phone. Not that you had it.


I absolutely love it. The apps that people complain on the appstore that don't work on this and that phone, they always work for me. It's quick, it's snappy, it just works exactly like I want it to all the time. Actually it does sometimes not connect to 3G for no reason and if I turn off 3G and then back on, it works again.

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Despite the one-sided wording of the article - this is actually pretty good news for Samsung/Android and is certainly not a victory for Apple. Out of all the patent claims (including the look of Samsung's phones/tablets) the only one that the EU backed Apple on was a patent on how the gallery app worked. A few of Apple's patents were revoked because they had been done before. There's an injunction which will block all offending products that will come into place in October..by which the app would be updated so it complies with the patent. So Samsung won't have any problems continuing to sell their phones/tablets.

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As tempted as I was to create a brand new thread, I thought i'd post this here:


Google TV is headed to the UK within 6 months.


For those not aware, Google TV is powered by Android - with an upgrade to Honeycomb expected soon and Eric Schmidt hinting at a redesign also. Reviews, so far, have been pretty average so far (in the States), but Google TV does show promise - with 100s of listings on UK screens, existing EPGs are just not useful - internet style search has to be the way forward.




Google TV

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