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Copper cleared of assault


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If it was on CCTV then it cant have been that clear cut. If someone was gobbing off at your mate and he then made no effort to leave at all, or he walked over to the guy and punched him first. Then i can see why he could get charged. Either that or he had less-than-[original adjective] lawyers. If however it was on camera and your mate was minding his own buisness and he tried to either leave or the guy came over and sqaured up to him then h would but well withing his rights. It could be hard to argue in court. Also depends on what witness say in court as well, if they are lieing or not. CCTV dosent have sound and isnt that [original adjective] quality so witness will have been a lot more important in your friends case.


Oh christ Chair has possessed Danny.


EDIT: How come it shows up in Danny's post but not in my quote?


EDIT2: He never even said stunning did he?

Edited by MoogleViper
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To tell the truth the officer acted in quite a calm manner compared his American counterparts. Constantly seeing stories popping up on the web about people being clubbed to death, blind people being tasered, people getting hospitalised. Fortunately we haven't got to that state yet in the UK. But the US indoctrination is strong within us.

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The dirty little greebo soapdodger got exactly what she deserved. If it had been me there, I'd have stepped on her neck after knocking her to the ground.


She obviously wanted to provoke some sort of response, she would have got a better one from me.

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True, she was an imbecile. Then again, if imbecility is to be treated with aggression rather than a despairing sense of pity...then we may as well do away with the majority of the worlds population. She seems like a disorderly tit, but I think it would have been a bigger victory for the Law if that officer hadn't reacted in a way that could be construed in any way as vengeful (which it seems like it was). Of course, then this whole story would probably have gone unnoticed, although it's better to be unnoticed rather than reviled.

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I may try this. Somebody verbally attack me, allow me to hit you with a stick and watch as i don't get away with it when i get arrested for assault. The reason i shall use is "self defence, that Police officer in the news got away with it". I bet it won't be good enough.

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I may try this. Somebody verbally attack me, allow me to hit you with a stick and watch as i don't get away with it when i get arrested for assault. The reason i shall use is "self defence, that Police officer in the news got away with it". I bet it won't be good enough.


I think its a little bit different... Police officers are doing their job, they don't deserve to get abuse for it. Someone is causing problems they are in the right to stop it. Well maybe a baton wasn't necessary, but that's not really up to us to say is it?



If the officer in question maintained the protocols in place I don't see what's wrong. This bloody stupid americanised sue culture we live in is pathetic. People need to freakin' wise up and actually act like respectable people. Then maybe we'd have a few less problems.

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I may try this. Somebody verbally attack me, allow me to hit you with a stick and watch as i don't get away with it when i get arrested for assault. The reason i shall use is "self defence, that Police officer in the news got away with it". I bet it won't be good enough.


Do you reguarly leave the house warmed with a weapon? Do you reguarly cary out a weapons handling test on that said weapon? DO you reguarly undertae training on the rulesof engamnet escualtion drills? Are you in a profesion with extra powers allowing you to use a weapon to protect yourself and others as you are put in confrontaional situations on behalf of the state? NO? Then i doubt it would stand up in court.

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That really made me laugh.


Anything I could add to this has already been said really. I have a sort of natural disposition that means my reaction is to think of the woman as completely innocent and the officer as an evil, authoritarian bastard, but that's not quite the case here.

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My oppnion on this is that he did what he thought was appropriate at the time.

He may have hit her a bit harder than was needed, but he did push her away multiple times and she was going at him aggressivly.

I feel that me and many other people would have reacted that way given the circumstances.


I may try this. Somebody verbally attack me, allow me to hit you with a stick and watch as i don't get away with it when i get arrested for assault. The reason i shall use is "self defence, that Police officer in the news got away with it". I bet it won't be good enough.

It wasn't just a verbal attack was it?

She was getting up close to him, and repeatedly came back.

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Seems like an utter piss take to me. Police officers get abuse from lairy drunks almost every night of the week yet rarely do you see police battering people outside of clubs for being mouthy. It just wouldn't be accepted, yet suddenly it's fine behaviour because it's at a protest and it was just a radical lefty who got hurt so who cares. Also I find it hard to believe an armed police officer backed up by whole unit feared for his safety from a small woman with an orange carton.


We also don't know the full background to this. From most of what I've seen and heard the police at the protests were acting in an extremely heavy handed and unnecessary manner towards the protesters essentially provoking the reaction of this woman.

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Seems like an utter piss take to me. Police officers get abuse from lairy drunks almost every night of the week yet rarely do you see police battering people outside of clubs for being mouthy. It just wouldn't be accepted, yet suddenly it's fine behaviour because it's at a protest and it was just a radical lefty who got hurt so who cares. Also I find it hard to believe an armed police officer backed up by whole unit feared for his safety from a small woman with an orange carton.


We also don't know the full background to this. From most of what I've seen and heard the police at the protests were acting in an extremely heavy handed and unnecessary manner towards the protesters essentially provoking the reaction of this woman.


Em i have honestly lost count of the number of times i have seen polie officers hitting leairy people outside of pubs and clubs. But then again the street where all the clubs are here is called the Gaza strip for a reason.


And it was the protester who provoked the reaction. She was gobbing off etc. You also dont know what she might have ahd in her hand. True story a friend of mine passed out of marine training, first draft was to fleet protection group RM in faslane guarding the submarines. Some lefty woman gets inside the wire. He catches her grabs her and has a used sanitry towel thrown in his face. So you cant judge her just because she looks like she might blow away with the next gust of wind.

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Hear his excuse was that he thought she was going to beat him with a carton of orange juice, he should have taken that Monty Python self-defence course.


Can see what's going through his mind when she says "I'm a woman!"

"Oh yeah, the small ones with the weak legs, thanks" - WACK!

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