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Region locking is so backwards for handhelds. Didn't Nintendo themselves once say it made sense to leave portable consoles region free for people that travel?


The DSi is region locked. I don't think they've specifically mentioned anything for the 3DS.


Nintendo hate people who import games.


At E3, Reggie said that it was undecided whether or not region-locking would be implemented. And that's the last we've heard of the matter, nothing has actually been announced in regards to it yet.


And only DSiWare was region-locked, which makes sense, considering the same goes for PSN, XBLA, WiiWare, etc.

The DSi is region locked. I don't think they've specifically mentioned anything for the 3DS.


Nintendo hate people who import games.


Really? Dang, that bothers me. This is just another thing that bothers me immensely about Nintendo. They shut down opportunities to import, yet leave us waiting months for titles. And that's if they even make it over here. Actually, I dunno what the Nintendo Europe releases are like nowadays as I haven't bought a Nintendo game since Mario Galaxy 2 (I think). I remember nightmares, are Nintendo improving?

Really? Dang, that bothers me. This is just another thing that bothers me immensely about Nintendo. They shut down opportunities to import, yet leave us waiting months for titles. And that's if they even make it over here. Actually, I dunno what the Nintendo Europe releases are like nowadays as I haven't bought a Nintendo game since Mario Galaxy 2 (I think). I remember nightmares, are Nintendo improving?


Damn it Hodge, you're missing vital intel!


At E3, Reggie said that it was undecided whether or not region-locking would be implemented. And that's the last we've heard of the matter, nothing has actually been announced in regards to it yet.


And only DSiWare was region-locked, which makes sense, considering the same goes for PSN, XBLA, WiiWare, etc.


Someone really needs to pin down an executive next week and literally beat some useful information from them. The Japanese press have seemingly gained nothing from the past few days.


Level-5 Details 3DS Lineup


Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino took the stage for a stage event on the third and final day of the Nintendo World 2011 event to provide the latest look at his firm's 3DS title lineup, and to also announce a new addition to the lineup.


Taking up the most time was Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, Level-5's launch title. This is currently seeing final work ahead of going gold. Hino boasted that the game will be the best in the series' history. He also provided a recap of the game's story, which has you playing in two time frames: one with the current Professor Layton and one with Layton in high school.


Typical of a Professor Layton game, Miracle Mask will feature a major voice cast. Hino announced that Masachika Ichimura, Michiko Kisechi and Yosuke Yamamoto will be appearing as guest voice actors. Yumi Matsutouya is providing the game's theme song "Mysterious Flower." Hino said that the game's ending, with the theme song, will make you cry.


Miracle Mask's development staff is three times the size of past titles in the series, Hino also revealed.


Level-5's other 3DS titles didn't get as much time, but Hino did manage to make a few notable announcements. Here's a look at what was said about each game:


Fantasy Life


Hino described this as a new type of game that uses ad-hoc and Street Pass to make you feel like you're playing in the same world as multiple other players, similar to an online game. It's a game that's played as you communicate with others, explained Hino. Your personal avatar character will meet a large number of other players in a virtual fantasy world.


Kyaba Jo Pi for Nintendo 3DS


Hino described Level-5's 3DS hostess simulator as "the Super Robot Wars of the hostess world," a reference to the many cameo appearances from anime and manga titles. Hino revealed that characters from the Gundam series will appear in the game.


Inazuma Eleven 4th Title


This is a new addition to Level-5's 3DS lineup. Previously, Level-5 announced that the fourth entry in the series was in development, but did not share specifics or a platform. As he formally announced that the game is a 3DS title, Hino joked that most players had probably figured it out in advance.


The game's story will take place ten years in the future from the rest of the series and will show how 11 people, including new main character Tenma Matsukaze, manage to change the soccer world which is in a bad state at the time. Hino also promised new gameplay systems for the new title.


Time Travelers


Hino didn't really say anything new about the Jiro Ishii-directed adventure game. One thing Level-5 is trying to do is show how realistic they can make a world when using 3D output.


Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney


The big surprise from last year's Level-5 Vision press conference got just a bit of time during the stage. Hino described it as "not a gaiden/side story, but akin to two popular anime series having been combined into one movie." Level-5 is the game's publisher, but Hino noted that actual development is being done as a cooperative project between Capcom and Level-5. Ace Attorney designer Shu Takumi is currently working on the game's plot. Hino said that he hopes to make it into a banner title for the 3DS.


Visit 4gamer and Famitsu.com for looks at the stage event. You can also view a recording of the event at Nintendo's event page.

Hino said that the game's ending, with the theme song, will make you cry.


That happened to me during the end credits of Pandora's Box, so tissues won't be enough for this one's ending then:cry:


3DS features a “Game Coins” system


Your Nintendo 3DS is not only a gaming device, it’s also a pedometer. It can track your steps and collect this data within the Activity Log application. But it seems like Nintendo are actively encouraging you to walk around with your 3DS. There’s a “Game Coins” feature built-in to the device that gives you “coins” based on how many steps you take. These coins can then be used to unlock new content in games. You may be thinking “this is stupid!” and yes, you can often trick pedometers without much hassle. But I like that Nintendo is increasing the usefulness of StreetPass mode. If everyone ends up walking around with their 3DS we all get to benefit from its more unique features.

Hopefully there will also be a system which will let you earn Coins in games (a la achievements) if so, then it would be a really good system.


Also, Nintendo plan a steady software supply


I think the 1st Year release dates reflect this - Nintendo's titles seems spread out, rather than having loads together.


3DS is Region-Locked


DS/DS Lite

There are no Region codes in DS and DSlite



But DSI, DSILL,3DS has Regioncodes.


The Region Codes are installed in each games and the 3DS itself.


If the codes dont match

You cant play

If the region codes are different. For example

If you play a korean 3DS game with a Japanese 3DS system

(or vice versa) you wont be able to play at all.

Then you gamers should not buy the system


So I take it you are quite happy with this move then? If so you can sod right off.


It's a freaking handheld! You know, something that one may take on holiday abroad with them and may want to purchase some games while in that country.


The fact that many people who import will miss out on alot of games is a kick in the teeth. I know for a fact I will miss out on ALOT of RPGs because of Nintendo's way of thinking.


Nintendo are just provoking hackers now. Many are already talking about getting a Hombrew up and running once the machine arrives. Who can blame them?

Posted (edited)

Aaaaaaaand I'm pissed.


This is only going to provoke people to flash your system you silly fuckers. You're denying people in markets that won't get certain games to not be able to import them.


Revised Post:


Aaaaaaaand they have really rustled my Jimmy's with this.


This is only going to further provoke people to flash your system. You're denying people in markets that won't get certain games to not be able to import them. And that's terrible.

Edited by Debug Mode

Oh dear. I suppose we'll just have to pray that publishers don't neglect certain releases when it comes to Europe.


This is only going to provoke people to flash your system you silly fuckers. You're denying people in markets that won't get certain games to not be able to import them.


You mean if the system was region-free, they wouldn't have attempted to flash it?


Nintendo are just provoking hackers now. Many are already talking about getting a Hombrew up and running once the machine arrives. Who can blame them?


If the 3DS was region-free, made toast, transformed into a perfect human bride for you and brought peace to the planet, hackers would still attempt to flash it, day one.

If the 3DS was region-free, made toast, transformed into a perfect human bride for you and brought peace to the planet, hackers would still attempt to flash it, day one.


This is very true but as I said this is just provoking people to hack the system.


You mean if the system was region-free, they wouldn't have attempted to flash it?


Ha good point, I should probably rephrase that as 'further provocation'. Pirates gonna pirate and all that.


I'm hoping this is just a misunderstanding or a Japan/Korea thing. Or something that isn't completely ridiculous. I think over half of my DS games are imported.


*Sigh* There's always piracy, I guess.



If the 3DS was region-free, made toast, transformed into a perfect human bride for you and brought peace to the planet, hackers would still attempt to flash it, day one.


As well as tempting people to hack it. It's more tempting for hardcore gamers to find and use the hacks.

Oh dear. I suppose we'll just have to pray that publishers don't neglect certain releases when it comes to Europe.




You mean if the system was region-free, they wouldn't have attempted to flash it?




If the 3DS was region-free, made toast, transformed into a perfect human bride for you and brought peace to the planet, hackers would still attempt to flash it, day one.


I dunno why people joke about it, but i'd fooking love a console with an inbuilt toaster. Instant purchase.


But on topic now, this has really annoyed me. Greatly. If they're going to go and region lock it, then Nintendo and the rest of the publishers can go pull their finger out, stop the QQ, and release games outside of America/Japan. Cause i'm gonna want to buy several titles from America(RPGs), and not be able play them. I can name publishers right now who will end up doing this.


So if they're actually going to do this, good going for promoting more piracy, but I for one will be instantly downloading homebrew when it is available.


Freaking stupid reason for reasons posted and more. I'd understand it if it was for the download service, but this? C'mon. This has instantly given me doubts about the 3DS. They better have a good launch line up for Europe...


Does this mean that I can't play my imported DS games on the 3DS then or are they still ok to play? I was hoping to trade in my DSi when the 3DS arrives but i'll have to keep it if they aren't gonna work on the new machine.


I'm going to assume the going by the info, the code in the console and game will have to match, like both set to 'EU'. So if that's the case, i'd imagine the DS games won't have such code so it can't be blocked, so will play fine.


But some clarification will be good.

I dunno why people joke about it, but i'd fooking love a console with an inbuilt toaster. Instant purchase.


I've moved on to wanting toasters with Android now. Slightly more plausible.


Does this mean that I can't play my imported DS games on the 3DS then or are they still ok to play? I was hoping to trade in my DSi when the 3DS arrives but i'll have to keep it if they aren't gonna work on the new machine.


I would presume that it would work exactly like the DSi's region coding.

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