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3DS Console Discussion


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If Nintendo could find a way to make the XL look as good/better than the original and with a higher pixel density I would snap one up in a heartbeat. I do feel that the screen on my 3DS is a little small, but I'm not desperate to upgrade it.


That £109ish deal for an XL is very tempting though.

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Has anyone ever got a message that looks like this?




I can't read it till a specified date and it doesn't tell me that date but the dial keeps moving and it's now at the quarter to mark....


Yeah I had them before

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Yeah I have that too. Wait, aren't there rumours of an announcement of sorts tomorrow? Perhaps they have dropped the MEGATON in our letter boxes!... :D

I thought it was for E3 at first or AC, if it isn't one of them, what could it be?


Edit: Nintendo of Europe tweeted this morning to expect suprise visits and content through steet pass and letterbox. Obviously we have had Iwata, Aonuma and Konno come visit, could this be part of the suprise content? I've had mine since Sunday.

Edited by Kaepora_Gaebora
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Has anyone ever got a message that looks like this?




I can't read it till a specified date and it doesn't tell me that date but the dial keeps moving and it's now at the quarter to mark....


Yeah, had lots of them, basically for every 2 real days that pass the clock counter moves 15 minutes, so yours at the quarter to mark will take 2 days to reach the top and finally be openable.

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I mentioned this to some of the guys on MH3U that it seems the outer cams on my 3DS are not working.


I don't know when it happened or why/how.


I should have know back when they updated the Letterbox App to allow you take pictures to add to Letters from within Letterbox I noticed then that I couldnt take pics with the outer cam... but at the time I just thought it was a glitch in Letterbox and left it (never really use the camera)


But the other day I was out an had my 3DS with me and thought I'd take some 3D pics as I thought the area I was in might give me some good 3D pics but when I started the Camera app... nothing but a black screen. Well I have the HUD but esentianlly just a black screen... I can switch to the inner cam and that works but then switching back to the outer cams causes the software to freeze. I can still press the Homer button and close the app though.



Annoyingly since this must have happened before teh Letterbox Update (I just didn't think much of it not workin in Letterbox) it means it also has been like that before I sent to repair for my dodgey R button :heh: So if I had been bloody smart and tested the actual Camera App after it didn't work in Letterbox I could have had it fixed along with the R button.


As it is though not gonna bother sending it back for repair just for the camera.... unless there is suddenly an AR game made that works and is somehow awesome :heh:

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Doesn't look like any of the deals for the XL are still available :( I'll have to wait for the next round!


Unless you were interested in the ones I have for sale...


I still have two 3DS XL consoles boxed from when the console was first released - we had a lot of 3DS original consoles in the house so we traded them in at game when they had the deal on - so if you like I can sell you one for £155 including Special Delivery, obviously there are no full retail games on the systems plus the actual console codes have been registered elsewhere - only really a concern if you're concerned about stars or want to take part in the Monster Hunter promotion - but the lower than most retail outlets price-point should reflect this.


Anyway, no pressure but if you're interested then you'd have a choice of either Blue or Silver and if you were looking to buy a retail game with it I could sell you either Zelda and/or Tales of the Abyss with it at a reduced price.


Send me a PM if you're interested but feel free to shop around first but I think most people would probably agree that it's a fair price. : peace:


Or as you say, you could wait for more 3DS XL deals to come around, but the offer's there anyway. : peace:

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Just tranfering my original 3DS software to my new 3DS XL. Man the XL's screen is horrible resolution wise :( Menus look so bad


EDIT: Ok, in-game isn't quite so bad


Looks fine once you get used to it. Just don't go comparing screens all the time. :P

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