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3DS Console Discussion


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What happens when someone who gets their ds bricked from their useage of flash cards through completely legal means?...


Given the R4 chips are illegal themselves (in the UK at least), rather than what you use them for, I cant see this being an issue.


As for bricking systems, I suspect Nintendo could disable gameplay, and reset and freeze the 3DS to factory settings (as sold to you).

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hmmm that isn't entirely legal either is it? Interesting to see what happens from here.


Don't actually think it's illegal if they actually give a warning about what will happen. But I do want to see how things go from here.


Don't the DS boxes say that?


It has been pointed out that the back of 3DS game boxes holds a warning that seemingly confirms the rumours that Nintendo will brick any system that runs pirated 3DS software. This warning states the following:


"Important! Read the Nintendo 3DS operations manual before setup or use of your system. This product contains technical protection measures. Use of an unauthorized device or any unauthorized technical modification to your Nintendo 3DS system, will render this game and/or system unplayable."


Now, it's worth nothing that Nintendo DS and Wii games have had a similiar warning on the back of their software boxes, but what they state is rather different from what is printed on 3DS software cases. Warnings that gamers may have come across so far states:


"Important: The use of an unlawful device with your Nintendo DS system may render this game unplayable."


3DS is dispatched from Tesco with Street Fighter and just got a call saying my local GameStation is now doing a midnight launch for the 3DS. Wootage all round.

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Really srs game promoting:




You can see the warning there about the bricking thing that got reported last night. Though first i've come across saying "This product containts technical protection measures".

Edited by ShadowV7
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Unlucky man :/


Anyone know how good Tesco's delivery is? If it's dispatched today how long will it take to arrive? We def need some SF tournies going on here :heh:


I got told it was via TNT, so hopefully tomorrow(lawl) or Friday.


But you are right though, hhad the thought of SF tourney earlier today. Would've been awesome if channel live was available through wi-fi too.

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I got told it was via TNT, so hopefully tomorrow(lawl) or Friday.


But you are right though, hhad the thought of SF tourney earlier today. Would've been awesome if channel live was available through wi-fi too.


There is a spectator mode, but I imagine that will be like the consoles mode which only allows one person to oversee it. Shame..


EDIT: Wait I seem to have caught on to the wrong discussion, you mean to say spectator mode is only available through local wireless? God damn..

Edited by Debug Mode
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Has yours been sent Shadow?


Yeah, got an e-mail this morning saying my game and console got dispatched just after 11am. Not heard anything?


There is a spectator mode, but I imagine that will be like the consoles mode which only allows one person to oversee it. Shame..


EDIT: Wait I seem to have caught on to the wrong discussion, you mean to say spectator mode is only available through local wireless? God damn..


Yeah seems that way. They called it Channel Live this time so up to 6 can watch it in local wireless. But then again, i've not looked into the wi-fi modes for this, would've been good if it included for wifi.

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I got told it was via TNT, so hopefully tomorrow(lawl) or Friday.


But you are right though, hhad the thought of SF tourney earlier today. Would've been awesome if channel live was available through wi-fi too.


I dunno, i'm worried by the email they sent me saying it should be here within 3-5 working days...........

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Got a phone call from GAME, basically asking whether I was keeping my pre-order, when I may be coming in to get it, when the store would be opening on Friday (8am) and being told about the £25 game deal with the console.


Unfortunately, all it did was make me more annoyed at how long it's taking for my money to clear into my account. Hopefully it clears tomorrow, or latest Friday morning, otherwise it'll be no 3DS for me.

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