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N-Europe London Meet Sat July 24th 2010


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I put yes purely in the hope that I'll bully myself into sorting it out nearer the time.

Gonna buy me a big bag of rohypnol purely for this momentous occasion. :D


I'm putting you down as Attending because I love you and hope you come.




I should be able to make, can't commit 100% cause I'm temping at the mo and looking for a permanent job so not sure at my work situation will be.


Also, I'm not going through the whole hassle of booking a hostel, was a fucking pain last year, if others want to sort it out I'm in, otherwise I;ll just come up for the day!


Oh yeah, and I'm not French...


I promise I will try not to call you Eddage if you come. Hope you come. You're great.


Ooo, that 24th July date is the week after the last day of term. So, that would free me up from work commitments.


Me and Ine want to go to this one, as we were disappointed to miss out on the last one. So, unless something shocking happens before then (like, if our limbs start to fall out of our arses) we'll be there. I don't know her term dates, so I'll have to ask her about that first. But, we talked about this recently...for about a minute or something. So, not indepth.




Yeah the 24th sounds better to me aswell.


There's a chance I'll be in America for my cousins wedding on the 10th.


And also like Eddage said, attendance will partly depend on work situation.







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Amongst other things, this year we WILL BE PLAYING




I'm going to buy felt tip pens for keepsies. I'd love to do goodie bags, but realistically I won't be bothered.


I expect a lot of effort from you this year! Maybe even make a banner before hand so we dont have to draw it at the time :p

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rarely logg in the forum any more , usualy just browse as a guest but.....


A weekend where i can go meet strangers? a weekend i can have apart from my girlfriend? a weekend of possible drinking and gaming? are you crazy?


I'll come down with my homie who lives nearbye and also is going :) count me in , a weekend away from a moangy girlfriend is just what i need :P

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Could be...





I've never considered a meet-up cause the clash of reality and forums would be too great. I'd dissapoint everyone, and have images of others shattered forever.


However my new thing is taking life by the hair and tugging till it bleeds. If Chair goes along I might come.


Though I'll have to show up in style. Rolling along the street in a seemingly-sealed barrel.

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Somewhere in Denmark, a bank manager is being relentlessly pestered for a travelling loan.

Hehe, poor old Danny. Will the mocking ever end!


Suffice to say, I'll be wearing sunglasses the whole time. And a chastity belt.

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Ehhh, my attendance will depend on money/time/lodgings etc. Plus depends on what my other plans are for the summer.


I don't want to say I'm a definite yes at the moment. Don't want to get all hyped about it only to have something come between it like last year (god I hope that doesn't happen again).

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Happenstance: Lol! I didn't notice that :P My excuse is that there was already a massive meet-up thread and I was doing it for modding/sensible purposes... But yes, touché.


Dan: surely your internship isn't on during the weekends, eh?

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are we getting drunk enough , to know to go home and get the right train back in time ? also im comming down with telynn , soon as he posts he is comming to confirm



fuck me , prices for trains arn't cheap and im meant to be saving for a holiday....best either skip download or find a second way of getting income

Edited by Jimjebus
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I should be able to make, can't commit 100% cause I'm temping at the mo and looking for a permanent job so not sure at my work situation will be.

C'mon belt buddy! If I'm going you have to.


[i may be going]


I can't really do those dates. They're precisely on the internship I have on in Leeds.

A decent excuse. I am happy for you.

Amongst other things, this year we WILL BE PLAYING



Playing what?

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1-up Mushroom

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