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What's your definitive hairstyle?


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I go for short, blonde and slightly 'up'.



I think it suits me quite well, if it gets too long it goes curly which I don't like.


Just a wee bit of Fudge 'Matte hed' or 'shaper' does the trick well because it doesn't go all hard and doesn't look wet. I hate the gel which makes your hair feel like you could snap it in half.

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Over the years my hairstyle has had to change to accomodate the recession of my hairline. What a treat you guys are in for.


1990: Back row, second from left. Fluffy side parting.



1992: Second row, first on right. Fluffier side parting.



1995: Furthest on right. Awesome step thing.



1996: Starting to grow it out a bit.



1996: Wow, growing it out was so worth it.



1997: Just letting it flop forward phase begins.



1998: And continues.



1998: Push forward, stick up at front. A classic late 90s hairstyle.



1999: And this



2000: is the



2002: style I stuck with



2004: for like



2005: ages



2007: and ages.



2008: Sometimes I let it get a little length, but then the receding shows up more. :(



2009: So now I just shave it all off. Level 1 every month or so.



2009: And that makes me sexy.




There are also hairtstyles that have no photographic evidence and are lost to the world forever.

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As I have the worst hair I've ever come across, It looks different every day. It has the feel of dolls hair, and if I don't straighten it (and even if I do), it's just this formless, medusa-like mass on my head, often ending up looking like some old woman's bouffant hairstyle-thing.


It's depressing.


It looks worse short, so there's a reason I keep it relatively "long".

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Used to have a plain skinhead until I was about 16, then started letting it grow and spiked it up. It gets cut when it can no longer be stuck up by gel alone [normally requiring a hair dryer and gravity] or I just leave it and can't be bothered to do anything with it. I still keep trying to get Jay folical status, but I just keep buckling. One day...

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As I have the worst hair I've ever come across, It looks different every day. It has the feel of dolls hair, and if I don't straighten it (and even if I do), it's just this formless, medusa-like mass on my head, often ending up looking like some old woman's bouffant hairstyle-thing.


It's depressing.


It looks worse short, so there's a reason I keep it relatively "long".


I know exactly where you're coming from. If I don't get mine cut every 4 weeks or so it just gets thick and I can't do anything with it if its not straightened, and even if it is it rarely resembles anything half-decent.


My short, sexy hair brings in the results so I stick with it. Cannae find a decent photo though of hair I actually like.

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Had general hair I did nothing with until I was about 16:



Then got the sides cut, keeping the top long:



Kept this for a while, growing the fringe, whilst keeping the sides short:



Then when my hair was most stunning:





(Wine bottle obscures my face)


Stunningly curly (I have a beany hat on):



Then I shaved it all off, when I went "Back to basics" as a person and started reanalysing my life:



Then I kept it longer, but still short, for a while:



Now It's growing back, but it's really annoyingly changed after having shaved it all out. It grows in more homogenously, but still a bit curly, so it all sits together, and looks like I'm a lego person unless I do something with it. (This was taken 4 weeks ago (my most recent picture...) and I've since lost the facial hair):


Edited by chairdriver
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Love your hair timeline Odwin! =D


I have a few pictures that can show off my hair. Which apparently has always sucked. =P


This is me at a very young age. For the first few years of my life, I was plagued with the "bowl cut". Luckily this is a bit of a messed up version of said bowl cut.




Sometimes my sister and I would experiment.




And after a few years of existing on this planet, I was finally allowed to let my hair grow a bit longer, but with a fringe staying to remind me of the bowl cut (which is still apparent in my younger sister in the middle).




This shows the same haircut, but a few years later. I had also already turned to the dark side around this time (playing Zelda: Link's Awakening... my life would never be the same again).




Then there's a loooong period of no available pictures online (pretty much all throughout secondary school). But basically my hair changed in length a few times, but I let the fringe disappear (took me ages to grow it out... only to find out it looked ugly on me). =P


Here's a rare picture of me without a fringe, though this is after secondary school (picture taken in Parisss). And shorter hair too, above my shoulders.




And then for the last 5 years or so I've had the fringe again, but the hair length changes from time to time. I only get it cut twice/thrice a year, and when I do I let them cut off quite a bit heh. But basically I've looked the same for years now. =P



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I had it incredibly long for years, back when I smoked drugs all the time. Now it's short, but still long, but not long. I get it cut every three months or so, it looks really good for a week, then i don't bother doing anything with it, I look like a mess for a bit then a couple of months later, I get it cut again.

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I've had so so many styles.


I've gone from the classic "Wedge" hair cut when i was a kid (only because my Mum made me get it done every few months. That was between the ages of 3 and 9 (basically, the time i spent in Germany).


I've had the short-back and sides look from 9 until 14, then i moved onto the shaven look (numero 2 in the Summer and numero 3 or 4 in the Winter) from 14 until about 17. I did once grow my hair out for most of my 18th year, until i got fed-up and got it cut.


These days, it is a mixture of "short-back and sides" (Winter) and Shaven (Summer (numero 2))

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