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Come on, you don't expect us to be in the dark over that. :heh: It was great how Donkey Kong 94 built Mario up with such a diverse set of moves. Triple jumping and backflipping through the classic opening level was immense.


Honestly, it has always surprised me how unknown that game seemed to be. Certainly more unknown than the final battle in Super Mario Bros. 3 (which I knew before I ever owned a console, by the way).

It's actually a pleasant surprise to know that users here played it properly before :)


One of the best games on it, imo. I completed it several times. The variation and challenge as you went from world to world (airplane, glacier, jungle, city and more), coupled with the boss battles with Donkey Kong made for a truly memorable title.


Exactly. It's too bad I practically know every solution to each room by heart, though. Takes away from the challenge (thank God for the boss battles, though)


I always thought Pauline's cries of "Help! Help! Help!" sounded like a cat meowing.


Lol :heh: I don't think cats are that annoying

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Can't wait to hear what the jazzy Rattle Battle tune is like in this remix. :D I want an expansion disc (cos theres no chance whatsoever of DLC :wink:) for Wii Music with the tunes from the DKC trilogy so I can remix them all myself. :love:


Exactly. It's too bad I practically know every solution to each room by heart, though. Takes away from the challenge (thank God for the boss battles, though)


Been donkies years (harhar) since I played it so I doubt I still remember everything that well. Was there a mountain/ cliff type world near the end? I remember some of that being pretty nerve wrecking from when I was wee.

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Been donkies years (harhar) since I played it so I doubt I still remember everything that well. Was there a mountain/ cliff type world near the end? I remember some of that being pretty nerve wrecking from when I was wee.


Yeah, that world was always a bit out-of-place. The worlds were getting crazier and crazier (icebergs, pyramids, etc.), and suddenly, there's a perfectly normal DK level.

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Wow wow wow wow wow wow wooooooooooooow

Thankyou Japan, thanks to you I now love the SNES even more (When I thought I couldn't love it as much more)


This remix someone made has made me blown me away and I suggest EVERYONE on the retro board to look at it.


Part 1/2


Part 2/2


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Been wanting to play Final Fantasy: Tactics and was wondering how the PSP remake holds up to the original?

As in, is it close enough to the original or is too much changed.


Because getting it the remake could be less of a hassle then the PS1 original

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Been wanting to play Final Fantasy: Tactics and was wondering how the PSP remake holds up to the original?

As in, is it close enough to the original or is too much changed.


Because getting it the remake could be less of a hassle then the PS1 original


There are times when the noises and the actions are not correct, but the better translation on the PSP version makes up for it easily. I highly suggest to get the game still.

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I've only played FFTA, so I have no first hand experience with the Playstation original or the PSP remake. However from stuff I've read in reviews and on other forums, etc, the general consensus is that the PSP version is superior and a really great game. Hope that helps, if not, have a Google for some other thoughts and opinions, Mundilius!

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Thanks for the answers, gonna play the psp version as I read that it is very faithful to the original.



Dunno how many here knows who this is but he did a great and hilarious review of FF8 and just started part 1 of FFX.


The first three minutes might be a bit confusing if you have not watched the FFVIII review.

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I watched a bit of his FF VIII stuff ages ago but the constant moaning got too much for me, lol. Part one of this FF X effort was ok, but he tries too hard to drive home his point with things he doesn't like about it too.


I didn't mind his constant moaning, it was his imagination and how sometimes half of the entire clip wasn't about the game at all, but just him acting as some retard, dragged on for faaaaaaaar too long.


Other then that he was spot on.


and YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I really wanted him to do FFX, since I think he hates FFX more then FFVIII which is of course a true statement

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Anyone remember the Spyro games on PS1? They were so good! (Same creators of R&C/Resistance i.e. Insomniac Games)


There was something about the realm and feel of the game that was just so good.


I got Spyro the Dragon on the PS1 a year or two ago.. but I haven't really played it yet :heh: I'll get round to it some time, but I have only really had it on to make sure it was working :indeed:


From my brief play, I didn't feel like I was going to be blown away by what was ahead of me.. but I'm expecting a decent enough game :hehe:

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Anyone remember the Spyro games on PS1? They were so good! (Same creators of R&C/Resistance i.e. Insomniac Games


That information actually had me amazed. Makes me respect the series' origins a little more. :)


Then I did a Wiki search and found that the Spyro series has gone through 9 developers! :eek:


That must be some kind of record.

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Yeah, the series had all but died. It started off so well.


It's a similar story with Naughty Dog. They made Crash Bandicoot, they stopped, the series went down hill with other developers and they went on to make a totally different genre of game - Uncharted.

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