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Valentine's Day 2010


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I'm going out for dinner with a few girlfriends. Aka a goup of bitter single women destined to get drunk.


Well, not that bitter. :P


Today I made smilebox valentines ecards for friends, just thought it would be nice.


From what my single friends are doing... I think that's also Valentine's Day, lol.


Lol, touché.

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Well I don't get why people get annoyed over Valentine's Day.


It's not a national holiday or anything - if you think it's commercialised, pointless or whatever, just don't pay attention to it.


Do people complain this much about Easter or Christmas?


Or not even that extreme, do people complain this much about things like Father's and Mother's day? - "Aw, boo-hoo, I don't have a kid, why are people enjoying a day for Father's, where's my non-Father's Day?"




From what my single friends are doing... I think that's also Valentine's Day, lol.


I don't actually have a problem with it, I just felt like asking a stupid question :heh:


Also not a father's day ftw...


Marshall: (looking inside Barney's 'Not a Fathers Day' card') It appears to be some sort of Asian hooker.

Barney: Yes, because on Not a Fathers Day, you get a Thai you'd actually wear! Wordplay five!



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It's about being content, nay happy, with being single. That you'd think it would be rubbing it in people's faces having a single's day is bizarre. Not everyone wants to 'aspire' to be in a relationship.


I think you've misunderstood some/my/someone else's post; I don't think anyone said or meant that.


Will you be my Valentine?

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I think you've misunderstood some/my/someone else's post; I don't think anyone said or meant that.


Will you be my Valentine?


I think having more than one valentine might be classed as cheating.


Honestly, I don't care about a Single's Day. I just think the way some people look at content singles is loltastic. Everyone have a good Sunday. I know I will. :smile:

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I don't actually have a problem with it, I just felt like asking a stupid question :heh:


Also not a father's day ftw...


Marshall: (looking inside Barney's 'Not a Fathers Day' card') It appears to be some sort of Asian hooker.

Barney: Yes, because on Not a Fathers Day, you get a Thai you'd actually wear! Wordplay five!




On that note:










Anyway! Happy Valentines Day Community Style. :grin:




Senor Chang. :heart:

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We went to TGI Fridays (on Thursday night) and found the ribs amazingly tastyful :)[Officially Recommended] The girlfriend got me a crossbow (:D), a massage bar annnnnd jelly cock rings (heh). While I got her some PJ's, a fancy scrap book (Which i left blank for her to do as i'm too lazy and would probably do it wrong) and a single rose.


Quite a goooood first valantines day :)

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We went to TGI Fridays (on Thursday night) and found the ribs amazingly tastyful :)[Officially Recommended] The girlfriend got me a crossbow (:D), a massage bar annnnnd jelly cock rings (heh). Whil e I got her some PJ's, a fancy scrap book (Which i left blank for her todo as i'm too lazy and would probably do it wrong) and a single rose.


Quite a goooood first valantines day :)


What? You for real 'dawg'?

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Strangely I had a "romantic" dream last night/this morning. Which I never have. In which I was a part of a team of operatives who perform generally heroic missions for a S.H.I.E.L.D-like organisation, who wear scarlet armour and fly on great hover bikes. We had finished a mission ro something and were taking time off in a future utopian middle-eastern country of some sort (It looked a bit like Batman Beyond mixed with Blade Runner), and the team went for drinks at a realy huge open plan-yet-fancy cafeteria place. I met this somehow important girl (princess or something), and then somehow (can't remember) we ended up in the toilets about to do something saucy (the toilets were strangely huge and clean, made of wood), and then I was like "Wait, I really need some orange juice", so she went and got some, while I took a shit (?). Then I woke up.


But yeah. I just found it interesting cause I never have dreams involving relationships/attraction/love.



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Why should there be a singles day?


Because the whole system (society?) keeps rewarding couples. You have engagement parties, wedding days, anniversaries, valentines days, kids, christenings, birthdays, grandkids etc. Which isn't a problem in itself, but I'm so fucking sick of giving people stuff and getting nothing in return :heh:


At 1:40am this morning I was in a taxi home and he drove atop a hill that looks out over the whole of Birmingham which looks quite nice all lit up. That was my romantic moment for the day.

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Because the whole system (society?) keeps rewarding couples. You have engagement parties, wedding days, anniversaries, valentines days, kids, christenings, birthdays, grandkids etc. Which isn't a problem in itself, but I'm so fucking sick of giving people stuff and getting nothing in return :heh:


Damn bloody right :heh:

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I can't remember the last time I celebrated Valentines Day. Me and the wife tried to look at ordering a table in a Restuarant, but it's a Sunday, so she has work. Aaand, it's bluddy expensive booking a place for Valentines Day. I think our ideal day would be having a nice cuddle on the sofa, some nice food, a bottle of Jacques Cider and a film that will make us laugh, cry, smile or all of the above. Hehe.


Also, it snowed this morning! But, to bring balance to the Universe, we both woke up with headaches and I feel ill. :(


(fucking hell, Ine's cat just walked riiiiight across this laptop and now I've forgotten what I was going to type. Stop eeet, cat!)


Valentines Day is a nice little day where you can put stuffs aside to do with your loved one. Whether its outdoor meal, at home meal, or sofa evening, or constant love making oooover and oveeer. Likewise, it is also a day which can be treated as any other day. I actually forgot it was Valentines Day this week! Valentines Day bothered me more as a singleton, because it is... harder to celebrate it on your own. I guess there's a feeling that you're missing out on something. Which isn't that true, because not everybody needs to have somebody to feel fulfilled. It's the second one that me and Ine have had together, but we haven't done anything special for either one. Not for that particular day anyway. But, we try to do something nice everytime we meet up. A nice meal somewhere, cooking ourselves, cinema. So, we kinda have Valentines Day everytime we meet up...sorta.


Sorry, this post doesn't make sense and this cat is reeeeally distracting me.

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Because the whole system (society?) keeps rewarding couples. You have engagement parties, wedding days, anniversaries, valentines days, kids, christenings, birthdays, grandkids etc. Which isn't a problem in itself, but I'm so fucking sick of giving people stuff and getting nothing in return :heh:


Most of those things are the couple's enjoying their own happiness and other close-friends and family doing the same.


I'm confused though, since when were birthdays a couples thing?


Kid, Christenings and grandkids... I never think of couples when I think of those, I think of... kids.


Even though you quoted Daft, I think you were talking to me.


So, Yes I will.



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Most of those things are the couple's enjoying their own happiness and other close-friends and family doing the same.


I'm confused though, since when were birthdays a couples thing?


Kid, Christenings and grandkids... I never think of couples when I think of those, I think of... kids.


Sorry that should be kid's birthdays. And its a celebration of a couple having kids. Hell, the first few years of kids birthdays are really about buying stuff for the parents that they can't afford.


(I know obviously a lot of kids are born outside of coupledom nowadays)


(I was mostly just lumping couples with parenthood too, because they often go together and people who choose to be single and childless are left out of the loop :p)

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Look, Ashley, if you wanted to be my Valentine you should have just asked.


We can lay in bed with petals falling from above.


And then we can re-create the whole scene in 3D.


No thanks. I've seen what you look like.


And to think Molly, I used to like you :heh:

Edited by Ashley
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I can't remember the last time I celebrated Valentines Day. Me and the wife tried to look at ordering a table in a Restuarant, but it's a Sunday, so she has work. Aaand, it's bluddy expensive booking a place for Valentines Day. I think our ideal day would be having a nice cuddle on the sofa, some nice food, a bottle of Jacques Cider and a film that will make us laugh, cry, smile or all of the above. Hehe.


Also, it snowed this morning! But, to bring balance to the Universe, we both woke up with headaches and I feel ill. :(


(fucking hell, Ine's cat just walked riiiiight across this laptop and now I've forgotten what I was going to type. Stop eeet, cat!)


Valentines Day is a nice little day where you can put stuffs aside to do with your loved one. Whether its outdoor meal, at home meal, or sofa evening, or constant love making oooover and oveeer. Likewise, it is also a day which can be treated as any other day. I actually forgot it was Valentines Day this week! Valentines Day bothered me more as a singleton, because it is... harder to celebrate it on your own. I guess there's a feeling that you're missing out on something. Which isn't that true, because not everybody needs to have somebody to feel fulfilled. It's the second one that me and Ine have had together, but we haven't done anything special for either one. Not for that particular day anyway. But, we try to do something nice everytime we meet up. A nice meal somewhere, cooking ourselves, cinema. So, we kinda have Valentines Day everytime we meet up...sorta.


Sorry, this post doesn't make sense and this cat is reeeeally distracting me.

I think this is very true, at least for me, and not just about Valentine's Day, but about dating, relationships, love and sex in general. It's frustrating when you feel all your peers are doing way better than yourself and have been doing so your whole life, and it can really hurt your self esteem and confidence. Especially when your hormones are kicking in and you're constantly and almost obsessively focused on the gender of your attraction.


[/emotional and whiny rant]

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I was talking to one of my female friends about yesterday - she has a boyfriend and was like 'haha yeah we just both totally forgot it was valentines day! Weird huh!'


There is utterly no way that she forgot it was valantines day. I died a little bit inside.


Mine was okay, spent most of the time not realising it was valantines day, then went for a drink and hung with friends. Unlike most of everyone at uni, for which Valentines day seems to be (yet another) reason to get fucked

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