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Lost: The Final Season


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They're usually up by about 4 am I find. Though.... as it's an extra long episode it'll probably be later than that. The previous Lost finales have always been up much, much later than the normal episodes.


It's worth noting the earlier start time of 7/6c (1am UK). But really, there's no point staying up to wait for torrents when you can just stream it live.

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On Monday 24 May, after six monumental seasons and 121 captivating episodes, the series that has provoked more theories, debates and analysis than any other, will reach its final hours on Sky 1 HD and Sky 1. Along with fans in six other countries outside of the US (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Turkey and Canada), UK viewers will be able to enjoy the world premiere of LOST’s thrilling conclusion as Sky1 HD air a live simulcast of the US transmission. The double bill finale, aptly entitled The End, will bring to a close the many unanswered mysteries that show producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have teased viewers with since 2004.

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Woot that's good news indeed.


I was about to say I'd probably still download it and watch that when I get home from work so I don't have to see any ads (I know with Sky Plus I could just forward them but that involves doing something :heh:)


However I only just remember I got the day off this Monday, hahaha, so WOOOT for that, YAY :yay:

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Even more tempted to stay up and watch it now! Although not sure I can deal with the adverts


That's the only reason I'm not getting up early to watch it. I can't handle adverts!


Just heard about the 5am Monday morning viewing on Sky 1...what time will it finish? I know its like 2 1/2 hours but how much longer will the adverts make it?! I need to leave for work 8.30 at the latest.


I think it was 2 1/2 hours including adverts?

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It's two and a half hours including adverts, don't worry. Is this on regular Sky 1, or just Sky 1 HD? The news post doesn't make it clear (to me at least). Hope it's on regular, as I can get friends to record it then.

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apparently his "gift" could be revealed without the actors involvement. thats what the wiki says anyway. it seems like a shitty thing to tag on RIGHT at the end though.


that kinda my problem with how this is wrapping up, everything just seems pretty straightforward. there hasn't really been any twists or WOW moments, and i'm not really expecting any in the finale.


i guess we'll see though.

Edited by or else you will DIE
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Seen the 2nd last ep, was an alright ep, wasn't expecting it to be much more than a build-up for the finale which it was. Actually found the flashsideways a bit more interesting... in fact I think I'm more looking forward to how that part ends now :heh:


Was anyone else expecting for when Jack said he'd take Jacobs job that the other 3 would be suddenlt shot dead or something.



Also I guess Desmonds gonna get tossed into the light. I reckon MiB thinks this will destory the light and island allowing him to leave and travel the world. But I got a feeling it might be some misdirection by Jacob and gonna go on a huge limb and say that MiB chucks Des into the light but instead Des turns into a White Smoke Monster and thus has the power to Kill MiB


Seriously if that perdiction is right I'm gonna so f'ing chuffed that I actually figured something out.


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apparently his "gift" could be revealed without the actors involvement. thats what the wiki says anyway. it seems like a shitty thing to tag on RIGHT at the end though.


that kinda my problem with how this is wrapping up, everything just seems pretty straightforward. there hasn't really been any twists or WOW moments, and i'm not really expecting any in the finale.


i guess we'll see though.


Walt's nature gift was supernatural electromagnetic properties and now Desmond has the power by other means.

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Seen the 2nd last ep, was an alright ep, wasn't expecting it to be much more than a build-up for the finale which it was. Actually found the flashsideways a bit more interesting... in fact I think I'm more looking forward to how that part ends now :heh:


Was anyone else expecting for when Jack said he'd take Jacobs job that the other 3 would be suddenlt shot dead or something.



Also I guess Desmonds gonna get tossed into the light. I reckon MiB thinks this will destory the light and island allowing him to leave and travel the world. But I got a feeling it might be some misdirection by Jacob and gonna go on a huge limb and say that MiB chucks Des into the light but instead Des turns into a White Smoke Monster and thus has the power to Kill MiB


Seriously if that perdiction is right I'm gonna so f'ing chuffed that I actually figured something out.


ok I'm gonna take and run with your idea....


The final image of the show will be Desmond and Jack sat on the beach and Desmond saying Hello Brother or something. Desmond will become the new MiB as he was desperate to get off the island after escaping the hatch and now he feels exactly the same again



Anyway watched the latest episode and thought it was so so and plenty to hate about it tbh...I can't decide if the show has run out of ideas/steam orrr time. If it is time then thats inexcusable as they've known for a while how long they've had to end the series...but it wouldn't surprise me as the pacing this year has been all over the place.

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whats that got to do with bringing down the bird?


Birds use ability to sense the Earth's magnetic poles for migration and Walt's power was messing with them.


The last episode ie WTDF had some scenes cuts from the episode as in Desmond on island and Claire & MIB scene.




Lost fans are already sweating the prospect that Sunday’s series won’t resolve their favorite pet mystery or most burning question. For those left wanting, there is hope: EW has confirmed a TV Guide report that the producers plan to address a selection of baffling bits of unfinished business on the season 6 DVD, which goes on sale in August. An ABC insider says the set will include “new content that addresses some of the unanswered questions in an entertaining way,” though disputed reports that there could be as much as 20 minutes worth of mystery-resolution material.


Vincent mini-episodes. :p

Edited by Dante
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ok I'm gonna take and run with your idea....


The final image of the show will be Desmond and Jack sat on the beach and Desmond saying Hello Brother or something. Desmond will become the new MiB as he was desperate to get off the island after escaping the hatch and now he feels exactly the same again



ah I like that idea...


My original thought though would be that since I was think Desmond might become a White Smoke Monster in order to counter MiB that he would be good and be allowed to retain his humanity and leave the island..possibly helped by his resistance to electromagnitism.


Although I like your idea that Des becomes a new MiB and unable to leave, would make for a great closing shot. Could be that maybe MiB actually had the same resistance as Des and that's what turned him into the Smoke Monster and maybe there can be only one at a time or something. So when MiB chucks Des into the light thinking it'll set him free it'll actually kill him.


Des being Jacobs "last resort" could be because of the negitive impact it'll have on Des which maybe he was trying to avoid.


Going with your idea I can imagine Des and Jack on the beach, they make some comments, similar to Jacob and MiB from the season 5 finale, with Des saying how he wants to kill Jack, Jack reminds him that he can't, and Des says "Sure I can Brother, I just need to find my own Locke and Ben" or something like that.



Haha, I think I'm gonna make a youtube vid later on my prediction and I'll give you credit for your part ;)


The flashsideways though I have no idea what to predict on that part, hell there could very well be some massive merging of both universes with whatever sideways Des is up to, tossing my island prediction out the door :heh: Just a few more days till Monday



Actually back to last nights ep for a minute... what happened to Claire now? Did MiB just leave her at the sub dock on hydra island or something?


Also if Kate's name was crossed out because she became a mother, shouldn't the same have happened to the Kwon name? Sun became a mother... and even though he didn't know it Jin became a father... or does it not count for fathers or maybe cuz he didn't know and this is why Sun didn't time travel with Jack & Co on getting back to the island, Jin remained the candidate and it was never Sun?

Edited by Mokong
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Just heard about the 5am Monday morning viewing on Sky 1...what time will it finish? I know its like 2 1/2 hours but how much longer will the adverts make it?! I need to leave for work 8.30 at the latest.


I think it was 2 1/2 hours including adverts?


It will be, comprised of 100 mins of show, 50 mins of ads.


I don't get why Sky are "simulcasting" the Pacific airing at 5am.

Why not air the Eastern showing that's on at 1am. That's what I'll be watching.

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A solid episode this week, and much better than last week's, of course. It was also the first time, I think, that I've been gripped by the sideways storyline!


Is anyone doing anything special for the finale next week? We're having a Lost party with some friends, which should be fun! Check out my g/f's blog for some ideas for food she's mulling over: http://distractedgourmet.wordpress.com/. We'll probably have some Lost-inspired music (Downtown / Make Your Own Kind Of Music / You All Everybody...) and print out some Dharma logos to stick around the lounge.


My friends (friend) is holding a LOST party, and he is in Southampton. I received an invite to it today in fact. Its not Tom McConnels is it?




Well it looks like I'm alone cos' I thought that episode was shit.

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Well it looks like I'm alone cos' I thought that episode was shit.



Yes. Yes you are! Yes you are alone and may you die a horrible death for speaking ill about Lost! ;)


Predictions! Get your predictions in before it's too late. I think the REAL Locke will end up back on the island at some stage. Why not? Anything goes on that island. I think it'll come down to Jack, Desmond and Locke. Everyone else will die.


Subject to change. Who's to say she didn't have triplets? I could explain my theories.... but Blah! Blah! Blah! 2 much Dharma beer!

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ah I like that idea...


My original thought though would be that since I was think Desmond might become a White Smoke Monster in order to counter MiB that he would be good and be allowed to retain his humanity and leave the island..possibly helped by his resistance to electromagnitism.


Although I like your idea that Des becomes a new MiB and unable to leave, would make for a great closing shot. Could be that maybe MiB actually had the same resistance as Des and that's what turned him into the Smoke Monster and maybe there can be only one at a time or something. So when MiB chucks Des into the light thinking it'll set him free it'll actually kill him.


Des being Jacobs "last resort" could be because of the negitive impact it'll have on Des which maybe he was trying to avoid.


Going with your idea I can imagine Des and Jack on the beach, they make some comments, similar to Jacob and MiB from the season 5 finale, with Des saying how he wants to kill Jack, Jack reminds him that he can't, and Des says "Sure I can Brother, I just need to find my own Locke and Ben" or something like that.


nothing will happen to Desmond because he can stand the strong supernatural electromagnetic and he can go into the light source and thats the reason MIB wants him to stop the light power by the source.





Actually back to last nights ep for a minute... what happened to Claire now? Did MiB just leave her at the sub dock on hydra island or something?


Also if Kate's name was crossed out because she became a mother, shouldn't the same have happened to the Kwon name? Sun became a mother... and even though he didn't know it Jin became a father... or does it not count for fathers or maybe cuz he didn't know and this is why Sun didn't time travel with Jack & Co on getting back to the island, Jin remained the candidate and it was never Sun?


They removed MIB and Claire scene and Sun left her daughter home to find Jin.

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My friends (friend) is holding a LOST party, and he is in Southampton. I received an invite to it today in fact. Its not Tom McConnels is it?




No, it's only me and three other friends, nothing big. Just a coincidence that it's also in Southampton!

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