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Pokémon Black & White


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The audino farming, is that considered a mistake? I don't think ds games get patched but I haven't much time to play right now. If I leave it for now will it be patched before I can use it?


Well I could play offline regardless actually :p

There's a man that actually tells you in the game that Audino are great for experience.


Incidentally another man says that catching pokemon in a pokeball does not win over their hearts [i.e. does not brainwash]

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So seems there is a balance to be had between out right reading a walkthrough every step of the way and reading a guide that will help you get the most out your time with the game.


I use guides because I really like maps, gives me a quick overview on how to best navigate the areas etc. Also, handy for seeing what Pokémon are are available on what route...saves me a lot of time :) Same thing with movesets, those I check from Serebii etc...


Those are the main functions of a guide to me, certainly don't go step-by-step or anything...

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I use guides because I really like maps, gives me a quick overview on how to best navigate the areas etc. Also, handy for seeing what Pokémon are are available on what route...saves me a lot of time :) Same thing with movesets, those I check from Serebii etc...


Those are the main functions of a guide to me, certainly don't go step-by-step or anything...




I like knowing what Pokemon are available to catch on route. I try to not leave that area until i've caught all the Pokemon available (time of day permitting)

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With Pokemon, I rather have the surprise of running into a new Pokemon in the grass, than having a guide spoil them all. For other RPGs, I don't mind them showing the monsters before I meet them, because they're not the main focus of the game.


When I'm finished with my paper I will finish the post-game areas, catch the legendaries I've been told about ingame, go through every entry in the Pokedex and catch the Pokemons I haven't, and then go to Serebii to get the rest I would never find myself.

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I can't say that I've ever used a guide for Pokémon, or any game, for that matter (except sometimes checking on Gamefaqs if I get stuck somewhere.) Maybe I don't know what I'm missing, but it seems to me that they would detract from the experience, since you know everything instantly. I like the sense of exploring and discovering new things, not just looking at a page and seeing "Here's a hidden Rare Candy, over here is a Hyper Potion and this trainer has two Patrats etc." Obviously others think differently, seeing as how popular these guides are, but they aren't my cup of tea :)

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I'm pretty suck, I can only find one place that you can use dive in. If any one knows of a location list, could you spoiler it for me? It seems like such a waste of a HM if this is the case..


That or they're preparing the obviously coming R/S remakes..

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I've just this moment caught a Shelmet, can trade now if you like?


1119 9483 8727


Hey that'd be great thanks.

Sorry about last night i dashed off just before you posted back.

My friend code:

2837 9272 4214


You ok to trade back once they have evolved? I want to use the Escavalier in my team :heh:


Lemme know!

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I never got past the guards the first time around because I couldn't understand the English, and later I didn't find strength and thought you wasn't supposed to go further in the cave that leads to the Elite Four. Don't think a guide would have helped me with the former though :P

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I remember playing Red without a guide, trying to find were to get cut and going on the S.S. Anne. Or why the guards wouldn't let you past because they were thirsty. Good times.


yeah I briefly played Blue and didn't have a clue what to do.


So I read/heard that the game has its own 150 odd pokemon that are new but once you complete the game you can use the god knows how many pokemon from previous games. Are these old pokemon actually in the games or does it mean as in you can export them from old games?

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Ugh. I accidentally killed the only Tynamo I've come across in Chargestone cave. :/ Look it up and now realise it's pretty rare.


Tirtouga is lowering my tone...I need a fire/fighting/electric type to fill his place. My team isn't balanced enough type wise. Most of them are weak against grass, only one is "good" against steel etc.

Edited by Paj!
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Ugh. I accidentally killed the only Tynamo I've come across in Chargestone cave. :/ Look it up and now realise it's pretty rare


I'll have many eggs of him soonish as he will be on my white team.


IM still struggling on the Elite four :( Lucky Egg and exp share seems to be helping abit...


Punishment for RUSH! :p

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