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Pokémon Black & White


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Enjoying it a lot so far. I love the way I have no idea what's around the corner. No idea what the pokemon look like, when they will evolve or anything. I'm falling in love with many pokemon. I saw lillipup and I had to have one. Trained him up and he evolved and lost all his cuteness :(.

Found myself a blitzl and a pansear and they're both awesome looking too.


I love giving them nicknames too. My Oshawott, now evolved is Totter. My Blitzl is Sparky, my Pansear is Zuko and my Herdier is Sunny.


On to the second gym, I have a feeling it's going to be a difficult one so I'm going to invest a little time in levelling up my pokemon. I don't know if I want to use my new timburr and work on him beating the gym leader just to put him aside afterwards. Might just go on without him.

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Still loving it but have now found a hatred for Sandile.


Why is it everytime i run in to this little b*stard in the wild i can never escape from it?



So f*****g annoying. Currently at route 4 / desert resort and i must have encountered about 20 of them - everyone would not let me run from.

My pokemon are about 10 levels ahead of it too and its not even an ability that is stopping me from running i just 'can't escape!'. :shakehead


But aside from that i love.

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Whoever it was that said battle animations were slower or whatever.. they were right.


Whenever you attack you see the message 'pokémon used tackle' or whatever, then there is a noticeable pause, then it does the attack. I always think I've missed or something in that second. It is only about 1 second which doesn't sound like much but it does seem like a pointless pause to me.


But that is my only criticism of the game so far. My team at the moment is Oshawott, Patrat, Lillipup and Purrloin. All at level 6/7. Played for about 1 hour so far.


Oh actually, one more criticism. In this game you have to hit X to bring the menu up so the touch screen is blank when you're just walking around. I don't think that was the case in Heart Gold, was it? I'm fairly sure the menu was always on the bottom screen... I suppose I'm just used to playing with the stylus out so it felt awkward, but now it's never out so even in battles or the menu I don't use the touch screen.


And I'd like if your pokémon followed you like in Heart Gold. Seems silly to remove that feature.


Despite only listing the negatives here, I am really enjoying the game. I like that the Pokémon centre and Pokémon mart have merged too.

Do you have text speed on fast?

It's an ABSOLUTE breeze if you do that!.


That battle are so satifying for me that I don't even have to turn the animations off... FOR ONCE!


I just play these games for the single player experience. I could NEVER go into it as much as some of you guys. Don't have the patience anymore :)

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I do have text speed on fast, that's not the complaint I'm making ;)

The actual battle animations themselves have a small delay/pause which annoys me. It's not a huge issue as it's only about 1 second but it's too noticeable and I don't see why it's there.

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I do have text speed on fast, that's not the complaint I'm making ;)

The actual battle animations themselves have a small delay/pause which annoys me. It's not a huge issue as it's only about 1 second but it's too noticeable and I don't see why it's there.


I had that at the start, and I really thought that my attack had missed, but since then I never noticed it ever again. Either I got used to it, or the lag went away, but I do know what you mean.

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Before fourth gym:


Got a bit trigger happy and chose the Cover fossil by accident. What is the name of the other stone? Not the name of the Pokemon, but the fossil.



I love the animation in the battles, the Pokemons look a lot more alive.


Also like the Downing machine, best version of it. A bit annoying that I have to turn it off to use the menus.

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I do have text speed on fast, that's not the complaint I'm making ;)

The actual battle animations themselves have a small delay/pause which annoys me. It's not a huge issue as it's only about 1 second but it's too noticeable and I don't see why it's there.


That's realy bizarre. For me it feels like the battles are WAY faster than ever before. Meh I don't know :D

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I had that at the start, and I really thought that my attack had missed, but since then I never noticed it ever again. Either I got used to it, or the lag went away, but I do know what you mean.

For me, sometimes I notice (only with the English version strangely, and only on my DSi), that when the C Gear is trying to make a connection, it lags the game a bit. That could be it

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For me, sometimes I notice (only with the English version strangely, and only on my DSi), that when the C Gear is trying to make a connection, it lags the game a bit. That could be it


It's certainly possible, as I have the same language/dsi combination, and it only happens from time to time.

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Wow, the DS Lite seems to have major problems with the wireless...changed security to WEP, tried this and that...and for one time, it actually found a connection! Besides that, no good...


Wii works fine, so I'm wondering if the Lite is just an inferior piece of design in this regard...

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Wow, the DS Lite seems to have major problems with the wireless...changed security to WEP, tried this and that...and for one time, it actually found a connection! Besides that, no good...


Wii works fine, so I'm wondering if the Lite is just an inferior piece of design in this regard...

That's due to the fact the DS Lite can't handle WPA

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Ign's pokemon reiew, redacted due to spoilers.

Favourite part:


I love Oshawott, the water starter. I think he's adorable. But then he turns into ▓▓▓▓▓▓, who looks like ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓ narwhal ▓▓▓ ▓ drunk bear ▓▓ ▓▓▓ ▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓. ▓▓▓▓▓ conveys the image of ▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ melted ice cream sandwiches ▓▓▓ ▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ cigarette butts.


I would buy this game, but I shall wait until the end of June, due to the silly university course.

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I have to congratulate this new iteration on its unprecedented online features. The GTS has some cool new features, although I am still a bit too early in the game to use the negotiation mode and get a trade out of it :heh:. I find it a bit strange that you can only choose levels 1-49, 50 or 51-100, because now you never really now what to expect. I did make my first normal GTS trade though, where I traded an Audino for a Panpour, since I don't really like my grass-type Pansage.


In any case, I'm having a real blast playing this, and I can see what you mean Serebii, when you say that these games are the best ones in the series. I'm also happy that I kept myself relatively spoiler-free, so every step I take is a surprise :)

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I know EXACTLY what you're talking about with the brief delay. You have to keep tapping (stylus, whatever) as the writings coming up/move revving up. That's the pause. It does it for your enemy too. This will skip the pause. Why it does this is beyond me.


You lot seriously wait for the text to come up before pressing A to continue? Lol I have it pressed CONSTANTLY like the good ol impatient button masher that I am. :)


further impressions..... Am this is the same pokemon game we've played before isn't it ? :D sigh.... You'd think with the same graphics engine they'd concentrate on changing up little things.

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I love the designs for some of the Pokemon in this game. The zebra and mole look outstanding and are now on my team. :D I also like how you haven't got a rival as such but rather friends you just keep popping up.


Another thing I love is the Team Plasma's battle theme. :heart:



I dunno if it's because I haven't played a main Pokemon game since Pearl/Diamond but this just feels a whole lot fresher and i'm enjoying it even more than I thought I would. From the Pokemon designs to the story i'm loving every little thing about it so far.

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