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Pokémon Black & White


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I've still got 3 (at least) spaces left in my Pokemon Mafia game in the playground.


Would be nice to see some new players.


Whats mafia?


Theres X players. X players are good guys, and know no-one else, and X players are mafia and must kill the townies. Thats basic. Go check out the thread for more info.



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Pokémon Sunday has just finished airing and has shown some a new Pokémon called Yanappu (ヤナップ). It is the Grass Monkey Pokémon, is 0.6m and 10.5kg. Its ability is Gluttony and is a Grass-type Pokémon and knows a new move called Acrobat which has a use within Rotation Battles. They question if the Pokémon is owned by anyone in particular in the games.

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Ash is, whoever else is with him now (I lost track years ago) are going back home or whatever.


About time, though seriously he must one dumb kid. He spent all his years with pokemon he must've missed his GCSE's, A'levels etc, bet he'll be working in retail eventually :heh:

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He clearly isn't, he's shite/quite good at best.


I feel sorry for his friends. At least 1 is always dumped. Last I saw, Brock was with him, and Dawn, who they spent LOADS of time building up (like..whole episodes). That said, I only watched the first 10 or so episodes from the DP series.


Bring back Tracey and Misty I say. And black woman with parachute hair can stay too.

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Mhm. I missed most of the May/Max stuff because they were both annoying fucks.


Tracey was cool, if not a little odd/homosexual (not suggesting they are interlinked, he was merely a bit of both coincidentally). I wish these characters would have more interesting ambitions, like Tracey was a Pokémon artist or whatever (pretty redundant with cameras but whatever :p)


I hope parachute hair woman has a really black name in the dub. Watermelondria or something.

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The first details on special CoroCoro magazine; CoroCoro Special's October issue have started to come out through a Twitter so there is a possibility of it being inaccurate, with thanks to Sabonea Masukippa for translation. This issue confirms a new feature within Double & Triple Battles called Combination Attacks. These attacks can be joined together if you select both attacks by selecting two or more specific attacks. Three examples of these attacks include Grass Oath, Fire Oath and Water Oath. We don't know how these work exactly but we have three examples;

If you use Grass Oath and Water Oath, the moves combine to make a Moor attack which lowers your opponent's speed.

In addition to that, Fire Oath and Water Oath create a Rainbow in the sky which boosts the likelihood of secondary effects occuring for your team mates.

Grass Oath & Fire Oath creates a Field of Fire which will cause damage to the opponents each turn.

We'll bring more details on this brand new feature as and when it comes including and hopefully some scans & total confirmation so keep checking back.


These combinations, as well as being done together, also need to be done in order. For example, for the Grass/Fire Oath one, you'll need to use Grass Oath and then Fire Oath. It is unknown if all combination moves will be like this.

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Finally! I've been waiting for this feature to be included for a very long time! So of course using an electric attack after a water attack will double the damage dealt. This makes for some more strategy in the battles.

Not sure it'd work quite like that

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Not sure it'd work quite like that


Would be a good idea though if it did that.


It seems to me, the people making the games have actually thought about what people have said. They wanted a different yet samey experience. That probably sounds like an impossible oxymoron but hopefully someone understands me?

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