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I dont think you have monthly charges after that. Maybe yearly ones?


I did think of a use for the iPad earlier! If they were built into desks at uni that'd be nice. That way module outlines, readings etc could be accessed by everyone electronically (save the pandas planet!) and notes could be taken. Plus if anyone walks in late there's not the awkward "umm can I have a sheet" thing.


So yeah...can they release it for £1? That way it could happen :p

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You would spend £650 on a bigger iPod touch then? (Your own words)


My PC cost about £650 altogether. i7 with 6GB DDR3 RAM, 1.5 TB hard drive, 22" monitor, top of the range graphics card. I'm aware that it's significantly less portable but come on....


Yes. But I understand if money is tight and you need more functionality it may seem a bit pointless. But I think it's going to be great.


Great for these reasons, which no one commented on. Do people dispute the followingL


- Fist and formost, I think this will be the way we interact with computers into the future - browsing websites/apps and the iWorks demonstration show me that it will be fantastic

- It is great for casual people. People like my mum - who uses her laptop for looking at pictures, going on the web and checking emails. Perfect. The only issue is you STILL need a main PC to put everything on it...but still....

- This device is probably the best portable device for watching films. Better than the iphone, better than laptops and MP4 players, better than anything

- This device looks a great way to view pictures, organising your pictures etc. The fact it turns into a digital photoframe when you charge it up is also a great feature

- This device looks like it will be the best way to BROWSE the web. The idiotic lack of flash stops it from being the best web experience though

- I think it will be an absolutely fantastic portable gaming device

- I think the app store is incredible and a lot of apps will be even better on the iPad. And the exclusive iPad apps I'm sure will be stunning

- I can browse the internet and check emails etc without a wifi connection

- I think the ibook store is a nice addition if not great

- I think it will be incredible for newspapers and magazines

- The maps application, which is brilliant on the iphone and blackberry. Looks even better on the iPad with Street View.

- It's pretty much tiny and light meaning it's WAY more portable than my laptop

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- Fist and formost, I think this will be the way we interact with computers into the future - browsing websites/apps and the iWorks demonstration show me that it will be fantastic


I don't really have a problem with it. I'd just like to point out that Windows 7 supported all this (i.e. multitouch) sincethe beta. It's probably a lot older than that too.


- It is great for casual people. People like my mum - who uses her laptop for looking at pictures, going on the web and checking emails. Perfect. The only issue is you STILL need a main PC to put everything on it...but still....


For casual people, a netbook would probably be more desirable than an iPad plus a PC.


- This device is probably the best portable device for watching films. Better than the iphone, better than laptops and MP4 players, better than anything


The Archos 9 (about £415) is probably better. It has a proper widescreen (so much less wasted screen space) and has a built in-stand. I can't imagine holding a tablet for the length of a film, so you would have to buy one for the iPad.[/b]


- I think it will be an absolutely fantastic portable gaming device[/b]


Quick 5-minute gaming, yes. Once again, holding a tablet for a long period of time isn't ideal.


- It's pretty much tiny and light meaning it's WAY more portable than my laptop


You can get a couple of Tablet PCs already, with likely hundreds available this time next year, and with a proper Operating System. Plenty will just be as light and portable.


The main problem I have with this is the existence of Windows 7 tablets, and how they're obviously going to be very common soon due to the iPad.

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The main problem I have with this is the existence of Windows 7 tablets, and how they're obviously going to be very common soon due to the iPad.


Okay, so maybe Tablets are just amazing and something I will use a lot. The reason I want the iPad is because I own companies and we have lots of macs; they're all synched up with each other. Perfect.


And of course. The App Store. Which nothing else can compete with (yet). And I think it will be a great gaming device and holding it won't be a problem.

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I dont think you have monthly charges after that. Maybe yearly ones?


Yeah unfortunately it is a monthly charge. An extra 100 quid purely for the joy of having 3G capabilities built in and then you have to get a monthly data plan on top of that to actually make use of it. Rezdiculous!

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- This device is probably the best portable device for watching films. Better than the iphone, better than laptops and MP4 players, better than anything

Has Apple offered a form of wedge design/stand so you won't be holding it as it plays movies etc? Or are you expected to balance it with something?


Has there been a screenshot/thingy of it with a keyboard on it? Because based on the size, if you're going to type anything it looks like it'll take up nearly all the room.

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Has Apple offered a form of wedge design/stand so you won't be holding it as it plays movies etc? Or are you expected to balance it with something?


Has there been a screenshot/thingy of it with a keyboard on it? Because based on the size, if you're going to type anything it looks like it'll take up nearly all the room.


Yeah there's a dock and a carry case which acts as a stand. Keyboard doesn't look too bad at all and there's also a dock with a keyboard attached for more intense typing.

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Has Apple offered a form of wedge design/stand so you won't be holding it as it plays movies etc? Or are you expected to balance it with something?


Has there been a screenshot/thingy of it with a keyboard on it? Because based on the size, if you're going to type anything it looks like it'll take up nearly all the room.


Case/Stand, nicely showing that it has the option to cut the edges of films off instead of having black bars:




On-screen keyboard:



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I love they make out that it's better than a netbook because its more portable, but then add a bunch of fucking attachments if you want to either, watch a movie without it being uncomfortable, or type without it being uncomfortable, and a fucking keyboard dock because it's obvious you can't type fast on this thing.


Intensive typing my ass, more like anything more than a web address.




Why the fuck does this thing have a compass?


What fucking use is having a compass without GPS?

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Also, the talk about the keyboard reminded me of something:


The iPhone/iPod/iPad touch-screen keyboard is missing quite an important feature that would literally take five minutes to add.


IMO, a touch-screen keyboard really should show what you'll type in by pressing the button. For example - it should show lowercase when you're typing in lowercase.

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I've had that discussion with someone at uni. before... I think we both disagreed, but I thought that it was fine like that.


I think if it was constantly switching back and forth between upper and lower case it would be a distraction.

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