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Annoying trends.


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I don't get people who don't like Apple. Everything it produces is made of white stun.


I don't dislike Apple. It's more that there's nothing special about their products. People pay extra simply because of marketing.

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I don't dislike Apple. It's more that there's nothing special about their products. People pay extra simply because of marketing.


The special thing about Apple is it knows how to make things look/feel good. iPods have a strange ambiance about them that makes them feel superior to their competitors, when in most cases they aren't. But then that quality is what makes them superior.


I paid more for my MacBook because it looks staggeringly splendid. Why would I want a shite-looking laptop, in all honesty?

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They're good products, yeah. It's not a fucking lifestyle choice though. People act like having their stuff makes you a better person.


For the record, I have an ipod and it's awesome.


haha agreed (and I also have an ipod)


Here's why:


-The common misconception that all mp3 players are ipods.


-The all too famous "Apple Tax"


-The way the products seem to break months after the warantee runs out.


-The stupid way "ipod" is capitalised.


-How somehow having an Apple product makes you a better person..



Yeah they are good products (on the most part) but they have as many flaws as any other players...

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-The common misconception that all mp3 players are ipods.


Happens with all kinds of stuff. Games consoles used to be just known as a Nintendo whether it was or wasn't. Then they went to being known as a Playstation and nowadays they are just called a Wii. Its just what people do, not everyone out there is a connoisseur of technology.


-The all too famous "Apple Tax"


-The way the products seem to break months after the warantee runs out.


Apple aren't the only company to apply their own notorious tax. Are you saying their products are on a timer to break after the warranty? My iPod is an old second generation nano and I've had not a problem with it.



For further trending topic, see Twitter.

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I think Twitter for normal people to post "Mmm! Coffee on a winter morning! :p " is completely rubbish. If you want to do that, you can do so on Facebook already anyway, and Facebook is just far more efficient in what it does in every possible way.




Twitter is interesting in the way it's connected "celebrities" or famous people with their fans. Very unheard of...answering questions and stuff, getting really intimate with these people who were previously untouchable. That's an interesting turn of events.

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-The common misconception that all mp3 players are ipods.



My brother kept calling my Walkman an ipod, but then got a Walkman of his own. He now calls that an ipod... Bell end.

Twitter is an annoying trend, I did sign up for it a while ago, but I just can't get my head round how its cool, its fucking boring! Its not even addictive like facebook..

I feel this also. I couldn't even find myself enthusiastic to write entries after I'd signed up.

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Happens with all kinds of stuff. Games consoles used to be just known as a Nintendo whether it was or wasn't. Then they went to being known as a Playstation and nowadays they are just called a Wii. Its just what people do, not everyone out there is a connoisseur of technology.


Apple aren't the only company to apply their own notorious tax. Are you saying their products are on a timer to break after the warranty? My iPod is an old second generation nano and I've had not a problem with it.


I didn't isolate those comments to ipods only, did i?


(wheres that raised eyebrow smiley when i need it)

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The kuffiyeh, traditionally a symbol of Palestinian nationalism, is gaining popularity in hip-hop fashion


A few even came into her clothing store, Connection One Fashion, which specializes in urban apparel, to ask if she carried them. No one knew their name, and several asked for "A-rab," "Taliban" or "Bin Laden" scarves.


"I always liked the style, it doesn't really have any meaning for me," said Messai Belayneh, a 19-year-old student at the University of Maryland at College Park, who has worn a black and white kuffiyeh around his neck on-and-off since December. "I don't like sounding ignorant, but I don't know much about the history of soldiers wearing it. I just like that particular style of scarf."


As much as I like how it looks, it needs to die.

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I don't mind Ugg boots....think some girls look well fit with them lol.


Hate the super skinny jeans.....and I'm talking about the SUPER skinny ones here. Awful.


Word, UGG boots are a turn on for me.


Annoying trends for me are baggy jeans, they look terrible and yet so many people wear them.

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Yeah thats why you have a warranty to begin with otherwise things wouldn't even need to work from the outset. Planned obsolescence is something I link more to the likes of household appliances like washing machines and whatnot. I mean, maybe I'm in the minority, but none of my entertainment devices have ever gave me the impression they are on a timer, just waiting to break down as soon as the warranty is up. Apple or otherwise.



Twitter is an annoying trend, I did sign up for it a while ago, but I just can't get my head round how its cool, its fucking boring! Its not even addictive like facebook..


Twitter > Facebook, imo. I always hated Facebook and Bebo, etc. Who cares about looking at photos. :zzz:


If you want to do that, you can do so on Facebook already anyway, and Facebook is just far more efficient in what it does in every possible way.


I made a Facebook account years upon years ago when it was still unknown. I've never made any good use of it (can anyone make good use of it??) and don't think I've every actively searched for and friended someone. Recently I managed to get my Twitter set up to update my Facebook (status or whatever) which is mighty cool, giving my Facebook account the illusion of being alive.


People contact me through Facebook and I get emails to let me know. Its stupid because a) they are my friends and could just text me or b) they could just send a normal email.



Oh, and Twitter is super useful as a news feed. Love it.

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Ugg boots are all fine and dandy untill they start bending to the sides. Then people just look like they're walking like a Rugrat.


That's only indicative of how you walk on your feet. If you have a habit of leaning on one side of your foot than the other that will happen.


(but yeah I agree its pretty hideous looking when they are ruined)

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Am I the only person who's old iPod is still going strong? I've never had any problems with mine at all and it hasn't exactly had an easy life (plays all through the night, every night to help me sleep.)

Edited by Goafer
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Did you not? If not just iPods, then you were doing the old "interchange iPod for the whole of Apple" trick.


I didn't really state exclusivity to anything, so I'll thank you not to make it up as you go along. k? :grin:


edit: @ goafer, i've had several ipods:

video one (1st gen) had a hard drive fail after 13 months

really really old one that I had to fix myself after about 15 months

A wee old gen nano that failed after a day


The newest one I have (a nano, the new curve gen) is okay, but i reckon that's cause its got flash memory as opposed to a hdd which is more likely to succumb to failz. That and it hasn't had a huge amount of use.

Edited by Raining_again
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Am I the only person who's old iPod is still going strong? I've never had any problems with mine at all and it hasn't exactly had an easy night (plays all through the night, every night to help me sleep.)


Mine rocks. The only thing I cyclically change are the headphones.


I didn't really state exclusivity to anything, so I'll thank you not to make it up as you go along. k? :grin:


Hmm, reread your post. Its defo aimed at the iPod/ Apple.

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