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[SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


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This NEEDS to come out this year on the wii. What would be amazing, is if Nintendo put into all their Wii games, almost a Cafe enhanced, so when you play them on the cafe the graphics are in a higher resolution. Surely easy to do?


Can't wait for this, loved Twilight Princess, going to love this. Just hope Nintendo gives us the definitive Zelda, and include LOADS of bomb bowling puzzles and mini games :)

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This NEEDS to come out this year on the wii. What would be amazing, is if Nintendo put into all their Wii games, almost a Cafe enhanced, so when you play them on the cafe the graphics are in a higher resolution. Surely easy to do?


Can't wait for this, loved Twilight Princess, going to love this. Just hope Nintendo gives us the definitive Zelda, and include LOADS of bomb bowling puzzles and mini games :)


I'm also hoping that the Cafe upgrades the visuals of normal Wii games. Loads of people have already done this with the Dolphin programme so if Nintendo can't/won't do it then it's just laziness on their part.

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I'm also hoping that the Cafe upgrades the visuals of normal Wii games. Loads of people have already done this with the Dolphin programme so if Nintendo can't/won't do it then it's just laziness on their part.


Unfortunately this can be used to describe Nintendo quite a lot recently, so I'm not holding out much hope.

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Why i am currently not excited for this game!?


I have played OoT, MM, WW and TP and loved each one (although TP less than the others) but for some reason i am not currently hyped for this.


Is there something wrong with me? :/


Absolutely not!


It's just that the prospect of playing a Zelda with mandatory motion controls, five years after the Wii launched (when we have quite honestly seen all it can do) is not all that thrilling.


Now I don't say it will actually be a bad game, but it reminds me of Spirit Tracks on the DS, which I don't think many people were excited about either. Did anyone really want another Zelda using the Phantom Hourglass engine, with touch controls, and a train instead of a boat? I certainly didn't. But, it turned out to be a great game. Nintendo worked their game-design magic, and I'm sure they can do the same here. It'll help if we get a good trailer at E3...


In the meantime, though, Ocarina of Time on the 3DS is the one that has me desperate to play it.

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I definitely think the E3 Skyward Sword trailer will blow us away. We've still hardly seen or know anything about it and fingers crossed the trailer will wow us. But as others have said, I'd rather this Zelda game came in below the radar and surprised us all, than it getting hyped as the most perfect game ever as Twilight Princess for some reason was.

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People aren't as 'Wowed' because of first impressions/look of the game. Twilight Princess had a lot of hype, and had awesome trailers. This... not so much.

Intentional though? There's no doubt in my mind that Nintendo know that the Twilight Princess hype was a massive mistake. Plus, if we look at Nintendo lately, they've usually hyped up their games only a few months away from their actual release.


This should have been a sign, at last years E3, that Skyward Sword was still some time away.

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Godddddd, I spent so long avoiding anything to do with this, then I looked on Zelda Universe(the real one, to see if it was still alive) and started reading and now I think I want this. Loving the fact the whip from PH is in it, really liked that as an item in PH dunno how it'll translate to 3D. Hoping the controls won't suck, and that this game will be totally awesome. I want eeet, I want eeet naaaw! Any rumours on release date etc? I can't find anything, and unfortunately imagine it's probably another christmas release...


Why i am currently not excited for this game!?


I have played OoT, MM, WW and TP and loved each one (although TP less than the others) but for some reason i am not currently hyped for this.


Is there something wrong with me? :/


Nah, it's cos TP just isn't a good zelda, and you're probably worried this won't be either.


Just re-watched the Spaceworld 2000 demo/clip, makes me wonder in parts how we haven't come even further since...


(also saw a 1995 spaceworld vid for OoT that was like based on the cartoon/character model)

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Why i am currently not excited for this game!?


I have played OoT, MM, WW and TP and loved each one (although TP less than the others) but for some reason i am not currently hyped for this.


Is there something wrong with me? :/


Not at all.

A Zelda game's supposed to be the best game released that year. SS doesen't look like it's gone with the times. The graphics are unimpressive, even so for the Wii, we know that they're not going to be using any voices and my guess that this game yet again is going to be too short and easy, with very little in the way of side quests.

Plus that this game, that's supposed to convince people that the Wii is good for core gamers is going to be released only a few months before Cafe launches. Which actually in itself is confirmation that it can't.

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Why i am currently not excited for this game!?


I have played OoT, MM, WW and TP and loved each one (although TP less than the others) but for some reason i am not currently hyped for this.


Is there something wrong with me? :/


Your not alone....its all stemming from it being at the tail end of a consoles lifespan that may people have become tired of. Well at least thats how I feel.

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Your not alone....its all stemming from it being at the tail end of a consoles lifespan that may people have become tired of. Well at least thats how I feel.


I'd say the low hype level isn't caused by the point in the Wii's life cycle, but by the way the game was presented so far.


If Nintendo had shown a "proper" hype trailer until now (

), people still caring for it might not give a damn about how old the Wii is. Instead, Nintendo focused almost solely on demonstrating the most basic of game mechanics and how they work with WiiMotion+. How do you throw a bomb? How do you kill a flesh-eating plant? How do you use the bow?


What would have been exciting to show, are locations you'll be visiting, bosses you'll be fighting, side characters you'll be interacting with as well as hints at what the plot is (as thin as it is in Zelda games) and - of course - the trailer music has to be

. All we got was Link jumping off the cliff as cliffhanger (no pun intended :heh:). Small wonder the first image of Link without sword back to back with the silvery girl created seemingly more hype than last years E3 presentation. Add in, that the juvenile conviction among large parts of the Zelda "fan"base seems to be that every next game in the series should be more gritty, more mature, more open and more hardcore (which inevitably will lead to disappointment and those people eventually giving up on Zelda - fingers crossed :p ) and you get about the hype there is now.


The second trailer from GDC was much better imo, although the music didn't sound too epic for known reasons. It seems much better paced and showes a larger variety of game elements and enemies. With exception of showing one potential enemy character though, even that didn't connect everything into a large picture.

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Not at all.

A Zelda game's supposed to be the best game released that year. SS doesen't look like it's gone with the times. The graphics are unimpressive, even so for the Wii, we know that they're not going to be using any voices and my guess that this game yet again is going to be too short and easy, with very little in the way of side quests.

Plus that this game, that's supposed to convince people that the Wii is good for core gamers is going to be released only a few months before Cafe launches. Which actually in itself is confirmation that it can't.


This post amuses me.


Also I want to add: NO VOICES = DOOMED!!! And short? What? I say less guessing and more facts when we know more than a bland trailer.


I'll say this again, people aren't all that hyped, myself included because the announcement and initial trailer for this did nothing. It showed nothing. Go on and compare the TP trailer and this. It was a bad trailer followed by a bad stage demo. But I know it's going to turn out good because it's Zelda. So not fussed.

Edited by ShadowV7
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But I know it's going to turn out good because it's Zelda. So not fussed.


Same here.


However, the reason why is was left a tad unimpressed by all that we've seen, is the fact that prior to any footage/art of the game, interviews hinted at a new direction for the Zelda series.

So I was hoping we'd at least get some shock element like with Windwaker, which was the visual style.

Instead, what I saw was a beautiful use of visuals, and the wii motion plus, but no shock element (which I think is yet to be revealed though)

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For the technology that the game is running on, it'll be a great game. Just don't expect it to be the best game ever because it's running on the same tech WW was running on and there's only a limit to what they can do.

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However, the reason why is was left a tad unimpressed by all that we've seen, is the fact that prior to any footage/art of the game, interviews hinted at a new direction for the Zelda series.

So I was hoping we'd at least get some shock element like with Windwaker, which was the visual style.

Instead, what I saw was a beautiful use of visuals, and the wii motion plus, but no shock element (which I think is yet to be revealed though)


I think this nails it for me.


Nintendo stated a few times that this next Zelda would be a change to the formula but it still looks the same. Of course this could be mind games by Nintendo as we have yet to really see anything in terms of how the dungeons will be or the story for that matter.


I'm praying that come E3 they actually show something decent in regards to this game. I think most of us are sick of Nintendo harping on about how the game uses the Motion+. Sod the on stage demo and just give us a decent trailer showing us something other than the uses of Motion+!!


I once thought of Zelda as my favourite gaming series but after Zelda TP and both the DS games it has slowly but surely declined in my list.


Is it crazy that I want to play Gears of War 3 and Uncharted 3 more than this?

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Is it crazy that I want to play Gears of War 3 and Uncharted 3 more than this?


Shooting the millionth enemy, clinging to the millionth narrow ledge with one hand in on-rails platforming sections and summer blockbuster production values are as good a reason to get hyped as puzzling your way through the millionth dungeon and kicking Ganon's butt the millionth time I guess. ;)

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This post amuses me.


Also I want to add: NO VOICES = DOOMED!!! And short? What? I say less guessing and more facts when we know more than a bland trailer.

You just can't release an adventuregame with no voices and call it AAA. Not in 2011. This game probably will be good, but it's not going to be what a Zelda game should be by now.

The lack of voices was understandable during the N64 era, when voices weren't commonplace due to the small cartridges (when in fact the shear quantity of cutscenes in OoT raised the bar on what storytelling was possible on the format). It was even excusable when Wind Waker and Twilight Princess came out, as Nintendo weren't doing very well. But now Nintendo have a console with sufficiently large discs and they've been owning the game industry for about 5 years. By now Nintendo should be able to bury Dragonage and Mass Effect in all areas except for graphics.


I wrote that I believe that it'll be short, because the last few games have been. But of course, there isn't much beyond logics to support my theory, which I'm actually begging to be wrong. That's why I wrote that I think that's how it'll be.


I'm hoping that the new cool controls will prove to everyone what awesome games you could create for the Wii if you try. I want this game to show the horsepower that the Wii actually posesses. I want this game to own Mass Effect and Dragonage when it comes to both scale, length and storytelling. I want every single multi platform magazine to rate this as the best game ever. Just like they did with all Zelda games up until OoT. But still I strongly doubt it.

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Shooting the millionth enemy, clinging to the millionth narrow ledge with one hand in on-rails platforming sections and summer blockbuster production values are as good a reason to get hyped as puzzling your way through the millionth dungeon and kicking Ganon's butt the millionth time I guess. ;)


One word can sum up why i'm hyped for them 2 games more that Zelda. Story.


Both Uncharted games had great, entertaining stories about characters that I cared about and that actually talked. :D The writing in both Uncharted games is witty and makes you want to push through to see what happens to them in the end.


Gears is another story. The story told in the games is actually laughable, most of it was never explained. However i've read all of the Gears books which brought the whole Gears world to life and filled out the story in a massive way. The final book is to be released in August which will lead directly into the 3rd game, which is also being penned by Karen Travis, the authour of the books.

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Both Uncharted games had great, entertaining stories about characters that I cared about and that actually talked. :D The writing in both Uncharted games is witty and makes you want to push through to see what happens to them in the end.


It's true that story really pushes you through a game and Uncharted's story really delivered. But Uncharted's story was Indiana Croft meets Lara Jones with everything you expect from a summer blockbuster, including mildly witty dialogue. Basically a well written popcorn movie. I can't get hyped for that although I enjoy it. But then, I pretty much can't get hyped for any blockbuster movies either. :heh:


Just learned that the confirmed composer for Skyward Sword is responsible for this:


Broadcast Yourself


and this


Broadcast Yourself


(if Gafers can be believed)


That's something I can get hyped over. ^^

Edited by Burny
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