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Well if I hear more about any future games I'll let you all know heh. But yeah, from what I heard they're still working on Aliens. =)

Excellent, my very own Ine-side source.


Moving swiftly on, you can pre-order the game from Zavvi for just under £30. Apparently they've already sent some copies out — most likely due to the general postal strike next Thursday — so with any luck the game should arrive next week.

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What happened to pre-ordering games at £29.99? Trying to find Borderlands for this price but the best I've seen is £35.


Excellent, my very own Ine-side source.


Moving swiftly on, you can pre-order the game from Zavvi for just under £30. Apparently they've already sent some copies out — most likely due to the general postal strike next Thursday — so with any luck the game should arrive next week.

Aha, good stuff. May have to slip in my pre-order tomorrow.

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Ok so just let me say where I am with this. It's been totally off my radar until the recent coverage its been getting. It looks fantastic gameplay wise, like Fallout 3 without VATS. Add co-op into the mix and you've got a cracking premise.


There something about the graphics though I can't quite place it. Part of me things they are incredible and all credit to gearbox for making a cel shaded FPS (the first since XIII?) but another part of me also feels like they are quite bland I don't quite get it.


IF I do buy it won't be until I get paid next month, I've spent my gaming quota money on uncharted 2 and scribblenauts.

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Hmmm I'm still not sure what to make of this. Part of me thinks the money and time would be better spent with Fallout 3 and the DLC...I'm a bit put off by reading some reviews saying it lacks in story etc...because yes as good as it would be co-op I would like to be able to play solo and still get a good experience.


Anway B+ at 1up.com:




I think I might hang on and wait for Dragon Age Origins for some RPG love this year.

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This quote from 1up kind of puts me off:


Disregard all the goofy talk about Borderlands and its million-plus guns, or its "Diablo 2 starring Mad Max" premise; the one thing you absolutely need to know about Borderlands is that it's basically Mario Party for FPS fans.
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Was gonna leave this til Christmas but decided since it's an emphasis on co-op I'll probably buy it now. Any noticable differences between the PS3 and 360 versions? (I love being able to ask that now :p). Actually I'll probably just get it on 360 because I don't have a mic for the PS3 >_>

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The negative comments about the game don't really put me off. It just looks like a fun shooter that you can delve into for a while, and co-op online is something that I think will become standard in many adventure-type games for the future, I look forward to playing it soon.

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The thing that puts me off most is the lack of story and the fact that you are missing out if you play it single player. It's off putting, this is the sort of game I would only play with friends online as don't wanna play with some dick who either doesn't play as a team or just grabs all the loot for themselves plus theres the communication issues. As for the lack of story its just personal preferences, I don't like hearing that a lot of the NPC's in the game act as little more than missions boards. I mean in Fallout 3 there are plenty of distinct characters who I both love and hate but can't see this happening if thats the case in borderlands. It's odd some aspects of the game look very cinematic if you watch gametrailers review.


I guess it comes down to peoples different reasons for wanting to play these types of games. For me I need a compelling story to keep me interested in the world.


Besides for me I'm still yet to finish Uncharted 2 (very close) and not played co-op on that yet so reckon will delve more into that by which time Dragon Age Origins will be out.

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It's not aiming to be a Fallout 3 though is it? I think you're drawing too many comparisons between them and not thinking what this game brings to the table over Fallout.


Story obviously wasn't a priority when the developers made it so they've probably concentrated on the RPG side a lot more. Plus real-time shooting is handling much better in this. Fallout 3 is such a massive game in so many ways that it's almost stupid to disregard another title because it doesn't boast the same features. (Not saying you are doing that)

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It's not aiming to be a Fallout 3 though is it? I think you're drawing too many comparisons between them and not thinking what this game brings to the table over Fallout.


Story obviously wasn't a priority when the developers made it so they've probably concentrated on the RPG side a lot more. Plus real-time shooting is handling much better in this. Fallout 3 is such a massive game in so many ways that it's almost stupid to disregard another title because it doesn't boast the same features. (Not saying you are doing that)


No I get your saying, I guess for me I do view Fallout 3 as the pinnacle of the openworld post apocalypse 1st person shooter (even though its really not that strong a real time FPS) I mean the game its aspiring to be a diablo loot fest and a shooter don't mean it has to have a massive story, diablo doesn't (I don't think) and shooters don't have to have a huge story and be that cinematic experience that they've become since the glut of ww2 shooters aimed for that. Look at Doom and Wolfenstein they had functional stories that furnished games that were all about the shooting.

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