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X Factor 2009


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Britney Spears can/could once sing. Dunno anymore. Probably not, but she can pass cause she's so famous and no one cares it seems.


I don't know what that means and I don't care to find out.


Same Difference were way better than the twins! At least they had a shred of talent.

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Feel the same. I'm actually not fussed about watching it any more.


I'd probably say Ollie to win now, but Simon can fuck right off, so John and Edward all the way... lets ruin this show!!

Tbf I quite like Strong Again, and No.1 with Tinchy and Dappy (hilarious!)

Oh and Tulisa can be pretty hot so...




Danyl murdered Purple Rain in front of me. I pressed my hands against the screen, begging for mercy, but it would not come.


RE: N-Dubz, just seeing if their album is any good (only know the singles). It doesn't even have No.1 on it? At least that was catchy/good in clubs. I do like the melody of the sole hook in Strong Again. The other tracks I tired I couldn't listen to all the way through.


Number 1, there is a special version of on their brand new album. I implore (?) you to listen to their first album Paj Meen Ah. Do it for your brethren.


But it's not there fault that there were they are!


They didn't put themselves through to the live shows, and they don't put themselves through each week.


True tbh.


But they're entertaining to me. They look so funny prancing around the stage. Amateurs. Might vote for them next week, seems like they are starting to might go.

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X-Factor isn't a talent show, or hardly about music even. It's a lighthearted Saturday night TV show - a bit pantomimey. If people were to remember that they could perhaps feel a little less angry about it.


It's just a TV show.

Edited by Mr_Odwin
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X-Factor isn't a talent show, or hardly about music even. It's a lighthearted Saturday night TV show - a bit pantomimey. If people were to remember that it they could perhaps feel a little less angry about it.


It's just a TV show.

Tbf it genuinely can find talent though. There can be no disputing what an awesome find Leona was, and JLS are as talented as any boyband; there's a massive gap in the market for them right now.
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Yeah but Leona is crap. All she does is warble and go from loud to quiet several times in a song.
That's all the likes of Whitney Heuston have ever done, and she's better than Mariah Carey.
Same Difference were way better than the twins! At least they had a shred of talent.
I meant on a cringeworthy scale.
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Tbf it genuinely can find talent though. There can be no disputing what an awesome find Leona was, and JLS are as talented as any boyband; there's a massive gap in the market for them right now.


Primarily it's a Saturday night TV show for entertaining the masses. The rest is incidental.

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I am loving the level of outrage over this that's radiating from facebook friends. Completely ridiculous. Just got invited (and obviously declined) to a BOYCOTT THE XFACTOR group. People seem angered that Simon voted to keep Jedward in or something, claiming Mr Cowell and the show have now "SOLD OUT TO THE RATINGS"...


Well duh. It's a fucking prime time TELEVISION SHOW. It's always been about the ratings!


The only reason Jedward are in the competition is because they're shit (but seemingly nice enough people) and being British we love laughing at the freaks. MANY people tune out from X-factor as soon as the freak show auditions are over so this year they decided to keep two of the freaks in to try and tie down those of us that like lol-ing at them. (Oh, and it's definitely AT them, not WITH, whatever you tell yourself.)


Also, the whole bickering between the judges, especially Simon and Louis over the whole thing is so pantomime and staged it's hilarious, can't see how more people don't see through it?! Kinda depresses me though that the people that get so wound up about shit like this are usually the ones who don't give a rat's ass about things that... y'know... actually matter. If only that anger could be redirected!

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I am loving the level of outrage over this that's radiating from facebook friends. Completely ridiculous. Just got invited (and obviously declined) to a BOYCOTT THE XFACTOR group. People seem angered that Simon voted to keep Jedward in or something, claiming Mr Cowell and the show have now "SOLD OUT TO THE RATINGS"...


Safest bet is to avoid facebook at weekends, you'll have countless status' about one of the following:


i) X-factor

ii) Football results/banter

iii) The announcement of a hangover because of the 'messy' night before.

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If Jedward can stay in because of their funny acts but lack of talent, why can't lloyd stay in because of his looks but lack of talent?


On a side note, I dislike all the over 25's, they're all the same in my eyes and bore me. Stacey is funny and good singer. Rachel and Lucie were both great and should have stayed for longer.

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If Jedward can stay in because of their funny acts but lack of talent, why can't lloyd stay in because of his looks but lack of talent?


On a side note, I dislike all the over 25's, they're all the same in my eyes and bore me. Stacey is funny and good singer. Rachel and Lucie were both great and should have stayed for longer.


Because Jedward are funny. When they come on, you cringe and laugh at them and no matter how shit they are, they PERFORM. Lloyd is just shite, he can't sing at all and he gets by with his looks.


Jedward are entertaining (no matter how bad you think they are, you're still talking about them and when X Factor comes on, people say "Oh no, what are they gonna torture this week?".)


Whereas Lloyd...he's rubbish, he's not in the slightest bit entertaining.

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Why would you go to a Britney Spears show if you wanted "interaction" or "real singing" though? Surely everyone must've known she walked around the stage while her dancers danced and her album played in the background. I couldn't think of anything I'd want to spend money on less, than sit at the back of an arena, see nothing, and then not have the person I paid to see actually perform in any way.


(Sure we had this arguement with Haggis when he went earlier this year)

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Why would you go to a Britney Spears show if you wanted "interaction" or "real singing" though? Surely everyone must've known she walked around the stage while her dancers danced and her album played in the background. I couldn't think of anything I'd want to spend money on less, than sit at the back of an arena, see nothing, and then not have the person I paid to see actually perform in any way.


(Sure we had this arguement with Haggis when he went earlier this year)


I would probably pay to watch Britney Spears. I like her new song '3', it's unbelievably catchy.

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Because Jedward are funny. When they come on, you cringe and laugh at them and no matter how shit they are, they PERFORM. Lloyd is just shite, he can't sing at all and he gets by with his looks.


Jedward are entertaining (no matter how bad you think they are, you're still talking about them and when X Factor comes on, people say "Oh no, what are they gonna torture this week?".)


Whereas Lloyd...he's rubbish, he's not in the slightest bit entertaining.


Well I don't find John and Edward entertaining at all. And I much rather watch Lloyd than them. Just because you don't "fancy" him like all the girls in britain that do and vote for him, doesn't mean he has any less right to be in it than the twins.

They both entertain different audiences in different ways.


Wardrobe malfunction?



If you can hear that, doesn't it mean her mic is on and that she's actually singing? I guess it could just be on for when she's talking.

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If you can hear that, doesn't it mean her mic is on and that she's actually singing? I guess it could just be on for when she's talking.
I think Mic's are pretty much always on throughout mimed performances, because the singers ad-lib huh's and yeah's etc... throughout the track to give the impression of singing.
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Well I don't find John and Edward entertaining at all. And I much rather watch Lloyd than them. Just because you don't "fancy" him like all the girls in britain that do and vote for him, doesn't mean he has any less right to be in it than the twins.

They both entertain different audiences in different ways.


I see what you're saying but to be honest, I didn't like Lloyd's singing in the first place. It sounds WAY too familiar to the likes of Jason Mraz and James Morrison. He's limited in the stuff he does, like he can only sing good when he sings stuff like James Morrison and people like them.


I hated the twins as well because they were rude and ignorant and stuff but now I look forward to having a laugh at them. It's not entertaining as in "OMG, they're awesome" but entertaining as in "WTF is Chip 'n' Dale doing on the X Factor now?"

But still, I love to see what song they can possibly make cheesy next. Plus I don't take X Factor seriously anymore as it's now turned into a massive joke. Simon Cowell can bitch about Peter Kay's spoof all he wants but he knows Peter has it spot on.


Joe is kind of cool and I like his voice but way too much vibrato. If he turned it down, then he'd be great.


Jamie Afro...I don't get it. Never have. Again, just like Lloyd, he's limited. He's your typical Kings of Leon singer but other than that, he won't be good at anything else.


Dagenham Stace was one of my favourites and she can sing brilliantly. Every song she does is near a brilliant performance but, as Simon pointed out, she needs to move a little more. She could be a winner


Danyl was also one of my favourites from the very beginning though I have no idea why people hate him so much. Just because he's confident he thinks he's going to win and apparently he 'bullies' everyone?! I call jealousy because he's a good performer. Also could be a winner


Olly was my favourite from Boot Camp. Brilliant performances with no fault in them. Could be a winner.


Phew! Well that was fun :grin:

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