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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (XBLA, PSN, WiiWare)


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But what if... say you go flying up a vertical ramp into the air and you don't know if you need to go left or right because you've never done this part of the level before. In that instance, you let go of everything so that you just go straight up. In this game, that would probably stop you half way up the ramp and have you standing still at some stupid impossible angle.

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I downloaded the WiiWare version last night and I like so far. I see the complaints about his momentum and whilst I still havent got used to it yet, I don't see it as a major issue. Did the first Zone and Act 1 of the next.


What I do find is that in the bonus levels, I always press the d-pad in the wrong direction to rotate the screen. I might have to try holding the controller upside down to see if it helps :p

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After completing the special stages with the iPhone's tilt control, doing it with the 360's analogue stick was a breeze. I got all 7 chaos emeralds in about 20 mins last night.


I guess I could try turning on the motion control to see if that works better for me. hopefully it actually offers analogue control to give a bit more nuance than the d-pad ever could.

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Well, I have all achievments in this game apart from 'Untouchable' nearly got it on a few occaisions, I did manage to get a nice place on the leaderboards though for Time Attack on the last level 24th :) which I'm quite pleased with considering the 'top 10' consists of cheaters who somehow manage to glitch the game into recording '00.00' or '00.10' which is impossible to get, in comparison the number 11 time is '04.51' I believe, mine was about 30-40 seconds more than that.


Also has anyone managed to get all the rings in the little 'end-game' bit after the final boss yet? apparently there is an avatar award up for grabs if you can do it and it's pretty awesome too, for the other avatar award you 'simply' need to have set a score for every single stage in the game (including bosses and special stages) to get it.

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Bought and downloaded the WiiWare version. Up to the second act of Lost Labyrinth and I'm enjoying it. There are some things which are slowly beginning to annoy me but given the length of the levels, it's not really long enough to truly bothered me enough to turn off. Special stages are annoying as hell though. Don't know whether it's the config the dev team stuck with or the D-pad on the Wii-mote but its overly sensitive for turning.


But I'm enjoying it. Certainly more so than recent 3D Sonics. Will say that I'm looking forward to playing Colours though as it seems to be better than this from everyone I've spoken to so far. As a starting point though, SEGA have at least made a decent Sonic game and hopefully subsequent episodes can build on that (if they're going to continue down the 'make similar stages to previous games' route then please, please, please make a new Oil City level or Ice Cap level complete with 2D snowboarding!)

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I'm gonna come right out with it: I hated the demo.


I hated it so much that I went and got my sister, who I grew up playing Sonic games with on the Mega Drive and got her to play it. She too was disappointed. I really didn't think the naysayers would be right about this game but it felt nothing like Sonic. It looked amazing and the art style was fantastic but that must have been the only thing I liked about it. My biggest problem was how cluttered everything felt, and how the screen felt really zoomed in on Sonic. I realise that it was similar with the old games but they didn't run at 60FPS so its effect was lessened.


I tried so hard to enjoy this demo and pony up the points for it (I nearly bought it without trying the demo - how glad I am that I didn't..) but I would just be wasting money on nostalgic value.

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Fuck yes! 'Untouchable' get! :D


I genuinely thought at one point that it had to be an impossible challenge but after trial and - much- error I finally managed to nail it!


Now just the second avatar award to get, if I can be bothered lol I know it's worth it but... well we'll see... but yeah, just happy to have got the last achievement in it atm. :)

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I was doing this on the iPhone, not checked that it works on the console version - but if you're going to run out of time, just press start and retry. Can't help you if you keep bumping into the red "!" circles, but can make stages 4 and 6 much easier



Does this work on consoles then?

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Yeah it does. I didn't even need to do it on consoles though as the control is so much easier.


I tried for the Untouchable achievement. The only boss I struggle with is the fourth one! The one that drops the bouncing bombs. I can do everything else without getting hit.


Edit: Just got Untouchable and the special avatar unlock for all the rings at the end, in the same go :D


2nd Edit: Argh, can't wear the new avatar awards because I'm on the new beta dashboard!


3rd Edit: Hmm, I seem to have gotten a better ending than any I can find on Youtube. Quick! I must create my own badly capped external video of the ending!


4th Edit: Ha, done it, but clocks in at nearly 900MB... watch this space.

Edited by Shorty
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Just trying to get all the chaos emeralds now, been trying for 30 mins and I already have 5. 2 more to go, hopefully it will take no longer than 20 minutes. Depends how many times I have to retry either of them.


I agree that Sonic feels really sluggish at times. The movement speed from a standing start is ridiculously slow. Sometimes you need to stand still if you're on a moving platform or whatever and it just takes all momentum out of the game.


One other thing that's annoying me is every time I finish a stage it takes me straight to the final boss afterwards and I have to keep taking myself back to the stage select screen. I don't understand why they think I'd want to go straight to the final boss after splash hill zone act 1. Maybe it only does it after you finish a special stage though? Because that's all I've been doing.


Still love it though, I think it's just as good as any of the original Megadrive Sonics.

Edited by The Peeps
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