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Near Death Exprience.


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I've had about 3 or 4, can't help but think God wants me dead but keeps changing his mind let me sum them up.


1) aged 4 cycling in the garden on my tricycle, neighbour dashes a brick over hits me dead on the head KO'ing me on my brothers baptism day, rushed to hospital etc complications etc - and my dad never told my mum....

2) Nearly drowned at a hotel swimming pool due to the person working there lieing bout the deep and shallow end.

3) Nearly got mowed down by a bus in india, ******* dickheads there haven't heard of breaks

4) Trying to escape from the said bus, nearly got ran over by a motorbike however we both collided and i knocked them down still was pretty 'woah i'm gonna die' moment


can't think of any others, i've been far too drunk/stoned to remember them

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I've had a few:


I was ill as a baby and my sister (being only 4 at the time) though it would be a good idea to give me lots of medicine to make me "better".


She also pushed my pram into a rose bush, and i have some scars on my arm still.


And she pulled my legs when i was sitting on my mums car, she heald on to them as i slid off, the my head swang back and hit on the concrete floor, then started bleeding.


(I have though that she wanted to get rid off me when i was litttle)


More recently i though it woul be i good idea to roll down my stairs (don't ask why), so i padded my self up (used a belt to tie a pillow around my waist, and held aa sleeping bag aroun me), then i rolled down, i sort of forgot about the large window at the bottom of my stairs, and laned paintfully in a shower of glass, but no cutts (luckly).


Also crossing, i never look when crossing (i know... dumb), and i can't rember the amount of times my firend have pulled me back, or cars have sundly stopped and beeped there horns at me.


I figure after all this i am indersturctable.

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I've had a hell of a lot, once when I was a 12 we were swimming in a lake (But not me because I couldn't swim for shit at that time) The currents were strong so I didn't bother but my mate pushed me in! (I had only done my 5 meters certificate at that time...) Just when I was about to snuff it my mate realised I couldn't swim so he saved my life fortunately and then he said: "but I thought you did 5 metres," I couldn't believe it haha! ::shrug:

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You say 'back to life', but where have you been if you need to be brought back to life?

That's just being pedantic; I was trying to get my point across- nice try. :heh:


Anyway, the full Oxford English dictionary defines it as:


"the final cessations of the vital functions of an animal or plant"


Note it says final- there are no more.

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That's just being pedantic; I was trying to get my point across- nice try. :heh:


Anyway, the full Oxford English dictionary defines it as:


"the final cessations of the vital functions of an animal or plant"


Note it says final- there are no more.



So, what would you call it then if someones bodily functions completely ceased and were later restarted? If it's not death, then what is it?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I felt like dying when I was suddenly caught up in my first true-blue mosh pit at the Bloodhound Gang gig. I thought I was going to die of heat.

You've not had a near death experience until you've been in the pit at a Motorhead gig.

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