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Pookiablo's JSA Thread


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The system is flawed in that everyone is given the same JSA but everyone's needs are different. Villan doesn't need £105 a fortnight, living at home being a forum bum, but an unemployed guy living on his own, paying his own mortgage and bills would likely need more.


Call me old fashioned, but it's this mentality of ''I'm gonna take the system for all it's worth'' that I can never agree with.


These two basically. Un-disagreeablewith.





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But also it was an ipod that you bought. Now you could have bought a different mp3 player that does exactly the same thing for a lot less. But you chose to spend a lot more on "style". That's like somebody buying designer clothes whilst being on JSA. I wonder how many people would defend that.


This here be a good point.

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But also it was an ipod that you bought. Now you could have bought a different mp3 player that does exactly the same thing for a lot less. But you chose to spend a lot more on "style". That's like somebody buying designer clothes whilst being on JSA. I wonder how many people would defend that.

By the same logic should those on any sort of benefits only ever be allowed to purchase Tesco Value products?


I wonder how people would react if The Villan had spent all his support money on a friend's birthday present. That would be just as much of a 'misuse', but I imagine the reaction on here would be quite different.

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By the same logic should those on any sort of benefits only ever be allowed to purchase Tesco Value products?


No because there are such things as a false economy. And no matter what you say you cannot deny that you are paying far more than necessary for an ipod purely because it's an ipod.

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You're all being ridiculous. You wouldn't bat an eye if Villan had said that he'd been out and spent £20 on a night out or £30+ on a game. JSA is to keep you ticking over and sometimes that means blowing a few quid and enjoying yourself. I didn't see you all complain when I spent £95 on a Hard Rock Calling ticket, either.


It is wrong though but as I said I would do the same thing.


Actually dunno if this has been asked in the thread yet but is there some sort of contract that you get given with the reasons that you are being given money? I guess its something vague like support. The thing is he does pay his parents rent so thats a good thing I guess if he has the money to buy an ipod he could spend it on buying some shopping for his mum.


Still its tough and hes obviously pissed at not having a job as I said I would have been the same.

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No because there are such things as a false economy. And no matter what you say you cannot deny that you are paying far more than necessary for an ipod purely because it's an ipod.

Well that rather depends, doesn't it? Buying a product you don't particularly want because it's a cheaper alternative to the one that you do is pretty much the definition of a false economy. There's no point treating yourself to something you're only going to be dissatisfied with.


That's actually a key word here: treat. It was a one off purchase, one that will last a good few years. I'd certainly class the lasting ability to take your music with you as a more sensible use of money than the transience of tobacco or alcohol, yet if the same amount of money was being spent on those — albeit not all in one go, say over the course of a month or so — I highly doubt anyone would bat an eyelid.


For the record I echo Molly's sentiments towards this country's apparent "take all that you can get" culture, but at the same time I don't expect people to live up to my ideals 24/7. Personally I find the glorification of drunkenness to be unhealthy, irresponsible and dangerous, but at the end of the day what other people decide to do isn't up to me. The difference between right and wrong is personal perception, so all I can really ask of other people is not to harm one another and be justified in their actions.

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My friend, well not really seen him in years. Saved £800 from his dole money and spent it on a new PC. Hes been on the dole for around 4 years. He lives with his parents and uses the money for nights out and other social activities.



They should get food vouchers. Its a fucking disgrace!


I'm guessing some of you have never been on the dole so you probably don't really know what a really miserable experience it is.


Really?! I couldn't sign on for JSA because I hadn't contributed enough during the last tax year. I had rent and bills to pay (around £500 a month) never mind the fact my old employer owed me £1900 in wages.


Instead of tossing it off, I went out and got a fucking job!

Fucking iPod :mad: get your priorities straight!

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They should get food vouchers. Its a fucking disgrace!

Yeah. It really is.


People seem to be echoing the sentiment 'sometimes you need a treat; being jobless can be harrowing'. They're completely missing the point that, whether they'd like a treat or not, it shouldn't be up to other unrelated members of society to provide them with this treat. People used to be far more hard-working when there wasn't such a lax safety net, and more importantly; they survived.


I think JSA should work in two ways...either it can be accepted in the form of credit towards bills, food, clothing, etc., or a system where money is paid on the condition that some work is actually done. Like danny said - a day's community work would be great. Then everyone would be happy, and there'd be far greater motivation for some members of society (a fair chunk, but not all) to actually try get a job.

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This is an MP3 player that he can only use out of the house, so it will motivate him to go out and look for jobs, what's so bad about that? Good luck Villan and make sure that you pay your parents back for supporting you when you get the chance. Looking after you is probably more costly than you think.


As for the JSA, my food bill (around £145, but that includes £30 for my terrapin's sea food:heh:), internet and phone bills come to £185 a month.. I also pay my mum £180 a month, so JSA would be impossible for me in the long term...

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My friend, well not really seen him in years. Saved £800 from his dole money and spent it on a new PC. Hes been on the dole for around 4 years. He lives with his parents and uses the money for nights out and other social activities.


I basically use the JSA as an addition to my money in my account for nights out and purchasing items for aiding Job Search and other things.


But there are different amounts of JSA available for people. I'm on one that pays £50.93 a week, there are others that pay £60 p/w (over 24) and £43 p/w (under 21) and ones that pay £70+ if you live with someone else.

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Wow, do you guys listen to music through earphones while indoors? Is there something wrong with you lot? Ever heard of speakers?


I do as well... Sound quality is always better through earphones for me anyway..


Well not so much better but less other sounds to clash with when your wearing earphones obviously.


so headphones are better basically :D

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I do as well... Sound quality is always better through earphones for me anyway..


Well not so much better but less other sounds to clash with when your wearing earphones obviously.


so headphones are better basically :D


Fair enough, but you'd probably damage your ears after a while if you constantly wore them. My 32 inch monitor's speaker has brilliant sound quality and although a decent PMP offers better sound quality, listening to music through a speaker is a lot more convenient than being tied to something all the time. EDIT: might as well add that if he is listening to music through headphones, then he might as well just connect them to his PC.


Because iPods can't be plugged into speakers and used indoors in that sense?


Is that what he is going to spend his next JSA pay packet on?:heh: I might be wrong and perhaps he has something that can be connected to the 3.5mm jack, but I don't.

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Some people don't want to annoy other people in the house with their music though. =P

I know if I want to listen to my music in the living room I'd probably use headphones too.


Anyway on topic: I'm a bit mixed about this. I can see why people are annoyed about it, as it's basically free money that is being spent on luxury products (money that comes from taxes from other people).


But then on the other hand what else should he do with the money? It's going to be spent on something, whether that is games, food, ipods, clothes or whatever, the money is going to go somewhere. It'd be silly to expect people to not spend it on this sort of stuff.

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Wow, do you guys listen to music through earphones while indoors? Is there something wrong with you lot? Ever heard of speakers?


Maybe people aren't sat in one place all the time (ie. non sad bastards)...or maybe people like having all their music organised into one compact device? And maybe, just maybe...people prefer to use headphones or earphones...because the sound quality is great. ;)

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