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If You Were In an RPG Game What Powers or Abilities Would You Have?


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I would be the all rounder. Good with a weapon and can cast some magic (attack and healing) but never really excel in any one field. I'd also be the one who takes a back seat conversationally and really only join in when it mattered, or if the opportunity for a sarcastic beat down ever arises.

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I would be the pro-cook, able to lay down some megahax meals in true 'Tales of...' style; the effects of these culinary creations would result in a wide range of benefits to the whole party including regaining of health / magic and increased stats plus artificially enhanced status.


Oh yeah, I would also add 'Pepper +1' to each dish of course for added edibility and enhanced sneezing powers. :awesome:

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I'd probably be a Mage in terms of class as I'm useless in physical combat/activities. In terms of personality, I'd probably be the loner. That one mysterious person in your party that appears somewhere around the beginning of the game and helps you a lot, yet you never really find out much about them until halfway through the game.

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Mega powers but not able to kill anyone

(think Orihime from bleach - but not nearly as sexy haha!)

Much sexier. ;)


I would most likely be a mage/technician combo with high intelligence and wisdom and speciality in practical uses of magic and technology. I would have low physical skills like strength, constitution, and willpower, however, as I am quite weak physically and cannot stand too much pressure, though my dexterity would probably be good, as I am flexible and can sprint ... though not for too long. :heh:


My personality would be reserved and kinda excentric, but very close and loyal to my friends. I would also have a weird, possibly sarcastic, form of humour.

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Screw FF-style RPG's, Mass Effect is where it's at. More specifically, the Soldier class. I'm a rather good shot with a rifle, though I say it myself, and the only reason I don't do shooting with my Uni's society is because it conflicts with prior engagements (grr...).


Oh, and magic is for sissies! Also, don't expect me in any turn-based rubbish, I'm not one for standing around whilst people run up to me, slap with a alarmingly blunt sword, and run off again...


I'd be the cute animal sidekick that tags along with the main party! :D


That translates as "packhorse/human shield". :heh:

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Actually I'd probably be more of a Colette. Clumsy and useless but loved by all. *cough* :heh:


I'm playing through Tales of Symphonia at the moment and I'm at that blissful stage where Colette has lost her voice. It's magical (I hate her with a passion :heh:)

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I'm playing through Tales of Symphonia at the moment and I'm at that blissful stage where Colette has lost her voice. It's magical (I hate her with a passion :heh:)


You anger me. I have a little thing for Colette personally :heh:

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