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I'm sick of this sort of arrogance from people who've clearly never suffered from any disorder in their life, let alone acne! I did have treatment, it worked after 6 months, I stopped. It's now coming back, so I do have the option of getting medication, but it's a lengthy process, and I'm frankly embarrassed.




I find that drinking a lot of water and exercising helps. Like really sweaty exercise.


Apparently not having dairy helps, but I like dairy so fuck that.


Salty water is good, natural healing. If your gonna make it use SEA SALT and not table salt!


Some people have a slight dairy intolerance (but can eat/drink it without any side effects) and it may cause spots.


But Blender, Acne is a genetic condition and while treatment will work, it won't turn off the genetic markers and so it's likely to come back. As a result, it's not exactly something that isn't going to appear in generations after us unless a drug is developed that can alter the gene.


It's surprising how few people know that it is a genetic thing. Many think it comes down to eating habits or lifestyle but these rarely play a part in it at all.


And surprising at how many people think you are unhygienic when you have a skin condition. Peoples ignorance shocks me. Sure some people have it not so severely and it can be managed, but there are quite a lot of severe cases about!


Yeah before my acne started I had lots of dry skin around my face. I had to use moisturiser most days after a shower (always seemed to be bad after a shower).


water dries out skin (contrary to belief) my skin used to crack and bleed after a shower because it dried out so much! Get the moisturiser on ye! :P


I've put up with it for pretty much all of my teen life. I've been on several courses of medication, none of which seem to work beyond making them a bit less severe - however, I continue to get them on my face, back, upper arms, etc. The dermatologist keeps trying me with different medications, and I was looking forward to getting a "miracle" drug in June, but unfortunately I have to wait until the end of August, as it has some sort of conflict with the sun...


I've always been a very clean person, eaten healthily, 5 a day, etc. It does make me quite self-conscious and just makes me feel a little depressed at times.


A lot of people think skimmed milk causes spots. My instinct is there's some truth to that, but I still drink it for muscle and strength. If I get a spot, I find the best thing to do is rub soap into it, and it soon clears up.


This is interesting (as is Raining's post about intolerance). I do drink milk every day, in addition to having it on cereal. I could try to cut it out and see where that gets me.


First time I had it really bad. But only aroung my mouth/chin area. I went to the GP and he gave me some anti-biotics. I took those and it cleared it completely. But then afterwards they came back. Then a few months later I went back and got some more. And they worked but not as well. After that I left it and now it's mostly gone from my face. I find that having a goatee gets rid of it. I grew one and they went away. When I shave they come back the day after. Although now it's not too bad.

Its not always as simple as that. I've been battling with a skin condition for 20 years.


Going to the doctor or dermy won't mean an instant cure - it depends on your case - how severe it is - how you react to certain meds/treatment - how long it takes to find the right one.


But I'm all for people going to see the dermatologist. They know more than your gp would, and EVERYONE should at least ask to be refered!


I'm one of my local clinics more critical patients, I've been on more topicals, drugs and other therapies than you can imagine. I'm only in remission now after 20 years. My skin condition developed further into arthritis, and i'm now a really sick person because of it.


I know the terrifying fear of a skin problem coming back. I've had it oh so many times with treatments that improve it then stop working. Heck the meds i'm on now are so expensive (£180 per syringe!!) they are likely to be cut at some point, and it'll come back again. My skin condition is so severe that it could kill me. I've been let down so many times with miracle treatments that could cure me, and end up not. :sad:


That post made me feel bad about complaining about a few spots. You're probably the person who can relate to me most on this. It is extremely distressing when you have a skin condition, because there is no specific way of curing. I'm going to contact my GP at the end of the week if it gets any worse (hopefully it's just a little outburst nothing too serious), but I don't want to have to suffer like I have done for the past 4 years. I don't want this year to be ruined like the other past years. I shouldn't let it win emotionally, but sometimes it's all I think about.


I've put up with it for pretty much all of my teen life. I've been on several courses of medication, none of which seem to work beyond making them a bit less severe - however, I continue to get them on my face, back, upper arms, etc. The dermatologist keeps trying me with different medications, and I was looking forward to getting a "miracle" drug in June, but unfortunately I have to wait until the end of August, as it has some sort of conflict with the sun...


It's especially annoying when none of your mates have it. I find it very unfair. My dad had it really bad.

That post made me feel bad about complaining about a few spots. You're probably the person who can relate to me most on this. It is extremely distressing when you have a skin condition, because there is no specific way of curing. I'm going to contact my GP at the end of the week if it gets any worse (hopefully it's just a little outburst nothing too serious), but I don't want to have to suffer like I have done for the past 4 years. I don't want this year to be ruined like the other past years. I shouldn't let it win emotionally, but sometimes it's all I think about.


It's especially annoying when none of your mates have it. I find it very unfair. My dad had it really bad.


Nonono you shouldn't feel guilty. I probably suffer the same as you, I'm used to what I have as are you. Its probably as irritating for you! Agree with the other bolded.


See if you do speak to your GP, get refered to a skin doctor/dermatologist! Hopefully its just a flare (sun can make it worse too fyi!) so you may get better soon!


@ tellyn: a lot of stronger skin meds change the way your skin behaves and makes you less tolerant to the sun! Ie you gotta be anal with suncream. My meds makes my risk of skin cancer seriously higher, but I have no choice but to be on it.


p.s mega kudos on this thread, one of my (only) expertises :P

Its not always as simple as that. I've been battling with a skin condition for 20 years.




I'm one of my local clinics more critical patients, I've been on more topicals, drugs and other therapies than you can imagine. I'm only in remission now after 20 years. My skin condition developed further into arthritis, and i'm now a really sick person because of it.




i'm sorry to hear that. but i must know if this mean you have some hidden superpowers to compensate for your apparent lackings? I cant think of a good superhero name. PizzaFace sounds like the villain but i'm warming to its crust.

i'm sorry to hear that. but i must know if this mean you have some hidden superpowers to compensate for your apparent lackings? I cant think of a good superhero name. PizzaFace sounds like the villain but i'm warming to its crust.

Dude, isn't that just a little insensitive?

i'm sorry to hear that. but i must know if this mean you have some hidden superpowers to compensate for your apparent lackings? I cant think of a good superhero name. PizzaFace sounds like the villain but i'm warming to its crust.


my condition is an auto immune disease - which means my immune system runs too fast - i have healing powahs! Maybe.::shrug:


The flip side of that is often my immune system attacks itself! And ill be pumping myself with horrendous medication for the rest of my life.


What can I say - im a genetic throwback, child of cousins :cry:


@DD - don't worry my dear, you know me, i don't get offended all that easily :heh:

my condition is an auto immune disease - which means my immune system runs too fast - i have healing powahs! Maybe.::shrug:


The flip side of that is often my immune system attacks itself! And ill be pumping myself with horrendous medication for the rest of my life.


What can I say - im a genetic throwback, child of cousins :cry:


@DD - don't worry my dear, you know me, i don't get offended all that easily :heh:

I know, you're a strong gal. :) Still, I felt it was a little over the top.


Hm, strangely enough, there was a cousin couple on my mother's side at some point. But look at me, I didn't get messed u...


... wait, never mind. :heh:


Ahhh acne. Indeed a genetic thing. My dad apparently had it pretty bad, and so did I.


I started getting it in about 5th or 6th grade, even had a teacher comment on it. And once I was 12-13 it started getting really really bad and none of those things like Clearasil seemed to help at all. I got some people to call me names during those times, which of course really doesn't help your self esteem etc. =P


I went to the doctor about it but he was some homeopathic one and prescribed me some horrible stuff, like I think something like sunflower oil or pumpkin oil (whatever it was, it tasted viiiiiile!). And of course none of the things he prescribed helped. So at the age of 17-18 I think I finally went to a dermatologist, who got me some pills which actually worked! My acne got a whole lot worse. I mean I still got spots but it was so much better than having your entire face be covered in it.


After that I still got the occasional spots (usually one per week at least I think heh), though since I've been on antibiotics for my leg (more than two months now) I haven't really had any spots... though I expect them to come back with a vengeance once I stop with the pills heh. =P

I find that having a goatee gets rid of it. I grew one and they went away. When I shave they come back the day after. Although now it's not too bad.

I personally find that they like to hide within facial hair for me. Which makes shaving a careful process.


Actually. I pop the fuckers then shave normally.

Posted (edited)
. I find it very unfair. My dad had it really bad.


That's the source of your problem then pretty much. What age did your dad's clear up at?


I used to have it pretty bad, tried loads of different antibiotics which helped a little bit. I've found the Clearasil alternatives (Nivea for Men was/is really good) work well (better than Clearasil). I'm now 20 and still do have them on my forehead. They are noticeable in the light but in a dark room you can't see them at all anymore which is good, helped my confidence a lot when I'm out as I used to be really selfconscious about them.


And a few things I've noticed which really have helped me and are probably true for most people....


-Get outside! Every time after being on holiday I've noticed by skin feels so much better because I've been out in the sun so much.

-A healthy lifestyle helps me loads too. It's not the cause of the problem but does help fix it. If I've been out a few nights in a row I notice my skin getting visibly worse. I've only drank about 4 nights in the past 3 weeks (which is very few for me) and my skin is looking good because of it. A lot of fruit and veg wouldn't go amiss either.

-Shaving! I notice whenever I don't shave for a few days, immediately after I do they look pretty bad where I've just shaved.*

-Washing face more than twice a day. Instead of just washing morning and night, wash after lunch too. I tend to use the Nivea For Men anti-blackhead stuff in the morning and night and then if I get the chance (it's hard when working through the day) just wash with soap and water after lunch and even another time if you can.




*I might do a test one of these days and just shave one side of my face to see which side gets the most spots (I rarely get any on my face other than forehead apart from not shaving).

Edited by Charlie

-Shaving! I notice whenever I don't shave for a few days, immediately after I do they look pretty bad where I've just shaved

I just put that down to the irritation the razor causes personally...

I just put that down to the irritation the razor causes personally...


That's what I always figured. I get the same thing sometimes. I find how I shave makes a difference though. If I shave in the bath it's better than if I just shave in front of the mirror, something to do with the hot water softening the skin and making shaving easier/less irritating methinks.



Good to see I'm not the only person who gets spots on the upper arms/shoulders. Didn't realise it was common/acne.


I'm lucky. I never really got acne on my face. I got the odd spot here or there, especially on my cheeks when I had really long hair. I think the hair irritated my face. I do feel for the people who have really bad acne, it can't be fun.


I've never really had a problem with it on my face, just a few occasional spots here and there. On my back though, that's where they seem to gather, not really a problem usually but if I want a bit of nekkid fun then I do sometimes feel a bit self conscious. Luckily people just stare at my wasboard abs and massive pecks.... Yeah..... Something like that..... *cough*


I'm not sure if I should respect my body in the fact that it does have some symmetry in my spots. If it's on one side, there's sometimes another in the same place on the other side.


when you shave with a blade it will take off a certain amount of skin, and therefore will irritate it. So yeah, shaving can make spots worse.


you are taking a sharp blade to your skin, what do you expect :heh:


^^^ lol truth... this is why I've always used an electric razor, much less hassle and doesn't irritate as much, and maybe less harmful to the skin? Idk.. I just prefer it anyway. :heh:

^^^ lol truth... this is why I've always used an electric razor, much less hassle and doesn't irritate as much, and maybe less harmful to the skin? Idk.. I just prefer it anyway. :heh:


I have to use a dry shaver with my skin condition - a razor would cut me to bits!

I have to use a dry shaver with my skin condition - a razor would cut me to bits!


Hmm do you prefer using a dry shaver though? I know I do and I just guessed that they must be a bit better than a wet shaver because it's less hassle - no foam - and it's very difficult to cut yourself with a dry shaver.


The one downside of course though is that you need to clean it regularly - or I do anyway - because of all the stubble that collects in it, ewww. :heh:


It's not that bad though. :)


I had it rather bad until the beginning of this year. At that point I started on acutane(SP) and after a few months my face was completely cleared up. The best part is, after taking acutane(SP) for so long, its really hard for the acne to come back.

when you shave with a blade it will take off a certain amount of skin, and therefore will irritate it. So yeah, shaving can make spots worse.


you are taking a sharp blade to your skin, what do you expect :heh:


When I was a bit younger than I am now, I used to have real problems when I was shaving. It would just take off chunk-loads of skin and my face would always feel sore. Razor burn, soreness and blood. It was marvelous.


One thing I did to change things was just to shave with the grain, and it took my face a week or so to adjust to it, but my skin felt loads better in time. I rarely shave against the grain now. That was one thing I did. I did shave with the grain before sometimes, but it never used to leave me with a clean-shaven look, and it felt a bit irritating to not feel clean, so I more often than not shaved against the grain.


Another thing I did was invest in some Karma Cream from Lush. I can't live without it now. Lush is a brilliant place. Another thing is just to ensure that you have some decent razor blades and shaving gel or foam or whatever you use. Nothing worse than crappy blades where you're fighting against it trying to shave.


So, yes, this is not directly aimed at you Raining, or...anyone really. Except for you youngsters out there or people who have trouble shaving. It can be a pain in the armpit.


Yeah thats some good advice there.


My skin cuts to bits because its generally a lot weaker in my affected areas (or even the scarring from "healed" areas too!). Nothing I can really do apart from being careful, sadly.


The skin around my eyes is really sensitive and goes all red if I use any sort of face wash on my face. I can only wash my face with water, so thankfully I don't suffer from spots!

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