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Car Boot Bargains!

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Todays amazing pickups at the wet drizzly on/off car boot :) I FOUND A G&W !!!:):):)


prices and details to come later.



Zelda 2,Mario 3,Exitebike,double dragon,duck hunt solos,tetris, tailspin ,road fighter, donkey kong classics

dreamcast games + n64 games kirby zelda doom mario64 banjo ,+master system mortal combat£11 thelot:D


all the ps2 games about £6 the lot pokemon the movie 70p



brand new sealed 360 controller £10

more details on the way




Edited by yesteryeargames
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hi all, it was a very lucky day, and the weather was wet and drizzlely at times i wasnt going to bother going even lol :) the car boot were only half full, we have tiny boot sales here usually full of modern overpriced crap if anything but lately ive had a good run, it was just luck and getting there early





the g&w is Green house, its brilliant i got it with the gold sp :). the mega cd + mdrive + games was £12

aprt from lethal enforcers gun set which was from a trader

Edited by yesteryeargames
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hi all, it was a very lucky day, and the weather was wet and drizzlely at times i wasnt going to bother going even lol :) the car boot were only half full, we have tiny boot sales here usually full of modern overpriced crap if anything but lately ive had a good run, it was just luck and getting there early





the g&w is Green house, its brilliant i got it with the gold sp :). the mega cd + mdrive + games was £12

aprt from lethal enforcers gun set which was from a trader


£12!!! Mega cd's go for stupid prices on ebay which is why I'm not gonna buy one on there.

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YYG... is that the car boot sale at Rosudgeon that you go to? If so then well done :) I've had a few finds there but nothing like what you've managed to acquire.


When you say 'early' just how much in advance do you usually go? for instance, Rosudgeon sellers get there at 10:30am so I'm guessing 10am? Just curious anyway, I used to go to car boots quite a lot but now not so much, more trying to get rid of stuff than buy more :) lol but it's cool if you have the space I guess.

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Big Bump for this thread.


Picked up these on Saturday for £7




Adding a Mega Drive 1 & Xbox to my retro console collection



Just got back from a car boot this morning and got my best bargain EVER!


For £3 I got 2 x Brand New Wii Remote Plus.




Also got Star Wars The Force Unleashed II for the Xbox 360 for £2



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I too have experienced my share of boot sale bargains over the years.


Best was probably a mint SNES with two pads and Starwing for £3. Still have it kicking about in the loft. eBay has pretty much killed the car boot sale for gamers.

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Nice haul! But do those Wiimotes work properly? The box for them screams Chinese knock off heh.


Both work fine, have all packaging, instructions, safety strap & safety case.


If they are Chinese knock offs, they are damn good ones.

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I love car boot sales my brother got a Dreamcast console for 50p last week. I think my best find ever was 11 snes games and 2 snes consoles for £11. That was a good day. Anyway What time do you guys normally get to the carboot sales? I am never sure of the optimum time if you get there too early you have to wait for ages.

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I love car boot sales my brother got a Dreamcast console for 50p last week. I think my best find ever was 11 snes games and 2 snes consoles for £11. That was a good day. Anyway What time do you guys normally get to the carboot sales? I am never sure of the optimum time if you get there too early you have to wait for ages.


Earliest I'll go to a carboot is 7ish


I miss out on a lot of bargains as I'm not the type to pester people while they are getting things out of their car, I rather wait until they have everything out then have a good look.

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So yeah...... i done fucked up. I almost always walk round the carboot where i work on sundays first thing in the morning at about 6am. This week just gone i really didnt feel like it and went to get breakfast first. I started seeing people walking past me with boxed SNES games and was like.... oooo nice. So anyway i ate my sausage sandwich and started walking around, didnt see anyone selling SNES games and though he must have had just a few and sold them all.


Walking to the last field i notice a guy loading his car up with a few bits and a bag of SNES games. Which games....... Super Metroid, giant box minth with guide. DK, DK2, DK3. Unirally. And more that i think my mind has blanked out. So i make my way up the field and spot the guy selling them, i bought the last two that he had (Sim City and Smash Tennis), he sold me them both for £5. Turns out he found about 100 games in the attic of the house he bought, brought them to the car boot and sold them for £3 each.


Absolutley gutted.


TL:DR - Always look round the carboots early or you miss out.

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I need to start going to car boots. I really want a PS1 and a Gamecube and the computer shops around me are selling them for £20 but I know I can get them cheaper. When I do go to a car boot, I'll come back and tell you my finds.

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