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Michael Jackson Dead


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According to the paper, his doctor gave him a high dose of morphine, and his breathing just got slower and slower then stopped. The doc had the paramedics work on him for an hour and refused to let them call the coroner.


Does the doctor have a young child?

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It's just sad he is never going to do that tour, would've been a special event where he was once back in the limelight for one last time. It always seemed he was happiest on stage, such a shame we couldn't see him go on a high.

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It always seemed he was happiest on stage, such a shame we couldn't see him go on a high.


Technically he did go on a high, from the morphine though unfortunately :( but yeah it would have been better if he had got the chance to perform again before dieing... but then again, think how bad it would have been if he'd died on stage, I think people would - at least initially - be more upset than they are now. :/

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The Royal Family, and specifically the Queen Mother and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II are the best form of diplomatic envoys we have. Frosty foreign relations? Send in one of the senior Royals: it pimpsmacks the other country into thinking we respect them and things get better.


Let's not forget as well that they and their residences draw a great deal of tourists to the capital which helps the London economy.


Plus the Royal Consort is just about the best and funniest guy in the world when it comes to gaffes.


You don't seem to be arguing against what I'm saying though. Yes, having the queen perhaps is a good thing for england. I know that the whole royalty thing brings in a good amount of tourists, ect. But is any of that really because of stuff the queen has done? No, its because of her status, not her achievements. I'm not trying to insult the Uk or anything BTW, if I'm coming off that way, I'm sorry. But honestly, if you're not going to explain your opinions (and I'm talking about everyone here), is there any point in flaming me?




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Many people are starting to say now that we should celebrate MJ's life as much as possible before the autopsy results come back. Hopefully, thats not the case.

Edited by Emasher
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Typical Daily Mail got it wrong. The royal london hospital WAS going to sell him the elephant man's bones, my family had to threaten and get an injunction on them and wait until our lawyer found the clause saying human remains cannot be sold.


Still, even though my family has had a personal issue with him, he was a very talented person and he shall be sorely missed

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Typical Daily Mail got it wrong. The royal london hospital WAS going to sell him the elephant man's bones, my family had to threaten and get an injunction on them and wait until our lawyer found the clause saying human remains cannot be sold.


Still, even though my family has had a personal issue with him, he was a very talented person and he shall be sorely missed


Was the elephant man part of your family tree, or did your family just work at the hospital?


Why would anyone want to own those bones..:wtf:

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You don't seem to be arguing against what I'm saying though. Yes, having the queen perhaps is a good thing for england. I know that the whole royalty thing brings in a good amount of tourists, ect. But is any of that really because of stuff the queen has done? No, its because of her status, not her achievements. I'm not trying to insult the Uk or anything BTW, if I'm coming off that way, I'm sorry. But honestly, if you're not going to explain your opinions (and I'm talking about everyone here), is there any point in flaming me?




On topic:


Many people are starting to say now that we should celebrate MJ's life as much as possible before the autopsy results come back. Hopefully, thats not the case.


WTF, you have our Queen on your god damn coins! She used to be your Head of State or something! Bow down before her like the rest of us!

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The jokes popping up since he died disgust me. Not because they're distasteful or anything, they're just so bad.


They are so bad, and some of them are distasteful in my eyes.


I paid my tribute to Michael last night by performing "Beat It" at the Karaoke last night. Did a pretty good job according to the organizer and my mates.

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WTF, you have our Queen on your god damn coins! She used to be your Head of State or something! Bow down before her like the rest of us!


I certainly hope you're joking (about the bowing down bit). She actually still is technically the head of state of Canada, but she absolutely shouldn't be. If she even tried to use any of her power over here she probably no longer would be anyway.

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I dunno, I actually have no problem with the jokes. I know people may find it distasteful, but I've almost never found anything sacred when it comes to humour. As long as nothing harmful is meant by it, I see no problem.


I don't mind jokes but I do mind the fact that the guy just died and literally a minute later, people were saying sick jokes about him and his death and stuff. My mate told me a joke as soon as he died and I said "Show a bit of respect, a man has just this minute died!"


Such a shame what happened :(

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Not quite descendant since he didn't have any offspring :P


Go up in my family tree four generations and he'd be my cousin


Awesome, in a kind of weird way.


In the King of Pop's topic we find out the true identity of the King of Pokémon.

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