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Reggie wants ideas!


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Suggest a Nintendo franchise and developer to Reggie Fils-Aime, and he'll do the rest. Possibly.


Speaking to Kotaku, Nintendo of America's head honcho Reggie Fils-Aime has asked gamers for their input. "In the same vein of Team Ninja working with Nintendo to re-imagine Metroid," he asked, "what other developer they'd like to see partner and collaborate with Nintendo? And on what franchise?"


With Team Ninja working on Metroid: Other M, a title which seemingly has a new take on the series' gameplay, what other franchises would you like to see in a fresh light? Final Fantasy's Square-Enix team on the next Paper Mario? Burnout's Criterion taking on Mario Kart?


Surely there can be no higher power on Earth than Reggie who could make these things happen...


Well, what games do you want?


Excite EVERYTHING by Criterion.

Excitebike goes back to its semi realistic roots as Criterion brings out a new game in the Excite-series.

Dirtbikes, trucks, snowboarders, jetskis, rallycars and other vehicles compete against each other over varried tracks. The variety of vehicles and the surroundings cause for spectacular situations and complete mayhem.


Gumshoe by Namco

Gumshoe is an old NES lightgun game where you play an ex-FBI agent whom is trying to save his daughter from a Mafia don.

The Wii version will play a bit like Killer 7, where players can walk on rails, and by pressing a button stop his character. However the main character in this game will walk forward by default.

The action scenes will be similar to Namco's Time Crisis games, with the exception of the view being behind your character.

Cel shading, some sort of graphic novel drawing style, gritty realism? Who knows.

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Zelda: Square-Enix


I have said before on these forums that I would love S-E to have a stab at a Zelda game especially if they put in the same time and money that they do when creating a main series Final Fantasy game. It would be nice for some epic cutscenes/FMV and voice acting in a Zelda game for a change. I want something that will bring some real emotion from me and with FFVIII, FFX, FF:Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts being able to do that then clearly S-E are the guys for me.

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ooh ohh ohh...


Star Fox, F-Zero, WaveRace, 1080, Donkey Kong, Mario Golf developed by...... Nintendo!

Lazy bastards, develop your own games!


But seriously, if Nintendo are gonna balls around with their casual titles for the forseable future then yeah I'd rather they outsource these franchises, than us never see them on Wii!


But not sure who I'd really trust with many of Nintendo's franchises after Namco took on StarFox, and Nintendo shoe-horned StarFox into Rare's dinosaur planet.

Capcom supposedly do well with the portable Zelda's, but could they handle a full console version?...

Edited by Retro_Link
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I really want a new Donkey Kong game. The first and last full 3D DK game was Donkey Kong 64 and whilst a lot of people claimed they didn't like it, it must be one of my favourite plat formers.

I'm not sure who would develop it though as a Donkey Kong game in my eyes is only properly done by the amazing Rareware who are indeed, not that amazing anymore.


But like Retro_Link said, what happened to Nintendo just making them anyway?!


Oh yes, far too busy on New Super Mario Bros. Wii :P

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Thing is, it's hard to know which teams would be good with Nintendo franchises. I'd go so far as to say that the reason people are excited about Metroid is not because Team Ninja are involved, but more because it looks great, Sakamoto's involved and it's a traditional, 3rd-person Metroid.


That said...


F-Zero GX was great, so Amusement Vision deserve the next one (perhaps tone down the Story Mode, eh? ;))


Flagship should be reformed to do all the 2D Zeldas. Four Swords Adventure really "got it", more than Phantom Hourglass, I'd say.

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Kid Icarus by Bethesda.


Zelda: Square-Enix


I have said before on these forums that I would love S-E to have a stab at a Zelda game especially if they put in the same time and money that they do when creating a main series Final Fantasy game. It would be nice for some epic cutscenes/FMV and voice acting in a Zelda game for a change. I want something that will bring some real emotion from me and with FFVIII, FFX, FF:Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts being able to do that then clearly S-E are the guys for me.


Wouldn't that kind of ruin Zelda. I mean, do you really want to control the entire game with one button and the analog stick. Plus they might screw up the story from what Miyamoto has in mind for the timeline. If Square are doing anything with Nintendo, it should be Mario RPG 2.

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square enix to try pokemon... I want someone else to give it a try


That would either turn out really good, or really bad I would think. But a pokemon game taking place in the main pokemon universe with a different type of story would be welcome.

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Wouldn't that kind of ruin Zelda. I mean, do you really want to control the entire game with one button and the analog stick. Plus they might screw up the story from what Miyamoto has in mind for the timeline. If Square are doing anything with Nintendo, it should be Mario RPG 2.


Yes, because Zelda has the deepest attacking system going for it :indeed:

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A new F-Zero by Amusement Vision

A new Star Fox by what's left of the Lylat Wars team

A new Excite Truck by Monster Games but made ultra-crazy and with online

A new Pikmin by Nintendo

A 3D Pokémon game made by BioWare with the first 150 Pokémon and real-time combat

A new Zelda by Nintendo (I disagree with the Squeenix bit - I don't like any of their games. Although that may change as they'll be publishing the next Hitman and Tomb Raider)

Kid Icarus by Retro Studios

A 2D Zelda (made by the Minish Cap guys) and Metroid (by the main Metroid team) on the DS

Get Valve to make anything for the Wii


Edit: For you Squeenix fans...what about Paper Zelda?

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I think the problem with Zelda is that most people want it to be very traditional so that there are throwbacks to the older games, but when this happens they complain it isn't original. I don't think it's possible to have both - although other factors could remain the same i.e Hyrule etc.


Thinking about it Bethesda would do a great job on Zelda for stuff like castle town where people serve a purpose other than continually repeat 1 line. Plus they do make pretty epic games.

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Thinking about it Bethesda would do a great job on Zelda for stuff like castle town where people serve a purpose other than continually repeat 1 line. Plus they do make pretty epic games.


Yeah, and then about a year after it comes out they can release a GOTY edition including the patches that stop the game crashing every time you approach a quest slightly differently.

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Kid Icarus by Bethesda.




Wouldn't that kind of ruin Zelda. I mean, do you really want to control the entire game with one button and the analog stick. Plus they might screw up the story from what Miyamoto has in mind for the timeline. If Square are doing anything with Nintendo, it should be Mario RPG 2.


If Square Enix were to make a Zelda, they'd probably keep the traditional combat system, but make the graphics and cinematics awesome, plus they'd add LOADS of sidequests and extra equipment.


Plus Miyamoto doesen't have a timeline. It got thought of afterwards.

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Kid Icarus by Bethesda.




Wouldn't that kind of ruin Zelda. I mean, do you really want to control the entire game with one button and the analog stick. Plus they might screw up the story from what Miyamoto has in mind for the timeline. If Square are doing anything with Nintendo, it should be Mario RPG 2.


I bet Square-Enix could make one bad-ass PAPER MARIO game:bowdown:

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Do we really think Shigsy has any Zelda timeline in mind whatsoever...?


I say get Square-Enix on the phone and see about making that Mushroom Kingdom Hearts a reality! AV did good with F-Zero GX as we all know, but if Reggie was to let the loose on the next installment, I'd want to make sure they sort out the music!


Get the Stamper Bros. to make DKC4!!!!!!

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