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Unemployment, travelling and smoking thread. Apparently.


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Got an actual invitation this time,the last one rudely lied to me then didnt phone back!


I have an interview with COAL Consultants LTD on monday, i hope it goes well :)

Its a business admin job, with a few extrs like basic it support and tea making lol.


you will always get "other duties" in every proper job contract - its basically so they can throw any shitty job at you if they feel the need. bewarrrre.


My work has me doing testing docs under "other duties" the fucks. I thought I had escaped those bastards after college!!

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you will always get "other duties" in every proper job contract - its basically so they can throw any shitty job at you if they feel the need. bewarrrre.


My work has me doing testing docs under "other duties" the fucks. I thought I had escaped those bastards after college!!

I dont mind doing the shitty jobs, i just want money.

At the moment id do almost anything...

You have money.. ;) ..right?

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So after Dan's keen eye I re-switched my C.V round so it looks better, slightly re-worded so its more clean and professional.


Going to hand it in to this part time job I saw, I should really write a cover letter I suppose even though it doesn't ask for one.

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I dont know if these will help anyone, but it helped me a bit.

Some interview tips my college tutor sent me.

Job Interview Tips


Make a good first impression. Judgments are often made in the first 10 seconds of an interview meeting. Make sure you make a good first impression; you won’t get a second chance.


Look the part. Dress for business not for a party. Dress to impress. (Men - wear trousers, shirt and tie, not jeans and t-shirt. Ladies - wear skirt and blouse, smart trousers and blouse, or a dress, look professional. Don’t expose too much skin, a jacket or cardigan is a good idea).


Use eye contact. Be sure to look at the interviewer when they are speaking to you and when you are speaking to them.


Shake hands. Take hold of the interviewer’s hand and shake it firmly.


Speak with confidence. Speak clearly, fluently and sufficiently loudly and don’t hesitate when answering questions.


Respond to questions well. Interview questions often include questions about your work experience, college/school experience, what qualifications and experience you have, what your ambitions are, what your interests are, what you enjoyed at school or college, what you least liked about school or college. If you have changed college courses, not completed your course, or swapped jobs a lot, then be prepared to answer questions as to why this has happened. Think about how you answer these, the wrong answer could make you look like you won’t stay with the company or will lose interest, so think carefully about the answer you give. PRACTICE YOUR ANSWERS.


Show keen interest. Look interested in what the interviewer is saying.


Use your record of achievement. Show what you have achieved, include job or character references, CV, testimonials and certificates.


Play on your strengths. Use every opportunity to explain to the interviewer your strengths and why you will be good at the job. You need to convince them that you can do it better and will be a more valuable employee than the other people they are interviewing.


Ask Questions. Research the company so you can ask a couple of good questions. You may be asked what you know about the company, be sure that you have done your research.


Leave a lasting good impression.




CWard. Kirklees Colllege.

Top 5 Job Interview Tips from Monster.co.uk

If you're counting down the days till your next job interview, these helpful hints will help you get in the right mood so you can leave a lasting impression on the interviewers.

1. Do your research

Fail to plan, and you plan to fail. You are certain to be asked specific questions about the company, so make sure you've done your homework on things like their last year's profits and latest product launches. Also take a look at the latest developments in the industry so you can converse with confidence.

2. Practice your answers

Although there is no set format that every job interview will follow, there are some questions that you can almost guarantee will crop up. You should prepare answers to questions about your personal strengths and weaknesses, as well as being able to explain why you would be the best person for the job.

3. Look the part

Appearances shouldn't matter, but the plain fact is that you are often judged before you've even uttered a word. Make sure your shoes are polished, your clothes fit correctly and that your accessories are subtle. Dressing one level above the job you're applying for shows a desire to succeed.

4. Stay calm

Good preparation is the key to staying in control. Plan your route, allowing extra time for any unexpected delays, and get everything you need to take with you ready the night before. Remember to speak clearly, smile and remember that your interviewers are just normal people, and the may be nervous too!

5. Ask questions

You should always have some questions for your interviewer to demonstrate your interest in the position. Prepare a minimum of five questions, some which will give you more information about the job, and some which delve deeper into the culture and goals of the company.






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Hmm so I applied for a job at a pub a few months ago and heard nothing back, now they are applying again for more staff...I'm tempted to apply again.


o geez i HATE it when that happens. you (i) just have two minds about it, one being "is it because im not good enough for them?" and the other being "maybe they didnt even notice my application..."


but hey i dont see any harm in applying again. its their problem for not properly "rejecting" you in the first place


this must be the longest post i have ever made on this here board



Edited by or else you will DIE
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Hmm so I applied for a job at a pub a few months ago and heard nothing back, now they are applying again for more staff...I'm tempted to apply again.


Go for eet! Shows that your still interested in working there - despite their failure to get back to you - so applying again can only be good on your part, if they miss the opportunity to employ you a second time then it's their loss.

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I don't write on these boards very often these days. I hide in the shadows like a stalker of sorts... but anyway onto my point


I recently graduated with a 2:1 honours degree in accountancy and finance and cannot get a job no matter how hard I try. At first I applied for the top accountancy roles but received nothing. Then I applied for these as well general administration type work just so I could get my foot in- all they usually want is people with experience in work even though I can do the required tasks, its very frustrating. So in that second stage i got invited for 2 interviews. One was a trainee legal cashier, i got into the top 2 but lost out to whoever that bugger was. The second was for an accounts payable clerk in which I got invited back for the second round of interviews- but still lost out in the final stages again.


I have also applied for countless amounts of retail work and the like also but received no reply. Last week i even went for one of those door to door sales jobs and got it! Until finding out afterwards that it was commission only :( having spent a full days waste of an interview. I did a runner on my first day of which I am proud, it is definately not stable enough work to partake in!!


So this week I got an interview for telesales but it doesn't seem like I have got that either. So overall, I have applied for well over 200 jobs in these past few months and received for interviews; 2 i got to the final stages, 1 I am yet to here from and the other I did a runner from- 100% commission is not an option for me.


It makes you feel like 'so what's the point?' but I must continue. So anways thats my very long winded story (sorry). My question is, does anyone know where I can go to get a telesales,admin job- just so I can get my foot in the door- in leeds. The only real experience I have is a part time sales assistant in a retail store. Thanks and good luck everyone- don't give in.

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... but anyway onto my point

My question is, does anyone know where I can go to get a telesales,admin job- just so I can get my foot in the door- in Leeds.



I work with a lot of unemployed graduates so I guess you could take heart that your not the only one experiencing this catch 22 situation.


If your having trouble finding employment through your own means perhaps it is a good time to look at seeking employment through an employment agency. They will look at your CV, ensure you are developing skills like interview techniques/worthwhile job seeking tips and tricks etc... This could be a great help if you have applied for 200+ jobs and had no luck.


This could be your best bet. If not google 'Prospects' it may help you. Another option could be to look at moving away from the Leeds area - especially if there are numerous jobs elsewhere.


Good Luck. If you need any advice just PM me. I was lucky enough to find employment as a careers advisor after graduating.

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I work with a lot of unemployed graduates so I guess you could take heart that your not the only one experiencing this catch 22 situation.


If your having trouble finding employment through your own means perhaps it is a good time to look at seeking employment through an employment agency. They will look at your CV, ensure you are developing skills like interview techniques/worthwhile job seeking tips and tricks etc... This could be a great help if you have applied for 200+ jobs and had no luck.


This could be your best bet. If not google 'Prospects' it may help you. Another option could be to look at moving away from the Leeds area - especially if there are numerous jobs elsewhere.


Good Luck. If you need any advice just PM me. I was lucky enough to find employment as a careers advisor after graduating.


Thanks for the help, I definatley chose the wrong time to live/graduate it seems :indeed: but it does help that I'm not the only one I guess.


I have tried one agency, the woman there was really obnoxious and clearly coudn't be bothered in helping me- but maybe it was just my bad luck, I will look at going to others for sure.


And I have gone for jobs other than leeds like the surrounding areas (basically west yorkshire- huddersfield, Bradford, Wakefield etc.), maybe I should go even further a field and look at Manchester and Sheffield.


Great help though, thanks a lot :smile:

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I work with a lot of unemployed graduates so I guess you could take heart that your not the only one experiencing this catch 22 situation.


If your having trouble finding employment through your own means perhaps it is a good time to look at seeking employment through an employment agency. They will look at your CV, ensure you are developing skills like interview techniques/worthwhile job seeking tips and tricks etc... This could be a great help if you have applied for 200+ jobs and had no luck.


This could be your best bet. If not google 'Prospects' it may help you. Another option could be to look at moving away from the Leeds area - especially if there are numerous jobs elsewhere.


Good Luck. If you need any advice just PM me. I was lucky enough to find employment as a careers advisor after graduating.


I would also second that idea of using Job Agencies. If anything, it's just good to have someone there to give you advice or to point you in the right direction.


When I was at Uni, during the Summer Months I was looking for work, and so contacted quite a few agencies. In Newport, I contacted places like Adecco, and I remember the one agency where I walked through the door, and the woman shook her head and said "No." I hadn't even asked a question, but either she didn't like the look of me, or there really were no jobs going about.


Some people are rude, but I think many will be helpful, or will bend over backwards to help you. In Brighton, I used Hays through a recommendation from a friend, and they were awesome. I'm back in Newport, but I've been to Hays Education in Cardiff looking for teaching work, and it's been quite positive so far.


I think it's best to email ahead first of all. What I did with these agencies was to detail who I was, what sort of work I was looking for, and why I was after that work. I attached a copy of my CV, which is one I've added to over the years and modified rather than created new from scratch. Found these awesome websites to help with sorting out your CV, and it really is worth it. The three agencies I've been to and spoken to have all given very positive comments on that as soon as I walked through the door. So, that work paid off, somewhat!


I'm still looking for work, mind. It really is a crap time to graduate, and it's an even worse time to graduate and for me to live in South Wales!

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So not even going to look for part time work to fund yourself while doing this course?


Urgh im in one of those moods (towards jobs). You know when you think "I'm suited for this job" and you kinda picture in your head getting contacted about it and such...and it never happens and you just repeat this loop forever? Bleak.

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So not even going to look for part time work to fund yourself while doing this course?


Urgh im in one of those moods (towards jobs). You know when you think "I'm suited for this job" and you kinda picture in your head getting contacted about it and such...and it never happens and you just repeat this loop forever? Bleak.

I do that, thats why its so dissapointing.

I imagine what my reaction would be, what the people will be like, even what i might buy or need while i work there.

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Hmm someone wanna fuel my false hope?


Applied for a job on Monday and the closing date is 24th (a week this coming Monday) so should I not expect ot hear anything (if anything) back until after the 24th?


Come on, I need to kid myself sometimes :p

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Hmm someone wanna fuel my false hope?


Applied for a job on Monday and the closing date is 24th (a week this coming Monday) so should I not expect ot hear anything (if anything) back until after the 24th?


Come on, I need to kid myself sometimes :p

*ill do it*

Youll deffo get this one :)

Knock em dead ;)

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Hmm someone wanna fuel my false hope?


Applied for a job on Monday and the closing date is 24th (a week this coming Monday) so should I not expect ot hear anything (if anything) back until after the 24th?


Come on, I need to kid myself sometimes :p


well if the closing date is that date they wont look at the applicants til well after then...


Inside the nhs, they have a closing date and they arent ever looked at until the selection day (which can sometimes be 2 weeks after the closing date) then additionally the postage times for the interview.


but then again it depends who/what you applied for..

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