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Football Season 2009/2010


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Where does Steve Bruce find his signings? I know some come recommended from Wenger but some he seems just to pick out of nowhere.


Some have also been sold on for good money. Valencia and Palacios probably being the two biggest from Wigan. Palacios and Figuroa are both Honduran, and Valencia is from Ecuador, so he seems to like players from that Central/South American park of the world. (hope my Geography hasn't failed here).


He must have some very good scouts or a good team or structure in place. Valencia has been fantastic for us this season, and he was excellent at Wigan.


Edit: Also forget to mention Hugo Rodallega. Another good buy.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Only managed to watch the first half of the match today as Goafer turned up at half time but im really disapointed. We were doing so well in the first half, looking a lot more confident and there was some great counter attacking. What the hell happened in the second half?!?!?!?


In short, Liverpool didn't really close down Arsenal's players anywhere near as quickly as they did in the first half. Glen Johnson has a horrible 10 minutes or so, scoring the own goal, and probably should have prevented Arshavin from getting to the ball about 3 seconds before he then put it in the back of the net.


As soon as Arsenal got the equaliser, I think any inch of confidence Liverpool had in the first half just went out of the window.

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A cracking 3-3 with Bolton and Man City yesterday.


Just what are Liverpool playing at right now? How not to win has been the story of the season thus far for us. 1-0 up to currently 2-1 down... :( Ramar will be loving it.


To be fair we were shite, you should have had us dead in the first half. Gerard should have had a penalty and Torres missed a sitter. Second half we weren't anything special (apart from Arshavin's strike) we just wore you down.


But I must admit seeing the results Saturday I knew we needed the win to pull some points back on Man Utd and Chelsea so yeah I was loving it.


In other news, Ryan Giggs is sports personality of the year, beating Jensen Button.


Biggest disappointment of the weekend, there were much worthier winners. He didn't do anything exceptional to deserve it. The same way he got the PFA Player of Year award. Give him the awards he deserved years ago quick before he retires..

Edited by Ramar
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Biggest disappointment of the weekend, there were much worthier winners. He didn't do anything exceptional to deserve it. The same way he got the PFA Player of Year award. Give him the awards he deserved years ago quick before he retires..


He's the most decorated player in English football history with a huge domestic and continental career and the most appearances ever for a player at a club with one of the most competitive first team places. He also has a very good disciplinary record having never received a red as a united player. Not too bad for a 36 year old. But lets throw our toys out of our pram and strip him of this award! Down with Thatcher!

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He's the most decorated player in English football history with a huge domestic and continental career and the most appearances ever for a player at a club with one of the most competitive first team places. He also has a very good disciplinary record having never received a red as a united player. Not too bad for a 36 year old. But lets throw our toys out of our pram and strip him of this award! Down with Thatcher!


It's not Lifetime/Career achievement award. It's Sports Personality of the Year, what has Ryan Giggs done from January to December of 2009?


He some how blagged PFA Player of the Year, yet not winning a single player of the month award.. This isn't about sentimant and token gestures for a great career. It's a singular award for being the best sports person this country has for the current year. And bluntly, he wasn't and you know it.

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It's not Lifetime/Career achievement award. It's Sports Personality of the Year, what has Ryan Giggs done from January to December of 2009?


He some how blagged PFA Player of the Year, yet not winning a single player of the month award.. This isn't about sentimant and token gestures for a great career. It's a singular award for being the best sports person this country has for the current year. And bluntly, he wasn't and you know it.


What has Ryan Giggs done in the past year?


Reached 150 goals for his club

Levelled Raul's record for scoring in 14 champions League campaigns.

Reached 100 EPL goals.

And won this small trophy.




Your right, he did nothing to deserve it.... :blank:

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yes but he didn't do that in one year, it's not a milestone achievement award, it's for sporting excellence in the calendar year.


In my opinion the winner should clearly have been Beth Tweddle who acheived a much greater prize in the year than any of the other competitors

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There were many worthy people nominated for this award, and I think Giggs was one of them. Honestly, it could quite easily have gone to one of the others. How do they choose the winner anyway?


When I was growing up, the man I wanted to be most like was Ryan Giggs. Not just the way he gives his all for the team on the pitch, but the way he conducts himself. He's always been a very humble man, gracious in victory and defeat. Never throws his toys out of the pram, and realises that football is only a game. (the best game in the world, mind. ;)) Off the pitch, he's always doing some sort of charity work, but he doesn't seem to do it to boost his own ego. It's purely about helping others. There is not a single other footballer in the world who I respect more than him.


His age is a huge factor. For someone at his age to still be playing at the highest level, and still be seen as an essential component of a team, that is remarkable. Like Fresh posted, he has achieved so much, breaking particular records in this year alone. Yeah, they were done over a considerable length of time, but I think that just highlights even further how well he has done. He's had the drive and the hunger to keep going so that he could reach these feats.


I'm biased because I've grown up supporting the team and thinking of him as a legend for so many years. But, he was nominated for a reason, and he won for a reason. It doesn't mean that the other nominees didn't achieve anything significant, because they all did. That's why they're all nominated in the first place.

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What has Ryan Giggs done in the past year?


Reached 150 goals for his club

Levelled Raul's record for scoring in 14 champions League campaigns.

Reached 100 EPL goals.

And won this small trophy.




Your right, he did nothing to deserve it.... :blank:


Achievement 1: He got to 150 with a fantastic total of 7 goals in the last season and a half! Wiki doesn't even inform me if his 4 goals in the previous season were even in this calendar year. Emmanuel Eboue scored more league goals last season.. So massive contribution to that record in 2009.


Achievement 2. Two of the massive return of seven were in Europe. So was it the one last campaign or this. Great but meaningless record.


Achievement 3. Again.. Majority of those goals not in 2009.


Achievement 4. So did the rest of his team mates, where were their nomations?


Now lets look at the other nominees:


Jenson Button - Current World Champion

David Haye - Current World Champion

Jessica Ennis - Current World Champion

Phillips Idowu - Current World Champion

Beth Tweddle - Current World Champion

Tom Daley - C-c-c-combo breaker. But he's got time on his side.

Andy Murray - Got to World #2

Mark Cavendish - Won some stuff

Andrew Strauss - Won the ashes, one of the weaker candidates.


So when in 2009 was Ryan Giggs the best at his profession in the world, unlike 5 of the other candidates?


I have a lot of respect for Ryan Giggs even if I hate him for the semi final goal in 99, he just didn't deserve an award for his contribution in a single year.

Edited by Ramar
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Achievement 1: He got to 150 with a fantastic total of 7 goals in the last season and a half! Wiki doesn't even inform me if his 4 goals in the previous season were even in this calendar year. Emmanuel Eboue scored more league goals last season.. So massive contribution to that record in 2009.


Achievement 2. Two of the massive return of seven were in Europe. So was it the one last campaign or this. Great but meaningless record.


Achievement 3. Again.. Majority of those goals not in 2009.


Achievement 4. So did the rest of his team mates, where were their nomations?


Now lets look at the other nominees:


Jenson Button - Current World Champion

David Haye - Current World Champion

Jessica Ennis - Current World Champion

Phillips Idowu - Current World Champion

Beth Tweddle - Current World Champion

Tom Daley - C-c-c-combo breaker. But he's got time on his side.

Andy Murray - Got to World #2

Mark Cavendish - Won some stuff

Andrew Strauss - Won the ashes, one of the weaker candidates.


So when in 2009 was Ryan Giggs the best at his profession in the world, unlike 5 of the other candidates?


I have a lot of respect for Ryan Giggs even if I hate him for the semi final goal in 99, he just didn't deserve an award for his contribution in a single year.


I agree that it would seem somewhat of a lifetime achievement award however I'm just going to take it from what the beeb say. The award goes to those that have the greatest sports personality, not necessarily the most successful. To quote the BBC, they award it to him for "... actions [that] have most captured the public's imagination" and I'm not going to argue with them about that. It is for this reason he has the award, he didn't score the most goals or win the most trophies but he had the greatest personality.

Edited by Fresh
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yes but he didn't do that in one year, it's not a milestone achievement award, it's for sporting excellence in the calendar year.


In my opinion the winner should clearly have been Beth Tweddle who acheived a much greater prize in the year than any of the other competitors


I agreed with you until you said she acheived a much greatr prize. greater than F1? i think not.

Im not saying she shoudnt ave won it. Just think thats a mad statement to make. I cant even remember what her actual title is an i watched her win it.

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ok so maybe I worded it wrong, it was a bigger achievement compared to the other competitors, Button only won the F1 title thanks to having a vastly superior car for the first 5/6 races so that's why I don't class his achievement as highly

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ok so maybe I worded it wrong, it was a bigger achievement compared to the other competitors, Button only won the F1 title thanks to having a vastly superior car for the first 5/6 races so that's why I don't class his achievement as highly


I'd probably word it as the other teams being laughably disgraceful.

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I agree that it would seem somewhat of a lifetime achievement award however I'm just going to take it from what the beeb say. The award goes to those that have the greatest sports personality, not necessarily the most successful. To quote the BBC, they award it to him for "... actions [that] have most captured the public's imagination" and I'm not going to agree with them about that. It is for this reason he has the award, he didn't score the most goals or win the most trophies but he had the greatest personality.


Ah yes taking that perspective is a relief. Putting the emphasis on personality should put it beyond doubt that Andy Murray will ever ever win the award.

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Ryan Giggs has a personality?... Like we all know the fella from watching him on the telebox.


I suppose it would have to be his hunger for more success and his drive despite his age, he's not going to drop to a smaller club to get a first team place he's maintained the highest standards. I guess that's why he won.

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Ryan Giggs has a personality?... Like we all know the fella from watching him on the telebox.



At the risk of making my head asplode...


I totally agree with Ramar. Giggs is in his twilight years as a footballer, and it's evident that he was overlooked in past years due to other stellar talents.




There are any number of awesome footballers and sports professionals who should have got the award, but they never did. This is a lifetime achievement award and NOTHING ELSE.


I suppose it would have to be his hunger for more success and his drive despite his age, he's not going to drop to a smaller club to get a first team place he's maintained the highest standards. I guess that's why he won.


Arrrgh! You could say the same thing about Jenson Cadbury's Buttons! He won what, three races before this season? He should have dropped to the A1 GP but NO! He stuck with it and provided Britain with her second world champion in as many years!


I cant even remember what her actual title is an i watched her win it.


Name Most Likely To Be Confused With "Twaddle" In The Sporting World. It was a wonderful achievement, brought tears to my eyes... so much hope... so many years of promise... *sniff*

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Arrrgh! You could say the same thing about Jenson Cadbury's Buttons! He won what, three races before this season? He should have dropped to the A1 GP but NO! He stuck with it and provided Britain with her second world champion in as many years!


Yes, it's exactly the same. Only Button didn't do it at the age of 36 at the end of his career and did do it with a massive advantage at the start of the season. Regardless this award is not about achievement, it's about personality.

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Well if a few sub appearances during the year have caught the nations imaginations, I guess you don't want to be bringing your chosen athletic field to the table because people aren't going to recognise your greater achievements.


That's all I'm gonna say on the matter because every other forum I've visited has the same view as I, with the odd Man Utd fan backing their man.


So tonights games, Sunderland v Villa seems like the pick of the bunch, could go either way. Hopefully Wolves can get themselves a result and then Pompey tomorrow.

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Yes, it's exactly the same. Only Button didn't do it at the age of 36 at the end of his career and did do it with a massive advantage at the start of the season. Regardless this award is not about achievement, it's about personality.


It's nothing to do with their personality. It's about the person who has achieved the most that year, as voted for by the public. How can you vote on who has the best 'personality'? Surely that could go to absolutely anyone, including you and me, for having a great sporting personality.


The word 'personality' refers to the fact the award is for a single person and not a team.


Ryan Giggs, if up for award, should've been up for the lifetime achievement award. He hasn't achieved anything spectacular this year. A handful of appearances and goals for Man Utd.


Jenson Button won the F1 World Driver's Championship. F1 driving isn't just driving 2 days every second weekend. There's a lot more to it than that.


There are by far more people deserved of the award than Ryan Giggs; Button, Jennifer Ennis, Beth Tweddle or even Tom Daley who are the age of 15 became the world champion at the 10m diving.

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