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The Nintendo Mafia: Battle for Nintendo Land

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Jonnas, you investigated Pit/Rez? It says you found a weapon, what was this?


I don't know what this is, but all I have is my magical protecting mirror. I didn't target anyone last night (for the record)


Vote : Ellmeister



PS Dyson hasn't been online in a few days (without warning) ~side note~

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Ellmeister (5): mr-paul, Eenuh, ReZourceman, Jonnas, Mundi


4 is the majority.


Majority has been reached!




The remaining townsfolk gathered around Ellmeister.


"Teehee! I know it's him! I guided him last night!" Midna said.


mr-paul is Midna. Having grown fond of Hyrule, she returned to aid Nintendo Land against the rebels. She could trick people into targetting someone else of her choice. She was good.


"Mwa-ha-ha! But what about-a ReZourceman? He has a weapon! He is evil!" Wario exclaimed.


"Look, if I was evil, why would I run around protecting people?" Pit said.


Jonnas is Wario. He was afraid the rebellions would take his treasures, and thus he helped the town ... or tried to, at least. He would try to investigate people at night, but his less-than-stellar investigative skills always gave him opposite results. He was good.


ReZourceman is Pit. A guardian of peace, he was sent by the goddess Palutena to aid the town in its peril. He could protect people at night with his magical mirror shield. He was good.


"Why did you-a do it?" Mario asked.


Eenuh is Mario. He wanted to protect Nintendo Land. He could protect people with his cape. He was good.


Yoshi simply looked at Ellmeister with a sad and confused look on his face.


Mundi is Yoshi. A peace-loving creature, he simply wanted people to get along. He could roleblock people by turning them into eggs. He was good.


"Yeah, buddy, exactly why did you decide to defect? Huh? How come you abandoned the old team?" Falco inquired.


jayseven is Falco Lombardi. Ruthless as he is, he wouldn't let any rebel scum take over Nintendo Land on his watch. He could choose to kill someone each night. He was good.


"You wanna know why? Huh? You really wanna know? All right, I'll tell you! How do you think it is being bashed constantly? Being made fun of all the time? Being accused of being a transvestite because of your voice? Being the victim of eternal ridicule? Do you think it's fun? Hell no! It's terrible! It's nerve-wrecking! And at some point, you've just had enough. Yes, I was in on this! I was the creator of that bomb! And trust me, getting samples of Chuck Norris' sweat and Jack Bauer's urine was NOT easy!"


"Whatever. It ends here, frog-boy," said Falco.


Ellmeister is dead. He was Slippy Toad, an amphibian technical genius. Tired of always being made fun of, he decided to join the rebellion. He could analyse people with his devices, or he could perform the nightkill. He was evil as well as the last remaining mafioso.










I'll post the role list as well as my thought on the game soon!

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The Role List:


The Mafia:


Unhappy with how things are in Nintendo Land, you have decided to take matters into your own hands. Obviously, you were behind the bombing of the Nintendo HQ in the beginning. You can communicate with each other outside the thread and during the night. Each night you must choose a target to kill, and you must decide who of you will perform the kill. The one who performs the kill cannot use his or her power that night. If you do not choose a target or a killer in time, I will choose for you at random and inform the selected killer of the target. You are evil. You win when the town can no longer reach majority over you.


(I'm afraid I don't know how to set up a forum for you, so you'll have to handle communications yourselves. Sorry. If you do create a forum, it'd be nice to know so I can keep track of your decisions.)


Luigi (Dyson)

Sick and tired of always playing second banana to Mario and not being able to live out your potential, you have decided to revolt against the people at the top and take matters into your own hands. Gathering a small party of likewise minded people, you set out to defeat the resistance and take over Nintendo Land.


Each night you may select a target to paralyse with your electrokinesis. Your target will be unable to use his or her power that night. (Roleblocker)


Princess Peach (Zell)

In these modern times of sexual equality, you are royally (literally and figuratively) pissed at your constant role of being the damsel in distress. It seems all you're capable of is baking cakes, being emotional, and handing out kisses left and right. Well, if that's how they think of you, you'll give them kisses!


Each night you may select a target to kiss. Your target will be so flustered that you can convince him (or her!) to target a second person of your choice. Basically, you select 2 targets: Your first target will be forced to target your second target that night. (Redirector)


Link (Gizmo)

Actually a man of an amazing vocabulary and excellent linguistic skills, you have still yet to see a role in which you are actually allowed to talk. You were therefore not late to lend your sword and shield (and vocal skills) to Luigi's cause.


Each night you may select a target to protect with your sword and shield. Any power directed at your target that night will fail. (Protector)


Slippy Toad (Ellmeister)

The Internet can be a cruel, cruel place, and you have just about had enough of constant jokes and bashing. With your technical genius and advanced gadgets, you join Luigi's team in rebelling against the power.


Each night you may select a target to analyse with your devices. You will receive a PM from me with information about your target. (Investigator)


Ganondorf (MadDog)

Not exactly unhappy with anything, you saw this rebellion as a great opportunity: With the power overthrown, world dominance would be so much easier to attain, so you decide to join the party.


Each night you may select a target to curse with your dark magic. Your target will be unable to post in the thread for the next day, and if he or she does anyway, the curse will kill him or her. (Silencer)


Wolf O'Donnell (Maase)

It's amazing what money can make you do. The only one on the team without a personal agenda, a heavy reward easily convinced you to lend your skills to the greater cause. And by "greater", you mean "best paid".


Each night you may select a target to track with your lupine senses. You will receive a PM from me containing the details of who your target targetted that night. (Tracker)


The Town:


Fox McCloud (Tellyn)

A keeper of peace and order, this well-coordinated attack on the leaders of Nintendo Land by ruthless individuals doesn't sit well with you. You want to stop these people - the sooner the better! You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to threaten. Your target will be unable to post in the thread for the next day, and if he or she does anyway, he or she will be tracked down by you and swiftly killed by your blaster. (Silencer)


Princess Zelda (Cube)

Wishing only peace and tranquility in Hyrule and elsewhere, you are devastated by these terrible acts of violence. Using your magic, you hope to help stop this menace. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to protect with a shield of magic. Any power directed at your target that night, including kills, will fail. (Protector)


Mario (Eenuh)

Whenever there's turmoil in the Mushroom Kingdom or elsewhere, you are always there to save the day, so naturally you also want to stop these bad guys. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to protect with your cape. Any power directed at your target that night, including kills, will fail. (Protector)


Samus Aran (chairdriver)

The Galactic Federation was worried about the attacks in Nintendo Land and therefore sent you, its best bounty hunter, to look into it. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to stun with your power beam. Your target will be unable to use his or her power that night. (Roleblocker)


Impa (Nintendohnut)

As the loyal servant to the Royal Family of Hyrule, the King of Hyrule asked you to do all you can to help fight these merciless rebels. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to follow and observe using your ninja skills. You will receive a PM from me with information about your target. (Investigator)


Yoshi (Mundi)

A creature of peace and love, you just want everybody to get along, so you want to help in any way you can. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to swallow and encase in an egg. Your target will be unable to use his or her power that night. (Roleblocker)


Krystal (Paj Meen Ah)

Concerned with the well-being of all living creatures, you sense that these attackers have no good intentions what so ever. You will do anything in your power to stop them. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to investigate with your telepathic powers. You will receive a PM from me with information about your target. (Investigator)


Peppy Hare (not_so_tiny)

When it became obvious that the law and order in Nintendo Land was threatened, General Pepper asked you to become a field agent again and join in the action yourself. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to do some research on. You will receive a PM from me with information about your target. (Investigator)


Wario (Jonnas)

Deeply worried about your treasures and what these troublemakers would do with them if they were to get hold of them, you have decided to try and stop them. Even if you have to spend money to do so. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to find some dirt on. You will receive a PM from me with information about your target. (Investigator)


Midna (mr-paul)

Having grown quite fond of Hyrule during your time there, you wish to see no harm to the kingdom or the rest of the world, and you have therefore travelled from the Twilight Realm to lend your help. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to play your mischievous tricks on. Your target will be so confused that he or she will be tricked into targetting a second person of your choice. Basically, you select 2 targets: Your first target will be forced to target your second target that night. (Redirector)


Falco Lombardi (jayseven)

Not one to mess with or cross, you feel nothing but contempt for these foolish rebels trying to disturb the peace in Nintendo Land. Not on your watch! You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to kill. Be wary with this power. I advice you to only use it when absolutely sure about your target's alignment. (Killer)


Bowser (Vicar)

Usually appearing as a menacing figure, you actually have quite a soft side to yourself. You certainly don't want to see Nintendo Land fall into the hands of unscrupulous people who will do who-knows-what to its inhabitants, so you have decided to help combat them. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to have your minions track. You will receive a PM from me containing the details of who your target targetted that night. (Tracker)


Captain Falcon (Beggilax)

While you may be a bounty hunter, you certainly have morals and a conscience. You despise evil-doers and so have decided to aid in the battle against the attackers. You are good. You win when all the threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to incapacitate. Your target will be unable to use his or her power that night. (Roleblocker)


Pit (ReZourceman)

As the Goddess Palutena observed the hideous acts down on Earth from her heavenly tower, she sent you, her most trusted bodyguard, to help defeat the menace. You are good. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Each night you may select a target to protect with your magical mirror shield. Any power directed at your target that night, including kills, will fail. (Protector)


These were the roles as they appeared in the PMs I sent out. Notes on the game soon to follow!

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Nice final write up there, danny! I'm sad that I missed the final part of the game, but thrilled that my intuition about dyson and ellmeister was right :P


Well done guys. This has been probably my favourite mafia game in a long while.


The mafia guys rarely 'slipped' up - sending the same people for the kills was a good tactic. I enjoyed having the ability to take my guesses into my own hands, and even though I was roleblocked for two nights, it actually helped us more that I didn't just kill the mafia dudes.


The great thing about this game was how much information you could extract from the write-ups if you went back and read them. Awesome. Awesome.


I have to say sorry to Cube (again) for killing him. Shame to see him out of the game so quick. And, despite beggilax being good, I still enjoyed his lynching. Non-players make it worse for everyone else involved.

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Thanks, jayseven. That mean a lot, especially coming from you. :)


And now, some notes from the gamemaster:


Whew, it can be tough running a mafia game! Especially when you're not fully prepared! (Even though I thought I was! :D)


My original thoughts about the game was that I didn't want people to be able to judge a role on its "normal" alignment or its powers. This lead to a few unlucky lynches in the beginning when Bowser and a silencer were the targets. I truly felt sorry for them and hinted at the unpredictability of the roles in the lynch write-up. (In case you wondered, I was the deity who chuckled at the town! :D)


Another point was something I had learned from jayseven's mafia: Keep the write-ups simple! Don't add too much flavour text, or it will be too long and complicated for people to work out. Every single night action was listed in the write-ups, but mostly kept as simple statements. When the town quickly lost its investigators, I decided that the clues in the write-ups about the character identities would increase as the game progressed. Generally, I think it worked well.


I tried to stick to simple roles and keep them balanced:


The town:

3 investigators

3 protectors

3 roleblockers

1 tracker

1 silencer

1 dumb investigator

1 killer

1 redirector


The mafia:

1 investigator

1 protector

1 roleblocker

1 tracker

1 silencer

1 redirector


Though I felt it was unfair for the town when they lost their investigators fairly early.


Originally, the 2 trackers had been target switchers, able to switch the targets of 2 persons of their choice. But already on the first night many targetters and redirectors targetted the same people, and I had to admit that it was too complicated for me to work out. Thus, I turned them into trackers instead, which I was happy with.


Then things seemed to work out fine. Until the fateful 6th night in which my system crashed. Well, my logical system. A paradox-loop occured, one that was unsolvable by my system. I searched on MafiaScum for answers and ended up solving it by making it such that kills didn't prevent the victim from performing his or her nightaction. Before this, kills automatically roleblocked people. This change wouldn't have affected the earlier nights in any important way, so I accepted it.


Now, to comment on the players, jayseven definitely wins the "Man of the match" award. He played the game exactly the way I had intended: By studying the write-ups closely. Even without the investigators, he managed to rat out most of the mafia members already about 3 nights before the end. (He shared his musings in his PMs.) Without a doubt he won the game for the town. :)


Beggilax ... man, he was annoying. He didn't participate at all. Not once did I get a PM from him. No wonder it was hard to find out his identity, as he only appeared once or twice in the write-ups.


Jonnas I kept a close eye on. I made sure to make him appear really useless as an investigator. not_so_tiny's investigation of him gave me the opportunity to equip him with the classic Sherlock Holmes outfit, making him even more cliché. I was glad to see that he caught on. :)


Oh, and if people were wondering about the investigations, they went through this cycle: Role, power, alignment. Though the different investigators started off different places on the cycle. Except for Ellmeister's first investigation, which gave him the alignment of a townie, I decided to drop the alignment from his investigation cycle. I figured it would be too pointless.


Now, here at the end, I was anxious to see if I got to finish the game before I left, which is why I urged people to send in their PMs quick. I was annoyed when I still hadn't got them all today, not to mention that Ellmeister friggin' sent MadDog as last night's killer! I tried to PM him back, but he had already logged off. This turned out to be an unlucky move, as I then proceeded to flip a coin to decide if Ellmeister or Dyson would perform the kill. (Obviously, jayseven had already been selected as the target. :heh:) Ellmeister "won" the right to kill, which due to mr-paul's redirection led him to kill Dyson. Had Dyson "won" the right to the nightkill, no one would have been killed, as he was being roleblocked by Mundi.


Still, to my joy, we managed to finish the game before my departure. I now have a 23-page Word document with EVERYTHING related to the game! :p It's a great feeling having finally finished it, and I must say I enjoyed it immensely. :) I find it's actually more fun than participating in a game, and I would absolutely love to do another game sometime. I have definitely learned a lot from this, so hopefully I can make the next one work even better - though I'll probably still stay away from too many target-affecting roles, unless I come up with a better system to work out complicated cases. :heh:


I hope you ejoyed it as much as I did. :)

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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Sorry I meant to write dyson! but I had names in my head because I had just read the thread and people had talked about Maddog in the mafia.


Can I just say: Most of the mafia this time around were shocking. I was the only one who decided the killings in the end because no-one contributed on a forum I made. gizmo even said he lost interest within the first day! So yeah basically its was hard trying to second guess who you lot would target so I could outdo you.


Maase sort of gave up. Blergh. He's usually a good liar.


Good game.

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Sorry I meant to write dyson! but I had names in my head because I had just read the thread and people had talked about Maddog in the mafia.


Can I just say: Most of the mafia this time around were shocking. I was the only one who decided the killings in the end because no-one contributed on a forum I made. gizmo even said he lost interest within the first day! So yeah basically its was hard trying to second guess who you lot would target so I could outdo you.


Maase sort of gave up. Blergh. He's usually a good liar.


Good game.

I was afraid I had overpowered the mafia, so I might have helped the town a little too much. Generally I was afraid that I had unbalanced the game in some way, thus I constantly tried to unbalance it the opposite way. Most of the mafia seemed quite passive, however, so perhaps the game was unfairly balanced despite my efforts.


I found out how annoying players can be if they don't participate. I was also surprised at how wrong some conclusions were - sometimes I felt like shouting at players how obvious the answer was and how wrong they were! :p

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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MWA-HA-HA (*High Five*)


It was a rather good game. I liked it a lot. It wasn't too fast, nor too slow. Just right. Pretty simple, yet solid.


Although, a couple of minor complaints regarding the write-up:

First, I believe write-ups should be less clear as the game progresses, not the opposite. By the end of the game, we knew Dyson and Ellmeister were evil because everyone else worked against Maddog :heh:.

Second, I also believe a killer's identity should be hidden. If we didn't know that one of the killers used frying pans, we wouldn't have suspected Zell so eagerly.

Finally, I'd like to point out that my power actually worked perfectly:

PM: "Jayseven does not have a weapon"

Write-up: "As Wario checked the gun-weilder's bag..."


PM: "Your power failed. You found nothing about chairdriver"

Write-up: "Wario approached Samus, but..."


But those are minor complaints. It was actually a very good game, and if you ever do another one, I'm looking forward to it :)

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MWA-HA-HA (*High Five*)


It was a rather good game. I liked it a lot. It wasn't too fast, nor too slow. Just right. Pretty simple, yet solid.


Although, a couple of minor complaints regarding the write-up:

First, I believe write-ups should be less clear as the game progresses, not the opposite. By the end of the game, we knew Dyson and Ellmeister were evil because everyone else worked against Maddog :heh:.

Second, I also believe a killer's identity should be hidden. If we didn't know that one of the killers used frying pans, we wouldn't have suspected Zell so eagerly.

Finally, I'd like to point out that my power actually worked perfectly:

PM: "Jayseven does not have a weapon"

Write-up: "As Wario checked the gun-weilder's bag..."


PM: "Your power failed. You found nothing about chairdriver"

Write-up: "Wario approached Samus, but..."


But those are minor complaints. It was actually a very good game, and if you ever do another one, I'm looking forward to it :)

Thanks. :) I will certainly do another one. But yes, I realise those potential "faults" of the game. :)


One of the things I liked best and was most proud of, however, was the figure-out-ability (it's a word now) of the write-ups. With this style, I think it's fair that clues are also revealed about the killer, though the detail level of the clues should maybe not change or maybe decrease over time. That being said, I could probably do some things better with this style. Dumb investigators don't work very well, I see that now. Perhaps leave investigators out completely or maybe just have one super-investigator that would get a lot of information about the target. I actually think the detective work done by the players on the write-up is more important than the investigators. This also requires more activity and thinking from the town, which is often a good thing. ;)


But yeah, I'd definitely do some things different next time, but I might still stick with this style of write-ups. It's my preferred style. :)


OH! And another thing: I really wish people would post in between nights to prevent automerge so I don't have to ask somebody to do it every time! :heh:

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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Oh well, like I said, I didn't mind it too much as the game had plenty of strong points. And considering it was your first game, things can only improve from here, right?

Totally. :) But it's also a question of personal preferences, isn't it? Some like mafia games to be completely without write-ups. But that ain't my style. :heh: Still, I appreciate your (and everyone else's) feedback. :)

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The write-ups were the worst part of the game.


It was just far too easy to work out who everyone was. At the end of night 2, I had a pretty good clue as to who 4 or 5 people were, just by cross-referencing what they said with what the write-up said. I'm glad you made the mafia a "mixed-bag" of characters because otherwise it would have been horrificly easy to pinpoint the mafia.


The write-up should just add flavour. You shouldn't really be able to extract any great info from it (unless you're a flavour cop - whose power is to pinpoint people through the write-up). It should really be who died, and anything else interesting. Above all the town SHOULD NOT be able to extrapolate info from the write-up. The point of the game is that you should have to look at voting habits and posting habits to work out the mafia, not because you chose lucky at night.


If you are to do it again in the same way, documenting every action, I heartily suggest you include a Ghost Writer in the mafia. Their power is that they can submit one paragraph to be placed in the write-up - total fabrication, they can say whatever. The only drawback is that they can't write anything in bold, so they can't falsely claim someone has been killed.

The addition of a Ghost Writer (an EXTREMELY powerful role) will combat the EXTREME advantage the town has over the mafia with the detailed write-ups.


Apart from the write-ups, the game was good.


Too many town roleblockers / protectors though.

Edited by chairdriver
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The write-ups were the worst part of the game.


It was just far too easy to work out who everyone was. At the end of night 2, I had a pretty good clue as to who 4 or 5 people were, just by cross-referencing what they said with what the write-up said. I'm glad you made the mafia a "mixed-bag" of characters because otherwise it would have been horrificly easy to pinpoint the mafia.


The write-up should just add flavour. You shouldn't really be able to extract any great info from it (unless you're a flavour cop - whose power is to pinpoint people through the write-up). It should really be who died, and anything else interesting. Above all the town SHOULD NOT be able to extrapolate info from the write-up. The point of the game is that you should have to look at voting habits and posting habits to work out the mafia, not because you chose lucky at night.


If you are to do it again in the same way, documenting every action, I heartily suggest you include a Ghost Writer in the mafia. Their power is that they can submit one paragraph to be placed in the write-up - total fabrication, they can say whatever. The only drawback is that they can't write anything in bold, so they can't falsely claim someone has been killed.

The addition of a Ghost Writer (an EXTREMELY powerful role) will combat the EXTREME advantage the town has over the mafia with the detailed write-ups.


Apart from the write-ups, the game was good.


Too many town roleblockers / protectors though.

I realise the write-ups give a lot away, but I never really liked the write-up-less games that you talk about. Maybe because I'm not good at figuring people out via their behaviour, maybe because some people's behaviour gets read wrong because they're not sure how to act most wisely. I think this variant works much better in real life when you can see people's faces.


The idea of a ghost writer is interesting, and I'll certainly consider making the town less powerful, possibly making the write-ups less detailed. But I'm still not keen on the idea of a write-up-less game. Like I said, it just isn't my style.

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The write-ups still benefited the mafia a lot. Initially, that is. It made people look suspicious (although that was partly to do with the mix of good/evil characters). I made the mistake of pushing this and so Jayseven offed me.

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I sadly didn't even get to participate in this game as I died on the first night. I understand why it happened as when I was mafia boss in one game I just picked randomly, or I picked peope I thought were better at the game. Still, it was a shame that I dies cause I enjoyed following the game.


My only was problem was that I was a bloody investigator again! Seriously, in every mafia game bar a couple that I've played in (and I've been a lot) I've been an investigator probably 9 times out of 10. Not sure how it works out but I'd like a different role next time if possible LOL. I read it and sighed. Again though, that's my only complaint and it's not danny's fault really.

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Apologies to the Mafia for my epic fail at the end of the game - internet crapped out on me for the week, it was out of my hands. Regardless, I think I was doing alright keeping the Mafia off me and I think that had I been around to discuss things with Ell and defend myself a little more things may have been different.


Oh well, good game all.

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I've already made it clear that I prefer wordy write-ups, because you can never rely on everyone revealing what info they have gathered. Heading towards less PM'd 'results' causes a different type of game - relying on a broader detective work, but reducing the need for team-work and co-operation, thus reducing the mafia's necessity to lie and cheat...


I can see what Jonnas and Chairdriver are saying about some aspects - I don't know how chair's current mafia really works but I assume it's more like a board game; each night the narrator gives each player a 'card' with information that they have to 'trade' with other people's information to try and construct lines of coincidence.


Er, I'm rambling now.

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