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Playstation Move


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As a product I actually predict it will completely fail, I just don't see families flocking to buy a product that's expensive and difficult to understand. It just won't work.


I think it's important not to dismiss the very large gap between "families flocking" and completely failing.


I do agree that it won't nearly be as big the Wii craze, but I think it'll appeal quite well to the already well established audience, as well as bringing in new users.


In all honestly I think that that would be considered as a success really.


Where as Natal... that seems like it would draw in new users but fail to appease current ones.

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Just rest it in your lap. There's no need to be stupid. It's actually really easy if you try it and if you really have a problem then you can get a sub-controller.


This also makes multiplayer cheaper. Not really sure how anyone could complain about there being options.

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Pricing seems ok, what is the Starter Disc in the starter pack? Is it an actual game?


Still though I somehow can't see a large adoption rate for it or natal, Nor can I see the "casual" game market flocking to either like they did the Wii like Song and MS are hoping. But we shall see I guess

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Still though I somehow can't see a large adoption rate for it or natal, Nor can I see the "casual" game market flocking to either like they did the Wii like Song and MS are hoping. But we shall see I guess


That's pretty much why Nintendo didn't go with their original plans of releasing the Wii Remote with the GameCube.

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That's a pretty general statement, not really sure that many people favoured dual analogue much more, but I'd generally rather play a PS3/360 standard game with a normal pad than a Wii game with a Wiimote. Added motion control is a bonus (assuming they're done right).

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Are all the people looking forward to the FPS with MOVE the same (hypocrites) who slagged off the Wii controlled FPS saying a dual analogue was better?!


Decent price, will probably get it. I love this gimmicky shit!

I guess you're referring to me, in which case you always forget my arguments and assume I 'slagged off' (it's cute that you find you have a relationship with your Wii and take offence over criticism).


I've always wanted for the system to have Wii controls for shooters, and really never expected it to happen. There are still issues with shooter controls, and those involves turning and aiming being quite a failure. Walking through doorways and aiming off to the side is quite awkward and not wholly accurate, because the pointer isn't fixed in the centre of the screen, meaning when you turn your pointer isn't in the middle andiuef4refrkrn eoif4ireoegr.... Basically. Hard to explain, but it does, and will still exist when Move is used on Killzone etc. It isn't something a bound box fixes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never played Echoshift but I hated Echocrome because the controls did my head in. I wanted to like it but i was just too fiddley. Obviously ii sorts this problem.

This reminds me of that eBoyPic game for the iPhone, which is a lot of fun.

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Only played a demo of Echochrome, incidentally on Home of all places. Just one of the arcade machines had a survival mode on it. Obviously that doesn't really represent the game, but from what I could tell it didn't seem very exciting. Echoshift took the series away from the weird 3D perspective thing and made it a cool 2D puzzle game (well, almost 2D, there was a bit of 'depth' movement).


But yeah, ii doesn't really show the move can do anything other than be used as a pointer. I guess an easy mode in the game would enable the controller's bulb to change colour when you're close to finding a shape/path. We'll see.

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  • 1 month later...

Reviews are all out today.


Playstation Move Review: The Motion Controller Wars Start Now

CVG Review


This made me chuckle,


Sony's gone one step further, though, by throwing in a magnetometer (a digital compass to normals) which uses the Earth's gravitational pull to bolster the other readings. That's right, people; the PlayStation Move uses the Earth itself to up the accuracy.


Out in less than three weeks. That creeped up.

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Seeing that Tumble game made me think... didn't EA say they were bringing Boom Blox to other platforms? I'm sure I heard that somewhere. Wouldn't be surprised to see it come out on the PS3 really. Hell, I'd be happy that the Boom Blox love was getting spread round as they're fantastic games and seeing as the Wand works similarly to the Wii-mote, it's kind of a no brainer really.


There'd probably be a much more involved online community as well for creating levels. There was a decent sized one with the Wii games but I think a step up to the PS3 would allow it to grow bigger and would definitely pull in some of the LBP crowd.

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Not sure when I'll pick up Move. Might grab it at launch because I've already got Heavy Rain (although I think the patch is out in October) and have been looking to pick up RE5 since it's so cheap now for co-op banter.


Wii Move Sports is a maybe. It is at a budget price so that's a plus.

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Mind if I queue up with you at launch day so we can pose at the PLAYSTATION MAGAZINE camera, smiling and pretending to use Move controllers with our mobile phones and generally look awesome and cool?

I missed the opportunity at the Wii launch, can't pass up on a new-wave Movement again.

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