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Its true this is not standard and that is where Sony and Ms fall(ofcourse Wii will stay top). However Sony have cooked up something good. Judging by e3 there is already development linking of Wii with PS3. Which is smart as it ensure 3rd parties take little risk cost wise for putting the games on PS3. The only problem is that PS3 audience is different for many games.


Obviously its still ways off but Sony also have PS Eye product called Eyepet. You interact with a virtual AI pet. Its out soon as well. Its not like Sony are truly brand new to this area.




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Well you didn't realy say that, you said

Ultimately i highly doubt it will have any real impact

Which is short-sighted because it simply isn't true. Sony wouldn't bring it out if they didn't think they could benefit from it. It can basically enhance games that were already good on PS3 and make them even better if the controls are suitable for it. How do you know Sony won't release another major innovating title like Flower and make it mind-bendingly innovative? Believe it or not Nintendo aren't the only innovating power, maybe in hardware terms often but software innovation comes equally to all consoles.

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Anything the new sony motion controls can do, WMP+ can do too. There's no way it tops it. 2 sticks, 2 wii motes, same thing.


Saying that, I think it's a nice piece of tech and don't mind they copied nintendo. I just don't like people saying its miles better. It's a bit boring though because I've seen it already with the Wii. The Natal does look different and I like that, I'm not sure how well it will work though.


The conference was probably gold for people who are big sony fans and like their normal array of games, but for me it wasn't that mind-blowing at all. The games didn't appeal to me as much as the Nintendo ones, so to me Nintendo's was better.

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too true, however, a more powerfull amchine does allow more to be done, which puts less constraints on creative vision.


Agreed. But that rarely is the case.



just to clarify, ive been a nintendo fan (boardline fanboy) since the snes, and up to last year. im by no means a sony fanboy just because i like the ps3 more then the wii. i just happen to think, from the footage ive seen, that the sony motion system looks more competent then the origional wiimote, better then what ive seen of the wii motion plus.


i also think that the natal from microsoft looks interesting, certainly more advanced cameras then sony, but the lack of any handset made it hard to tell how it'l be with games.


I don't know if it is better than a Wiimote with wm+. Seems equal if not more limiting. That natal complaint of not having anything to grab is really a non-issue as it has that scan object function and everything could be scan to be, for example, a wheel, even a plank you could hold sideways like Wiimote. The problem with natal will be its precision and understanding of the environment surrounding the player.


what i liked about sony's was that it seemed to have the strengths of both and less of the weakneses. the demonstration itself was badly done, i think it was probebly always a backup thing, to be shown if microsoft revealed motion stuff, but in terms of how it all geled, particularly when using the sword and the arrows, it beat microsoft in a sheer actualy application sense, and it beats nintendo due to the amount of response its capable of. going on one knee to fire an arrow for example, havent see that on the motion plus yet.


only time will tell how it'l go. could be that it dosent get any good games, but i'll keep an eye on it.


We saw that two hours earlier, being on the knees has nothing to do with it. The Eyetoy dudes just made it look more impressive by applying some physics. They're very good at selling their technology, as always.



totaly ignoring the agent, ff14, metal gear, that racing one and GT. also, uncharted and MAG both got alot of attention cos they looked you know, impressive. i wanted to know about uncharted, its a great looking game. MAG is somthing im interested in. sony did what i wanted there




trico footage was 18 months old, the last guardian that was shown was hugely graphicaly enhanced, and contaied extra footage not in the leaked trailer.


also, the agent was supprise, that racing one i didnt supprise, motion was a supprise. and dont forget ff14. litteraly no one in the audience knew what was going on.



dont know what sony confrence you watched, but it blew microsoft and nintendo's out the water, showed fans what they wanted to see, gave us supprised and was actualy well presented and funny in places.


They all seemed very equal, but being a fanboy I can't help but to feel more excited about Nintendo's offerings, that were actual surprises.


Who cares if you know most of the games before the conference? The fact is that the trailers looked sublime, the motion controls were a massive surprise and well demoed, 2 unheard of exclusives were shown (FF14, Modracers), and there were tonnes of games that little was known about that were revealed further.

The fact that many Wii owners from the Wii board were convinced that they needed a PS3 shows that the conference was a hit.


Who cares? That's the whole point! To show what's new and appealing, and incite gamers beyond what they previously knew. The motion controllers were a 50/50 chance, nobody would be surprised if they didn't show them either, but I did like the dudes showing it. FF14 is not an exclusive, and I'll admit Modracers is cool even though I don't care for it, but that's just me , I don't care much for Mario Kart or racers either.


And this is hardly a Nintendo board anymore.


Its true this is not standard and that is where Sony and Ms fall(ofcourse Wii will stay top). However Sony have cooked up something good. Judging by e3 there is already development linking of Wii with PS3. Which is smart as it ensure 3rd parties take little risk cost wise for putting the games on PS3. The only problem is that PS3 audience is different for many games.


Obviously its still ways off but Sony also have PS Eye product called Eyepet. You interact with a virtual AI pet. Its out soon as well. Its not like Sony are truly brand new to this area.





I'd love that tech associated to the Pokemon brand.

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FF14 is an exclusive, its 13 that isnt


You're talking about the MMO right? Its on the PC too. I can see it eventually ending up on 360.


People should realise there's no such thing as third party exclusives.

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You're talking about the MMO right? Its on the PC too. I can see it eventually ending up on 360.


People should realise there's no such thing as third party exclusives.


Its unlikely it will end up on 360 anytime soon if FFXI is anything to go by. Imagine how much hdd space you will need for updates as time goes on. Especially getting a MMO day 1. Its very likely the game will be a full HDD install based on info. Nowadays you need 15gb minimum as a starting point.


Regarding 360 games on PC i could say that for most of MS's conference. The games will also run superior on my pc.

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oh come on shino. what did nintendo actualy do that no one saw coming? we knew a new mario was in the works, most people speculated a mario galaxy sequal, metroid was supprising, granted, mostly because of the direction it took. new mario bros wii? only supprising thing about that is the console it on. golden sun has been rumoured for years.


the only supprising thing about march of the minis 3 is that they even anounced it.


biggest supprise was a games comapany want to measure your pulse.


we had litteraly no clue about ff14 or the new lbp style racing game. the agency, we may not have seen anything of, but certainly, no one extected it. the motion was totaly out of the blue as well. there may have been alot of leaks, but the footage of uncharted was even more impressive then what was leaked.


back on topic, did any one else think the guys failure to hit the balls was funny?

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It wouldn't surprise me at all if this has already been shown to 3rd parties and there will be a few games available from both Sony and others next year when it launches.


I think it's been confirmed to have been shown to other developers.


For the record' date=' Sony's system only tracks the little ball at the top of the casing.[/quote']


Yeah, except that isn't true. Like Natal the PSEye can detect any movement and even depth of field, although not to the degree Natal does (additionally it wouldn't be too tricky to improve all this through software updates). It also has an array of microphones on the top so it can do voice recognition and determine where the source of that sound comes from.


So no, Sony's system does not just track the little ball at the top of the casing. It does a hell of a lot more.

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So basically, in a nut shell, SONY are doing shite, thusly they decide to copy Nintendo's innovative input method. What's more it will not be compatible with the vast majority of PS3 games - yet it's somehow the best thing since sliced bread and will be the new industry standard. WHAT UTTER SHITE.

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So basically, in a nut shell, SONY are doing shite, thusly they decide to copy Nintendo's innovative input method. What's more it will not be compatible with the vast majority of PS3 games - yet it's somehow the best thing since sliced bread and will be the new industry standard. WHAT UTTER SHITE.


Yeah sure...So wheres Nintendo's camera feeding back movements in 3D space, oh wait thats right they don't have one...

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So basically, in a nut shell, SONY are doing shite, thusly they decide to copy Nintendo's innovative input method. What's more it will not be compatible with the vast majority of PS3 games - yet it's somehow the best thing since sliced bread and will be the new industry standard. WHAT UTTER SHITE.


Eye Toy came out half way through the PS2's life and that had plenty of support, same for WiiMotionPlus and Natal so don't bother with that attempt to put it down.

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So basically, in a nut shell, SONY are doing shite, thusly they decide to copy Nintendo's innovative input method. What's more it will not be compatible with the vast majority of PS3 games - yet it's somehow the best thing since sliced bread and will be the new industry standard. WHAT UTTER SHITE.


ok, so the motion idea is pretty much purly down to nintendo's success. but i dont see how its copying?

had sony brought out a system like the wiimote, one that was sensor driven, i may think so, but the fact is they are using different technology and achiving similar results (an input method).


also, im glad it isnt compatable with all games. some games dont work with motion, why shoe horn in a motion feature when it isnt needed (as much as i love mario galaxy, we didnt need waggle in it).


i like the wii mote, its cool, and works very well in fps game, party games and as a mouse, but why shoudlent outher companys get a go? its obviosly not perfect tech, so its only natural it gets bettered.

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Yeah sure...So wheres Nintendo's camera feeding back movements in 3D space, oh wait thats right they don't have one...


Yes, because Nintendo are really in dire need of rethinking their strategy as they lost so much money last year.


Eye Toy came out half way through the PS2's life and that had plenty of support, same for WiiMotionPlus and Natal so don't bother with that attempt to put it down.


Erm... Natal is an unkown quantity as of yet. We shall see what software supports it.

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Yes, because Nintendo are really in dire need of rethinking their strategy as they lost so much money last year.


When did how much money each company made directly relate to how good their products were?


Oh, wait, fanboy argument.

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Hows this any different than Wiimote with wm+, and why is it only now interesting?


Im more interested to see how its handled on a console more suited to me. That used to be Nintendo ones but im sick of the games that come out for the Wii most of the time, the few gems that are in there dont make up for it.


Plus from the videos ive seen of the Wiimote with wm+, nothing has impressed me in the slightest.

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Hows this any different than Wiimote with wm+, and why is it only now interesting?


Because WM+ (nice shortening btw) is purely motion sensor based. Whereas Sony's is tracking in 3D via the camera...The wiimote doesn't know where it is relation to anything, the sensor bar is purely for pointer use and does not track where anything is. Having said that the Wii does do a good job of the illusion that it knows where things are through the use of gestures reliant on you putting the wiimote where it tells you to, for example in EA Sports Active putting the nunchuk in the little pouch, you could likely cheat the system by not doing it, but it relies on you doing it.

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This thread is hilarious.


Seriously, everyone here is a fanboy, whether it's for Nintendo, Sony, whatever.


Here are the facts: Several years ago Nintendo made (another) innovative product. Since then there have been a number of attempts to copy and better it. None have worked, until now. Clearly this is a well-developed idea, and is just as well worked as Motion+. I can see why Sony fans are pleased, and I wish them the best. We'll wait and see if they make good decisions in their development, if they do I'm sure it'll be a sucess :)


Okay? Let's get over it! They're all good technologies and used well they'll all be great. JUST WAIT AND SEE!

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Well although it isn't 100% the place but here is my two cents.


Sony in my eyes have gone for their own version of the wiimote set up. Its different enough to avoid a lawsuit but simple enough for the less informed to work with.


Microsoft has gone for their own version of a motion based gaming experience. My only reservations on this is that we will have the same news stories before but instead of wiimotes through plasmas and LCD's we will have feet and fists instead.


And on this basis sony perhaps needs to do some R&D into wrist straps

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^^ Up two


Except the users that own PS3s and use it as their main system actually have a brain. I was quick to put down Sony's attempt to do motion controls, but it turned out to be decent. I'm critical of some things playstation, but when I see bullshit posted on the forum by mindless wannabe nintendo desciples that now think that business acument is better than talking about fun then it needs to be stopped before this whole forum collapses because of it's nonsensical members.


The arguments have always raged and always will, this isn't too much different from the normal cross-board discussions, we even have the democratic figure coming in the form of Dohnut trying to stop stuff in a pointless attempt to cool things, but stuff like this has to be debated and resolved. However it's like arguing to David Cameron's devil child right now.

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Both had advantages and disadvantages.

With nintendo's it doesn't know where in the room you are, just the gestures. Sony's knows where, but you have to have the camera pointed at you the whole time.


Honestly I think it's the gestures that matter in the end, so Sony's one seems like a roundabout more complicated way.

The camera does have a microphone though which they can use but they always had that and never used it. Wii has wiispeak which they rarely use too.

Both are basically the same thing.

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