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Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story


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Got this for £19.99 from Shopto.net, and it's excellent. :D Why can't all RPGs be like this?!


Because JRPG's need to have a serious story thats badly written where the main character goes around mopey and shit only to somehow save the world and get pussy from a chick who just wants any cock...oh and belts and Zippers (Hi Hero Of Time :heh: )

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I did read that you really need to have played the first two games to appreciate and understand the [returning] characters/story in this. Is that the case?


If so, I guess I'll just have to wait for Paper Mario 3DS, which hopefully isn't connected to the other Paper Mario games!


Not at all - I haven't played the 2nd game. You just need to know there's a villain called Fawful who says silly stuff! ;)

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I did read that you really need to have played the first two games to appreciate and understand the [returning] characters/story in this. Is that the case?


Nope. Fawful's previous appearances are meaningless in this game, and there's a small, optional reference to the 2nd game, but that's it.

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I did read that you really need to have played the first two games to appreciate and understand the [returning] characters/story in this. Is that the case?


If so, I guess I'll just have to wait for Paper Mario 3DS, which hopefully isn't connected to the other Paper Mario games!


Like the posts before me, it's true that the story stands somewhat on its own.


You definitely should play the first two for they are, hmmmm how shall I put it: 'And this battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom'


Mind you, they are connected in some ways.

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  • 1 month later...

After finishing DQV AND DQIX in a row I was looking for a game that didn't require grinding and seeing as I have had this sitting on my shelf since release day I thought I would finally put some time into it.


Im 7 hours in and my thoughts so far are a little mixed.


The battle system seems to be the same but the battles themselves seem to drag on. I would have preferred the battles to be harder and the fight itself shorter. The boss fights are even worse for this, easy but long. It reminds me of the final boss in the 2nd game, man that was such a drag! ( Shikamaru FTW! )


Another thing that im finding annoying is some of the mini games. The one where you have to hammer stuff back and forth is fun for a while but when the game forces you to do a few more times and then once again drags the process on it becomes tiresome. :(


The highlight so far has been...


When Bowser turned giant and you had to attack the actual castle. It was a short and sweet sequence which used the DS features well.



There does seem to be less humour in this so far compared to the other 2 games but it still has it moments. I enjoyed when..


Bowser threw the cannonball back at his castle. The castle then got all broken up and when Boswer looked back it had its arm in a sling and lots of bandages on it. Loved it! :D



Bowser's personality has definetly been the highlight some far. The low point has to be Fawful as I hate that guy, he's far too random and just plain stupid/annoying. Sorry Fused King. :heh:

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I was having a look at what I would start after finishing the story of DQ IX (but not being finished with playing the game). For DS I shortlisted Contact, Bowsers Inside Story and 358/2 Days. Wanna know what I started into? Okami. :p


I know I keep asking this about BiS but are there any benefits to having played both Mario & Luigi games before it? The only one I have is SS as PiT somehow passed me by.

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I know I keep asking this about BiS but are there any benefits to having played both Mario & Luigi games before it? The only one I have is SS as PiT somehow passed me by.


There doesn't seem to be any references to PiT so far, saying that I haven't played it in years. You've played SS so you know how the gameplay works and the story is seperate from the other games. Basically if you want to play it you're good to go! :)


I got to Blubble Lake last night and did the massage game...that was just freaky! :D

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I got to Blubble Lake last night and did the massage game...that was just freaky! :D


Ah yes, that massage game is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen :grin:


@Darksnowman: There's a sidequest that makes reference to PiT. That's about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BEWARE OF SPOILERS in the following!


I have just completed this game for the first time (levels around 33 but can't be arsed to get to level 40 just for another ending and rank - is it worth it?).


Generally I liked the game very much. The battles were fun and there weren't too many of them - rather there was an appropriate amount. However, some of the mini-games were just tedious. For example, when Bowser is flattened and you have to sail that channel to revive him. I hated that game. Also, when he needed extra strength. Generally, the games were too repetitive and too often. I have read others say this, right?

I quite enjoyed controlling Bowser around and smashing enemies. That was a fun change in Mario-games.


Also, isn't it possible for Bowser to enter his own body via the pipes too? I would like to see that happen.

And what's up with the shrinking upon inhalation? It seems that whatever Bowser inhales shrinks to a fitting size, which is strange.

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But for my other question: Is it worth it getting to level 40 and then beating the game again?


Personally, I enjoyed this game, but not enough to get high scores in the mini games or complete it 100%. In fact, I distinctly remember thinking "No more. I'm done with this" and then selling it.

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I played PiT a few years ago and loved it, very addictive and absolutely hilarious. I've had BiS since last Christmas but have only now got around to playing it and I'm only 2 hours in but loving every last minute. Like most Nintendo games (where either each installment in a series is a standalone story or recaps previous events in a very good way) you don't need to worry about the previous games in the series, this can be played on its own (I've yet to play the first GBA game and have still loved PiT and BiS) as each game is very much a standalone tale.

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  • 2 months later...

With Golden Sun drawing closer I thought it was about time I finished off this before I started my next RPG.


I left the game a few months back with Mario and Luigi looking for the 3rd Sage and after playing the best part of the day the game is finally complete. :D


I have to say the final battles were fantastic, much better than the yawn fest that was the last boss in PiT, hell it's simply a much better game overall than that. I do think that Superstar Saga is still the best Mario RPG on the handhelds but this is a close second.


The music in this game is great, with many a catchy tune sticking in your head as you play, but a speacil mention has to go to the final boss music. I thought it was fantastic, easily one of the best tunes in the game. I failed the first time I fought him but I didn't mind restarting when I had this tune to listen to. :)


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I have to say the final battles were fantastic, much better than the yawn fest that was the last boss in PiT, hell it's simply a much better game overall than that.

Broadcast Yourself


You cannot deny the epicness of the Final Battle Theme of Partners in Time (even though I must say that it keeps sounding like an intro to a much more epic theme:laughing:)


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Good work, H-o-T! :hehe:


I've still not even started into BiS. I keep meaning too... and I really should. I love Mario, I love RPGs and I love the Mario RPGs I've played (them all, aside from PiT, afaik). Whats keeping me! :nono:


Probably the fact that your playing Golden Sun, OutRun, Final Fantasy and Okami all at the same time, while also looking for your Activity Meter. :D

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  • 8 months later...

I've been going through this again, for I usually play Mario RPGs more than 1 time, and I must say that it's still as brilliant as ever. The dialogue really makes it a fresh and fun experience.


I still think that Superstar Saga is the best in the series, but the sheer variety in gameplay in this game is also worthy of a mighty clapping of hands.


It's nice to see Bowser getting such a big role in the game, but the fact that we haven't seen Wario&Waluigi sprites in any of the series is seriously pissing me off.


How awesome would it be if in the next iteration of the series, you get to play as Mario&Luigi AND Wario&Waluigi? That would be awesome!

Would it be mind blowing on WiiU? Yet is would!



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  • 11 months later...

You know Fused...I don't know much about Fawful. Sorry. He's the bean guy or something, right? Was he in PiT?


I've gone and bought it used on ebay for £12.50 with postage, listing says it's like new so it should be box/book but if it isn't I shall not be buying it(as not matching the description), so I guess this'll see me through for a while to help stop my jonesing for sticker star. Though afterwards it'll probably just make me want it even more!

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