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New Super Mario Bros. Wii


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i loved nsmb on ds. I thought the basics in the game were perfect like controls but the music wasn't as good I felt, and was lacking in features but I always said a sequel would be most welcome.


Yeah, I have to agree - I thought the controls were great. In fact, the only negative thing I could say about the DS game is that the world map wasn't as good as Super Mario World. Generally speaking, I thought the game was exactly right. Getting 100% was not easy, especially when you're Mini Mario and have to avoid the bombs and drop down that small hole - I actually thought that was frustrating.


The Wii game sounds awesome! I've just got a funny feeling that Nintendo are getting their magic back after (in my opinion) a few off years. It's funny how they seem to be getting it right with the 3rd Mario & Luigi RPG and New Super Mario Bros Wii. Let's hope the next Zelda also feels like they totally knew what they were doing.

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I hope you're counting Mario Galaxy as a part of them 'getting the magic back'. I have to say NSMB DS is one of my favourite DS games, it took me SO long to complete it to 100% - I had the same problem as you Grazza, the mini mushroom bits were almost impossible!

But yeah, that game and Galaxy started a new era for Mario as far as I'm concerned after a lacklustre Gamecube platformer followed by way too many sports games. I hope this is as challenging as they're making out, I agree with those who say the recent games have been a little easy.*


*That being said, COMPLETING games are easy, but getting to that magical 100% is really hard. Anyone who did the Luigi's Purple coin challenge knows that for Galaxy. And that's fine - make fully finishing the game challenging Nintendo, but don't make the whole rest of the game easier to allow for rubbish people to finish it, or they'll never learn or improve.


I've started rambling now, but hopefully my points are valid :S

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was hoping for a return of the cape but oh well.


I think the reason you're far less likely to see flying items in the newer games is that the fact is, once you can fly everywhere...all other items are kind of pointless.


It's a decision made for diversity, so that they can add other interesting items that would be irrelevant if you could just fly instead.

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This is looking amazing!! Totally retro with a nice re-fit. It's like Super Mario World all over again. I'm hoping we see more developed map screens with more depth to them though, other than that I trust this will be great, great fun. It's going to be good to see where Nintendo are with a home console 2D Mario title, afterall it has been YEARS since Mario last came to roost on a Nintendo home console in a 2D platformer. Throw in the motion aspects and I'm expecting some juicy and totally surprising innovations too.


Can't wait!

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This is a fine example of how Nintendo understand how to treat their main franchise with care and consistency. Imagine how great it would be to play the Sonic equivalent of this. No superfluous, irritating characters; artstyle and environments perfectly in keeping with previous entries (lets face it, aside from Yoshi's Island, 2D Mario has always looked a bit 'no-frills'); classic gameplay.


The only thing that disappoints me slightly is the re-use of the NSMB theme (a theme I LOVE as it happens, but this is a far inferior arrangement). Let's hope it's just being used in trailers to hammer home the DS association for the less perceptive consumer, and it has many classic tunes to call its own!


Edit: the tin/money box looks hideous.

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Yeah the koopa kids are great to see back, as is Bowser's floaty thing. I'd like to think they took a lot of inspiration from SM World, which let's face it, is probably the most the popular 2D Mario.


I'm not the biggest fan of the NSMB DS visual style, but we'll see how it works here.


I have this horrible feeling they're going to have about 3 different level music tunes, and use them throughout the game. That was my problem with the DS game, it was the same bloody music for most of the overworld levels! You would think that after the masterpiece in sound that was SM Galaxy, they could have a decent soundtrack this time.

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Yeah. It would appear that they're going for a variations on a theme approach to the music - a la Yoshi's Story. It's a tradition of 2D Mario games to constantly recycle music throughout stages, and it fits with Nintendo's currently favoured 'less-is-more' (lazy) approach. One thing that is starting to bug me about N's music, which I otherwise adore, is that awful 'ape/donkey being squashed' sample that they seem to plonk into everything now, from Mario Kart to Wii Sports Resort (on the start sceen if you press either A or Z on its own you get this and its equally retarded 'hiccup' twin - WHY??). I think it first appeared in Goron City from Ocarina of Time, which was great, and a perfect fit.. but.. Mario??


Imagine if they'd decided to give it just a little originality and gloss, and got together a small ensemble (an orchestra wouldn't be necessary) and recorded classic ragtimey/latin stuff like SMW etc. It could work brilliantly with just a couple of guitars/banjos, piano, sax/horn, bass + synth, and would fit the cheap, classic model they obvious want to stick to.


Perhaps they're saving all their sonic creativity for Galaxy 2.

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Hopefully next game they'll go all out. Remixes of Mario tunes (Brawl style), a level editor, online play, and online sharing abilities with ghost saves, screenshots, and of course, sharing of levels. That, for me, would be the perfect 2D Mario game, just so long as they don't forget the basics.

Edited by LostOverThere
I need to l2grammar
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looks brilliant :) cant wait.


the tin lol i might pre order one for the reason it will be the only 1 on the planet thats been bought and ill sell it on for hundreds in 20 years time lol ;)



i was wondering is anyone entering the uks best gamer cop over the weekend? which ones you going too? is there a thread for this

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The game itself is looking okay just now in terms of gameplay and level design I'd say...but I really hate what they're doing with the music.


There was a point when people really liked retro sound design, bringing back old sound effects and music to make things more classic. Maybe it's just me but at this point though im starting to get sick fed up of it...and this game seems like the worst offender so far! The vast majority of the music tracks so far are recycled and worse yet are barely even remixed at all in any way. It's so obvious how little influence Kondo has in the sound design of the games nowadays, it was actually pretty rare that he recycled any tracks in the old games.


I really hope that NSMB theme tune doesn't play as commonly throughout the game as it appears to in the footage so far. I never really liked it much in the first place, at least not the rendition they actually use during levels.


The first version they used in the 2005 trailer was better.


Edited by James McGeachie
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The game itself is looking okay just now in terms of gameplay and level design I'd say...but I really hate what they're doing with the music.


There was a point when people really liked retro sound design, bringing back old sound effects and music to make things more classic. Maybe it's just me but at this point though im starting to get sick fed up of it...and this game seems like the worst offender so far! The vast majority of the music tracks so far are recycled and worse yet are barely even remixed at all in any way. It's so obvious how little influence Kondo has in the sound design of the games nowadays, it was actually pretty rare that he recycled any tracks in the old games.


I really hope that NSMB theme tune doesn't play as commonly throughout the game as it appears to in the footage so far. I never really liked it much in the first place, at least not the rendition they actually use during levels.


The first version they used in the 2005 trailer was better.


even that isn't that great though :(.


I'm not asking for a recycling of themes but would it kill them to at least have the proper victory mario music when you clear a level.?


I;m also not expecting music on the same scale as mario galaxy. Some of the music is ok but even compare this music.





the new one clearly isnt good, even if sound quality has improved.

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