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Secret Wii Game

Bozon's incessant bloggery -- he posted yet another once since my last -- has forced me to take drastic measures. In order to win the contest of nothing that I've just created for myself. Oh, I will win this contest of nothing. I will win it by a landslide. Or something.


Really, though, this is the perfect opportunity for me to capitalize on the mass hysteria of Wii message board readers by presenting them a totally pixelated image of a game that we will unveil for Wii during the E3 time frame.


Here is said pixelated picture, processed through multiple filters for your viewing pleasure:




I'm not a photographic scientist or anything -- not sure the profession even exists, and if not, it should -- but at the very least, there seems to be a lot of red in that blurred-out picture. And you know what fuzzy red means, right? Yep -- teh maturez.


This is a Wii exclusive game. Developed from the ground up.


Have fun with that.


Bozon, you suck.


P.S. This blog post is made sweet by the fact that Bozon has been talking about this game without interruption since I showed him first screens. He is sick. Always bloodlusting. I think he needs help.


My guess, as unlikely as it may be, is Killer Instinct.

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Doesn't give me a Killer Instinct vibe. I don't remember there being swords in that game but then it's been a really long time since I played so forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong. Whatever it is, it certainly looks interesting. Don't think it's a new title in an existing franchise as it doesn't look like it but I could be wrong.

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Doesn't give me a Killer Instinct vibe. I don't remember there being swords in that game but then it's been a really long time since I played so forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong. Whatever it is, it certainly looks interesting. Don't think it's a new title in an existing franchise as it doesn't look like it but I could be wrong.


The franchise belongs to Microsoft anyway.

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Well if that unblurred neogaf image is anything to go by its nothing to get excited about. A generic gorey looking fighter...in the vein of god of war, dantes inferno and numerous other games due out this year yet with added motion controls yipee.

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Let me just say...This is NOT Killer Instinct, new characters wouldn't be shown and RARE won't be putting the franchise on the Wii at all. Unfortunately. (*sobs*)


Looks like some kind of artwork for a God of War/Madworld/Mortal Kombat type title maybe. It's only concept art and because it's mature it's getting the same treatment of other unfinished mature Wii titles (y'know, the ones the interwebz seems to hype to hell.)


Ahhh, I love the industry pre-E3.

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Dum dum dummmmm!




My guess, as unlikely as it may be, is Killer Instinct.


Er... what? Maybe you should read up on Microsoft buying out Rare, may of passed you somehow while you're sleeping under a rock.

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Oh Cube, if only it turned out to be Raven Blade. Although, some to think of it Retro Studios have been quiet recently apart from the Wii-makes of the Metroid Primes so perhaps that could be what they're up to. IGN have said they expect something from them at E3.

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Actually...a bird-like helmet. A big blade.


Raven Blade?

Yeah I did wonder that!


I know it was only somewhat of a tech demo and a good number of years ago now, but if it is Raven Blade it's looks to have taken a bit of a different direction.


And dismemberment!... that's always a brave move!


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Sweet, getting my intelligence's arse handed to me. You see, the reason why I said "as unlikely as it may be" is because I actually (and here comes the tricky part for some of you) haven't been living under a rock, and know that Multiplesclerosissoft owns Rare, who owns the rights.


But a man, goofed up on paracetamol and meloxicam, can only dream.

Anyhow, that was from before the pic was decrypted. Now I think it's a new IP.


Ya happy? :)

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I read that it was just some clever sod's Photoshop skills - an 'artist's impression' of what it would look unblurred.


Still looks pretty spot-on to what it is though. And I really doubt it's anything too major, Matt wants to keep his job.

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