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I'm going to an Engagement party tomorrow, it's a good friend of mine (girl).


She's 19, Yeah i know young. But i was wondering do i need to take a present of not? I've never been to a engagement party before and i don't know what to do exactly.


It's at a Rugby club, and it's gonna be full of people my age.




I'd take one, mate.


Think of it this way: If you take one, and nobody else does, then you look amazing.


If you don't, and everyone else does, then you'll look like the twat who couldn't be bothered. :heh:


If it's a good friend, then I'd really do it anyway, regardless of what anyone else does. An engagement should be celebrated, so do it I say. :)


£5 Argos gift voucher ;)



I dunno if engagement presents are really a thing, it's more just a congratulations, because that's what wedding presents are for when you actually go through with it! Otherwise the engagement may be called off and the presents wasted.


Maybe a nice bottle of wine or something would be a nice congratulations though.


Ah thats a good idea, i was thinking a £10 Argos voucher in a nice card. I mean i bet there's loads that don't take anything. But a bottle of wine seems more posh!

  Fierce_LiNk said:
Some might say that it's a bottle of Win! :D
Ah I see what you did there, ;)




  Caris said:
i was thinking a £10 Argos voucher in a nice card.

*palm in the face*


I would prefer one of the following.


A Belt.

A Rope.

A Gun (any will do).

Some high strength pills.

Or a good old knife.


A bottle of some nice wine/champagne usually goes down well as an engagement present. Vouchers are mainly for the wedding.


Make it a reasonably priced bottle mind.


Man, when I read this topic it must have been gone 12, and so I thought he'd already been to his engagement thingy! I'm gonna echo the sentiments of a good bottle of wine(or champagne if you wanna be really fancy/spare the cash, but I think champagne is hugely overrated anyway). I once went to an engagement thing(though it was really casual and not massively arranged) but I took a bottle of Asti Spumante, which is basically a damn nice sparkling white wine, you can pick a Martini brand bottle up in Sainsburys for a fiver or so probably.


Wine is the best idea, if not then a box of chocolates for them. Doesn't have to be anything fancy/expensive, it really is the thought that counts.


I never got my brother anything when he got engaged. I don't see the fuss. I'll get him something when they get married.


EDIT: Or my sister either. Forgot about her.


Lol at £10 Argos voucher. Shopping in Argos is crap an it feels cheapy and lower-class. Just ask Michael Mcintyre.


Argos vouchers are suprisingly popular amongst newleyweds. They may sell lower-class bling but as well as this they do a lot of home/baby/electronic stuff, particularly useful if the couple are just moving in. Yes, a John Lewis or Harrords voucher may be a bit more upper class but not many of those around.


But yeah for an engagement party a bottle of wine/champagne would be a nice idea.


Depends what they're like. My friend who got engaged is fun and a bit crazy.


I got her,




then drew stuff all over it with my army of sharpies. She loved it. :D


If she's a good friend, make it something individual, personal or just well thought out. Don't get generic wine or vouchers. That's just fucking dull.


Just to say again, if she is a close friend, get something different. There's probably going to be loads of alcohol at the party and it's such a forgettable gift anyway, same with vouchers.


If she isn't that close though, just do what everyone else says.

  Caris said:
Yeah, how much would you say for a decent bottle? Never drink it.


I'd still definitely recommend that Martini branded Spumante Asti(it'll be with the sparkling white wines), was down the alchy aisle in asda earlier and it was like £6, plus I'd recommend spending a quid or so on a bottle gift bag thing to give it in. It's a nice sparkling sweetish white wine, so it tastes nice too! Plus, even if they don't know anything about wine or whatnot, the brand should be enough to make it look like you made some decent effort and know what you're doing :D



Might as well get one of these while you're at it.




The bottle looks nice.Just make sure they don't drink it. Same goes for the Asti.


Lmao Daft!


Realistically, I would take a bottle of wine to a normal party, I think as an engagement gift it doesn't really work. I would also say no to Argos vouchers, you don't want to force them to go in there, this is meant to be a gift!


If she's a good friend then as Daft said, something small and meaningful would be nice. If not then perhaps a real bottle of champagne would be suitable!

  Rummy said:
:o I hope you aren't poking fun at my Asti Daft, that is some damn fine stuff dammit!


Damn fine as in you need to spend money on a bag to cover it up?


The definition of fine is: 'superior in kind, quality, or appearance'. It may have the appearance, debatable, but it certainly does not have the other two.


Either way, I suspect it isn't apt for an engagement party. Weddings/engagements are meant to be happy occasions.

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