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I didn't say stop telling us altogether nor did I say show no emotions. Its just that every post seems to relate to letty or something about how what she has done has affected you. Well the posts I read anyway.


Maybe if you stop talking about her so much and cheer up rather than saying you want a ban button in your life you can sort this mess out. Make an effort to talk to people! You say you can't stand doing it, but just being depressive won't get yourself out of a funk. Try and you could be surprised at what unfolds!

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I didn't say stop telling us altogether nor did I say show no emotions. Its just that every post seems to relate to letty or something about how what she has done has affected you. Well the posts I read anyway.


Maybe if you stop talking about her so much and cheer up rather than saying you want a ban button in your life you can sort this mess out. Make an effort to talk to people! You say you can't stand doing it, but just being depressive won't get yourself out of a funk. Try and you could be surprised at what unfolds!


I agree with your post. She is normal 17 year old that doesnt need this talk going on about her.

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Jordan this is your first serious relationship right? And you invested loads into this and it was the thing you lived and worked for and even during the shit times it was your future.


You had such a level of investment and trust in this that you now feel like total shit in more ways than one and can't even comprehend how this other person did this to you.


It sucks but you have been taught a great lesson you have to look out for number one. Your future is not with this person you are the only person that is guaranteed to be in your future. What you have to do now is once you are done crying and basically mourning the loss of your relationship move on. Its not coming back it doesn't matter how it ended or why you have your health and you will get another gf.


It will do you the world of good to not post about it here imo at least for a couple of months. Chat with pals IRL and msn but also try and see friends. You have to believe me most people go through this in their life, I did I thought my life was garbage when my first relationship ended. But I am a totally different person from those days and know that both that relationship and the breakup not only helped me mature as a person but will help me with my next relationship.


Basically just chill you are ok its gonna hurt like fuck for a while but trust me you will pull through in the end I'm not having a go at you for being emotional either cause I was like that after my first break up.


Anyway after that long post my question. Fuck buddys good idea or not?


Haha just kidding, thought I would lighten the mood sadly I have no prospects of that sort lol!

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I'm single, who wants me :( We should have an N-E auction.

haha, but as we mentioned in the meet-up thread I think, very few on N-E atm!


Free - Raining_Again and Letty?

Taken - MBAM, Eenuh, Molly.


Missed anyone?

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I'm single, who wants me :( We should have an N-E auction.




Shh, we must not talk about the love that dare not speak its name!




Anyway to try and swing this around a bit more back onto some form of topicness;


For those who are/strive to be in a relationship? Why? I've never quite 'got' the appeal of a relationship. I suppose I approach it at the glass half empty angle but still. (and none of this "you just haven't met the right person" shit :p) I'd like a kind of closeness, particularly as I live with a couple and it can be so lonely sometimes as it feels like Them and Me. But all in all I am happy by myself, with myself. In all honestly I think relationships shall remain the eternal mystery to me. ::shrug:

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Does man the fuck up mean i'm not allow to show my feelings? I'm a highly emotional person, so that probably wouldn't fly too well.



man the fuck up dosent mean show no emotion, it means take your lot in life without whining about it.


Considering every time i see her i've had to pretend everything is fine, the one time i went to see her to sort shit out and talk, she just told me to go home. Which was great. Apparently i've got a mental disorder, according to her mother. I call it being dropped like a piece of a shit for no reason! From our meeting i wasn't sure whether she just didn't feel guilty in the slightest and found it hilarious to play with my feelings further or she couldn't be arsed.


first off, you werent dropped for no reason, letty didnt have the same feelings for you she once did. i know it sucks, but it would be far worse of her to stay in a relationship without any love. secondly, let her mother think what she wants. if i recall correctly, the womans never been to fond of you, so its hardly a supprise. for the record, lots of people disslike me, for reasons i cant fathom, so i just say fuck em in the eye socket. i sugest you do the same. finaly, just what was it you needed to sort out? if its financial stuff, or to do with property, then fair enough, if its emotional shit, shes clearly drawn a line under the relationship, going back on it will serve no purpouse.


Also i have very real friends in my life, never mind in Shetland where it appears that everyone has just forgotten about me and would prefer to have "cool parties" with Letty this leads to me not having many outlets. Also, you might not have noticed but i've been here for eight fucking years, i would have thought i'd be allowed to express myself as a person. Apparently not. Well, maybe i should just get my coat... Unless theres a "one touch ban and delete" button in real life. That'd be handy.


maybe people stopped hanging around with you so much cos your constantly talking about letty, a friend of theires, and how shes made your life shit. its ok to need an outlet some times but having some one who constantly brings the mood down gets old. fast. you cant expect people to invite you out if your always complaing, its no fun and it gets frustrating.


your aloowed to express your self on here, as is any outher member, but it feels like its all you talk about these days. if its getting you down that much, maybe go see a psychiatrist? either that, or stop being so bloody dramatic!


you had 3 years of love, its a damn sight more then ive had, be greatful for what you have and that things didnt end alot worse then they did, because they easily could have.

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Guest Captain Falcon
It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.


*cliche alarms ring out*


*fires crossbow at them*


And there was me thinking ignorance was bliss.

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haha, but as we mentioned in the meet-up thread I think, very few on N-E atm!


Free - Raining_Again and Letty?

Taken - MBAM, Eenuh, Molly.


Missed anyone?

Lol, I'm married, but I've never met my husband :heh:


It's irrelevant though, I'm not going to the summer meet or Disneyland for that matter :p

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