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Colour and Perception Test


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Try saving as PNG. It uses a lossless compression algorithm.


I tried that, as well as a GIF file. All of them came out looking slightly more... pale. Same has happened with drawings I tried to save recently.

I'll try Supergrunch's suggestion next time of using Save for web, hopefully that'll help.

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I fail to see how you'd have fun doing statistical analysis on this. But baby we all have our quirks :heh:

Well, arguably any conclusion you draw is based on informal statistical analysis. :wink:

Surely it would work better/be more interesting if the options were just "grey, red, yellow" etc, and you had to put your definitive view of that colour in?

Experiments like that are useful cross-linguistically to see how different languages divide up colour-space. They're usually done by asking people to select coloured chips.

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Well, arguably any conclusion you draw is based on informal statistical analysis. :wink:

My conclusion would be "I think that's [colour]", why? "Because"


Just doing this now, doing it in paint because it seems an amazing pain in the arse to fill something in photoshop. I know I'm missing something...

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I mean in terms of looking at peoples' results; I don't see what's so odd about people choosing similar colours based on similar descriptions.


The surprising one is the 'yuck colour' as this doesn't actually give a description of what colour it actually is, yet the majority have gone with a dark olive green/brownish colour. That is a little bit odd and could be cause for further investigation. Is it neurological or due to external environmental/sociological factors? Would people from other cultures pick the same colour? Is it due to the distressing time when you're a kid and your trying to mix paint colours, but all you ever get is that one?

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I mean in terms of looking at the results; I don't see what's so odd about people choosing similar colours based on similar descriptions.

I feel that, I just don't feel there is a need for analysis. But you know I love you and would never stand in the way of your dreams... Lord knows if I did you'd never listen, after all we've been through I thought you would respect my boundaries a little but noooooo... :( I'm upsettings. I'm still in awe of your pr0 lexicon, something of which I've been meaning to ask you about.






The surprising one is the 'yuck colour' as this doesn't actually give a description of what colour it actually is, yet the majority have gone with a dark olive green/brownish colour. That is a little bit odd and could be cause for further investigation. Is it neurological or due to external environmental/sociological factors? Would people from other cultures pick the same colour? Is it due to the distressing time when you're a kid and your trying to mix paint colours, but all you ever get is that one?

I feel my last one could be a little darker I think. But there's no need investigation on me, I'll reveal my reasoning.

When I throw up after a night on the piss.


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The surprising one is the 'yuck colour' as this doesn't actually give a description of what colour it actually is, yet the majority have gone with a dark olive green/brownish colour. That is a little bit odd and could be cause for further investigation. Is it neurological or due to external environmental/sociological factors? Would people from other cultures pick the same colour? Is it due to the distressing time when you're a kid and your trying to mix paint colours, but all you ever get is that one?

Yeah, I suppose so, although I'd imagine it results from the description to some extent - "skanky horrible yuck colour" probably has those olivey connotations. It'd be interesting to see what people would put if you just asked for "least favourite colour."

I feel that, I just don't feel there is a need for analysis. But you know I love you and would never stand in the way of your dreams... Lord knows if I did you'd never listen, after all we've been through I thought you would respect my boundaries a little but noooooo... :( I'm upsettings. I'm still in awe of your pr0 lexicon, something of which I've been meaning to ask you about.

I'm sorry for leading to your being upsettings, but my dreams shall go forward nonetheless, if ever I can be bothered to realise them. Re: my lexicon - I don't feel it's particularly pr0, more filled with linguistics jargon and the like.

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I think this would have been a lot better if you had just used emotions. if you say "forest green" then 1) it's going to be green and 2) it's going to be the same colour as a forest. It would have been better if you had put "happiness" "sadness" "love" etc. and then see what colours people associate with them. Would have been interesting to see whether people would have gone with the media's usual yellow, blue, red respectively.




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I think this would have been a lot better if you had just used emotions. if you say "forest green" then 1) it's going to be green and 2) it's going to be the same colour as a forest. It would have been better if you had put "happiness" "sadness" "love" etc. and then see what colours people associate with them. Would have been interesting to see whether people would have gone with the media's usual yellow, blue, red respectively.




The emotion thing is good, but I get his point of this. Yes, it'll be green, yes it'll be green like a forest, but to see how different people place that green in their mind like, some have a more greeny forest green than others, it's just a weird little quirky thing, I guess.

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I cheated and just looked at everyone's answers. The artists have the more pleasing array of colours, but, however, and indeed suddenly, for some reason; the artists' choises tend to sit well within themselves, which is intriguing because it means they selected the colours based upon not only that specific description, but also those surrounding it. A curious oddity, because clearly this means they are, as people, deeply aware of all things at once, and the effort they must inject into their existence in order to assure their surroundings continue to produce the same, most excellent, level of quo. lol.


I think I'm still drun with a K from last night, tbff.

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I cheated and just looked at everyone's answers. The artists have the more pleasing array of colours, but, however, and indeed suddenly, for some reason; the artists' choises tend to sit well within themselves, which is intriguing because it means they selected the colours based upon not only that specific description, but also those surrounding it. A curious oddity, because clearly this means they are, as people, deeply aware of all things at once, and the effort they must inject into their existence in order to assure their surroundings continue to produce the same, most excellent, level of quo. lol.


I think I'm still drun with a K from last night, tbff.

You're quite philosophical when drunk. It's interesting. :heh:

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I cheated and just looked at everyone's answers. The artists have the more pleasing array of colours, but, however, and indeed suddenly, for some reason; the artists' choises tend to sit well within themselves, which is intriguing because it means they selected the colours based upon not only that specific description, but also those surrounding it. A curious oddity, because clearly this means they are, as people, deeply aware of all things at once, and the effort they must inject into their existence in order to assure their surroundings continue to produce the same, most excellent, level of quo. lol.


I enjoyed that.

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