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Loving the look of that Korma and those burgers Pooki :) do want! Omnomnom!




This may not seem like much - and it isn't - but after getting home a few minutes ago after not having anything to eat for seven hours it seemed like the best thing ever...




Peppered Peperoni Pizza - with salad - ftw. :)

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I just had these for lunch...






They took agggges to properly cook because there were two types of them under the grill, some normal pork chipolatas and some chicken sausages, the chipolatas were really nice, especially with the fried onions :heart: and peppered tomato sauce. :)


I couldn't eat the chicken sausage after eating the other ones though :/ so will save eeet for later in case I get hungry.

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i had to buy bread - and bacon


got over charged with the bacon though


5.80 for a 2 packets of bacon that was in a buy one get one free thing?!

they didnt give me a receipt though so ic ant go back n complain



Aww, but at least now you can eat your bacon buttie. I had cottage pie for dinner. YumYum. :)

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Those waffles look heavenly (even with all the pepper)


Make me some essSeegeeeee!!!








Of course :) *makes some for Raining* *tries to send it via the computer* *remembers he cant e-mail food... yet!* :/

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That is your task for tonight. :P


I'll do my best! ^^'



Tonight for my birthday dinner of sorts I cooked...


A damn tasty Burger!




We don't have them very often so tonight I thought why not? :) and it was / is (still eating eet! :o) damn good. :heart:

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Looks good, whats in it essSeeGeeeee?


100% Aberdeeeen Angus Beef with Ketchup smeared over the top, pepper over the ketchup and then shredded lettuce on top of that, it was epic. <3


Wait....theres no visible pepper. Where've you hidden it?


It was alllll over the tomato ketchup! :D




Hells yeah! \o/


Also, I had chezcake for desert! :o




Raspberry swirl Chezcake from teh co-op with a strawberry on top picked from the garden, was nice. :)




Had egggggs that needed using up so for lunch today I made...






Four eggs, one sammich, smeared with ketchup, and doused with pepper, good times! :o

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I think EssSeeGee should be our personal chef! :heh:


I would actually be honoured :o *realises he still needs to find a way to e-mail food to people* >.> one day... one day... it will be possible.

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You can bring a suitcase of food to the meet and make food for us there! (Not sure if you are coming now O.o) (Oh well, come anyway to give ME food :))


This morning, I tried my hand at making some sort of meal these are my results:




Haven't had it for agessssssssssssssssssss.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You can bring a suitcase of food to the meet and make food for us there! (Not sure if you are coming now O.o) (Oh well, come anyway to give ME food :))


Hehe I didn't notice this suggestion properly until just now :o it's a good idea though not sure how practical it'd be tbh :heh: but I am coming to the meet and if the oppourtunity arises for me to cook for any N-E'ers then I'd love to. :)




Time for another update!


Summer Salad




Had salad's before but not quite like this, it started life as a failed Pitta bread filling, but the Pitta breads were really faaaail :/ - they kept falling apart - so I just made a salad instead which included Chorizo, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish, Spring Onion, Tomato, Quorn Pieces and the remains of the failed Pitta Breads on the side covered in chilli sauce and a smattering of pepper over eet all. :heh:


Steak Sammich




This is actually the first time I'd actually ever cooked steak :o I've cooked burgers before, I know it's the same meat but for w/e reason cooking steak always seemed more complicated to me, but anyway I gave it a go, made it into a sandwich with some ketchup, pepper and a bit of salad and it was good.

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Me and a friend are making Kangaroo Burgers on wednesday, I'll post some pics. I'm curious as to what Kangaroo tastes like. I had it when I was really young, so can't really remember what it tasted like, nor was I old enough to appreciate it.

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