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I didn't get chance to post a picture (scoffed, yum), but I made a blueberry swirl cheesecake which was delicious. :D


It went down very well with friends (and my girlfriend!) - pretty shocking how many calories must have been in it though! 3 x 250g tubs of cream cheese O_O and a cup of sour cream.


I followed the recipe off a website so it looked pretty much like this:




I seem to be cooking/baking a fair bit lately... it sure makes me popular. :p

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Mmm that looks great! Cooking is awesome, so you should do more of it yes!

I only made a cheesecake once in my life (and only ate it about three times ever as it's not popular here haha) and it kinda failed, so now I want to try it again.

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Cheesecake is lovely and rich; I much prefer the baked versions to the ones that you simply refrigerate. Nice restaurants have such great cheesecakes, so I was inspired to make one like that. Needless to say, mine was pretty good, and tasted very much like a professional one! Mind you, the ingredients came to over £9, so you'd expect it to taste good! :D

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for bumping this guys! But food has been made so it needs to be posted, yes? Yes!


We made ourselves a lovely vegetable lasagne last night. We made it last year for Christmas and a few times in between, and I think it's one of our favourite meals to make/eat. =D


Cutting vegetables (carrots, courgette, red onion, garlic, red bell pepper)



Cooking the vegetables



Putting on layers of lasagne, sauce and cheese (ricotta, parmesan and pesto)



Snack in between: toast with pesto and mozarella, warmed up in the microwave. Mmmm.



And here's the lasagne. It was delicious. Probably doesn't look like it in this picture but I think it was our best one yet. =D



And we also made an apple pie. First time I made a pie, really simple recipe to follow, but I think I messed it up a bit. Probably a bit too much sugar, plus it should have been in the oven longer. But it was still nice. Plus we ate it with ice cream and whipped cream. Mmmm.


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Sorry for bumping this guys! But food has been made so it needs to be posted, yes? Yes!


No need to apologise Eenuh, I would have bumped this sooner or later anyway, and you're right, food made does need to be posted, so thank you for yours and Jims excellent contribution, it looks nom! :)

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Currently making my version of a Pear Crumble.

Its all guess work as ive never seen, or even heard, how its done.

Looks ok so far... Comes out in 15 minutes.




Turned out really good to say i guessed the ingrediants, and time needed to cook.

Will post pics shortly.

Edited by Kirkatronics
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Meat-free Mexican Mashup!


Its kind of a mix between Quesadas, Tacos and Fajitas. Stuffed with Quorn chicken pieces, onion, red kidney beans, various peppers and carrots and topped with salsa and cheese.




And as it turns out 3 is pushing it a bit ^_^ But I ate them anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished making some Banoffe Pie, first time as well, think it turned out pretty damned well



The Start of the process, Boiling the Condensed milk..for 2 bloody hours, topping up the water when it gets low and being freaked the fuck out thinking that it's going to explode all over



Biscuit (Choccie Digestives BTW) Base, combined with some butter just chillin in the fridge



Bananas in the pan with the Biscuit.



The Toffee goodness, I had a little taste, bloody nice.



Adding the whipped cream to the toffee/banana combo, hurts like hell when you have to whip cream but worth it.



and all topped off with two crumbled flakes


Now to wait until my GF gets home so she can experience the wonder of Banoffee Pie..and not get tempted to have some myself while waiting >>;;




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Here's a few of my vegetarian dishes:


Mushroom bolognese:




Leek and potato soup:




Fried noodles with beansprouts and asparagus:




Potato, broccoli and red pepper stir fry:




Bubble and squeak with fried eggs:



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That mushroom bolognese looks nice. What's the recipe?


Here we go:


Serves 4




450 g/1 lb mushrooms

15 ml/1 tbsp olive oil

1 onion, chopped

1 garlic clove, crushed

15 ml/1 tbsp tomato puree

400 g/14 oz can chopped tomatoes

15 ml/1 tbsp chopped fresh oregano

450 g/1 lb fresh pasta

Parmesan cheese, to serve

chopped fresh oregano, to garnish




1) Trim the mushroom stems neatly, then cut each mushroom into quarters.


2) Heat the oil in a large pan. Add the chopped onion and garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes.


3) Add the mushrooms to the pan and cook over a high heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally.


4) Stir in the tomato puree, chopped tomatoes and the oregano. Lower the heat, cover and cook for 5 minutes.


5) Meanwhile, bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. Cook the pasta for 2-3 minutes until just tender.


Cook's Top

If you prefer to use dried pasta, make this the first thing that you cook. It will take 10-12 minutes, during which time you can make the mushroom mixture. Use 350 g/12 oz dried pasta.


6) Season the bolognese sauce with salt and pepper. Drain the pasta, tip it into a bowl and add the mushroom mixture. Toss to mix. Serve in individual bowls, topped with shavings of fresh Parmesan cheese and a sprinkling of chopped fresh oregano.




I halved the ingredients and just made a huge single portion! I used dry oregano instead and think it's easier to make this way.. I didn't garnish the finished meal with it and just added half a tablespoon with the chopped tomatoes and tomato puree. The oregano is what makes this meal smell and taste really good! As soon as you put it in, the whole thing will smell great. I also used 2 cloves of garlic instead of half a clove, sliced the mushrooms and used a wok instead of a pan.

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Pyxis, your food looks yummy. Can't beat some good ol mushrooms.



I made a lasagne, it was okay but i think I overdid the pasta, and didn't make the "gravy" watery enough. So its quite dry haha :D Trial and error! It was my first and it was (somewhat) edible!!


I agree about the mushrooms! I used to hate them, but ever since I became a vegetarian, they have become a main part of my diet. I went to one vegan restaurant in Paris called the Lovin' Hut and the mushrooms they served me were fried and tasted exactly like KFC!! gooshhh... They were tasty.. I really want to find out the type of mushroom they used as they tasted more like chicken than chicken.


I want to make lasagne, but haven't tried doing so yet. Perhaps I will try next month.:wink:

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I want!


What's in it?


sugar and e-numbers mostly.

it's just a basic cupcake recipe, split into 4 batches, dyed 4 different colours, baked, then cut up and rearranged and stuck together again with icing. :smile: simples!







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I've bought a mahoosive bag of reduced mushrooms for a pound. A FUCKING POUND!!! And it's bigger than my head.


That actually looks amazing. I (like Moogle) am obsessed with mushrooms, think I'll give this a try at the weekend and post my results!


Just to clarify she doesn't mean the magic kind.

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