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Decided to go for a bit of a healthy meal tonight. Well I think it's kinda healthy.


Leftover salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot, half a boiled egg and some tuna), leftover peach with tuna stuff, leftover French bread (bit old haha) and then an omelette with onion, tomato and some basil on top. Yummmm.



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I'm currently baking a chocolate cheesecake. It should be done soon, so fingers crossed it'll turn out ok. :)




got a good recipe? I've never managed to get cooked cheesecake right for some reason...


(and probably cause I mostly prefer chilled ones)


Chilled cheescake for the one, may have to make my famed Bailey's Cheesecake again soon...

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Baked cheesecakes are the best. Most chilled ones taste like nasty supermarket brand wobbly cream and biscuit. That's not how cheesecake is meant to be.


It turned out well, but my dad took a chunk out of it, and it's in a box now. Maybe I'll take a picture of it with my phone later but it's unlikely...


Here was the recipe:



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  • 2 months later...

Ok so I want to make a curry from scratch.


I have available;


coconut milk




coriander seeds


mixed spices





... I don't have any curry paste and currently I'm pushing towards essentially frying prawns, pouring in chickpeas and coconut milk and just chucking a bunch of herbs and spices on. It doesn't sound like it's going to be particularly good. Does anyone have any tips/advice - and do I need to get some curry paste?

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Crush up the garlic, spices, and coriander seeds along with some onions (or shallots) and chillies ideally, and maybe some fish sauce/light soy sauce and lime (or even lemon) zest and juice and then you practically have a makeshift curry paste. Then just fry it up in along with some brown sugar for about a minute, add the prawns and sear them then pour in the coconut milk and leave them to boil in it for about half an hour. Towards the end add in the chickpeas or any vegetables you have to hand and leave them to boil for a bit. Then take it off the heat and sit for 5 minutes and it'll cream up, and should be good with rice.

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Crush up the garlic, spices, and coriander seeds along with some onions (or shallots) and chillies ideally, and maybe some fish sauce/light soy sauce and then you practically have a makeshift curry paste. Then just fry it up in along with some brown sugar for about a minute, add the prawns and sear them then pour in the coconut milk and leave them to boil in it for about half an hour. Towards the end add in the chickpeas or any vegetables you have to hand and leave them to boil for a bit. Then take it off the heat and sit for 5 minutes and it'll cream up, and should be good with rice.


Who is your maker? He's very good.


I may have to give that a try at some point. Cheers for the tips.

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That's close to what i was going to do :) everywhere says I should have coriander and lime. Pretty sure I can find coriander - I have maybe £2 to my name so I may trip to netto to see if I can acquire those - I thought I had a chilli bit it turned out to be rotten :'(


Cheers for all that - can I push you to give me some sorts of amounts? We have a pestle and mortar here, so I'd just end up grinding an entire onion and about a tbsp of each ingredient (and three-four cloves of garlic. Love that stuff.


How about cinnamon instead of brown sugar?

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Yeah coriander will help, and green chillies if you're making a green curry. You can vary amounts hugely to personal taste, but for one person I guess something like:


half to one onion

1 large green chilli (seeds removed, obviously add more if you like it spicy)

small handful of coriander

2-3 cloves of garlic (more if like you say you're a garlic fiend)

juice and zest of 1 lime

half-teaspoon coriander seeds

1 tablespoon soy or fish sauce

little bits (1/4 teaspoons?) of all the rest


I just made these up, so it'll inevitably be a little off and make more than you need, but it'll keep for about 3 weeks I think. You only need a tablespoon or two to fry with, and also if you can't get brown sugar, just use white not cinnamon, although cinnamon might be cool in the paste. Also it's good to add more lime juice, soy/fish sauce and chopped coriander towards the end.

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nice one dude :) Well I've raided my piggy bank, and in total I have £4.70! So I'm gonna grab some ingredients and cross my fingers I have enough leftover for cider :P


Here I go!


Shops didn't have any coriander (even a big sainsbury's!!) so I may over-compensate with the seeds. Also bought some cardamom pods because they look interesting (and mustard seeds, but I shall not get too daring today by adding them too).


Got my pestle and mortar ready, and prawns are eyeing me up! I'll be taking pictures no doubt, but i have no cable for my phone so... yeah. useful!


In fact, I may just go for another walk around the shops for fresh coriander. Still got a quid left, or so

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