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I hope the opinions on here start to improve in the coming days the more you play :hmm:


I want to want this game, but from watching videos there just seems to be something about it that doesn't convince me :sad: Obviously, going hands on with it is the only way to really judge it so hopefully I will get the chance some day.. but, at the moment, I prefer what I have seen of Virtua Tennis 2009 yet I worry that it won't implement Wii Motion Plus well.. gonna have to wait and see :eek:

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I hope the opinions on here start to improve in the coming days the more you play :hmm:


I want to want this game, but from watching videos there just seems to be something about it that doesn't convince me :sad: Obviously, going hands on with it is the only way to really judge it so hopefully I will get the chance some day.. but, at the moment, I prefer what I have seen of Virtua Tennis 2009 yet I worry that it won't implement Wii Motion Plus well.. gonna have to wait and see :eek:


I made my descission on getting it after reading reviews on Amazon and Grand Slam seems to come out on top although they both have their good and bad points.





My online name is Gonzo6275

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Comes out next week.


My mate picked it up for me from the sorting office, so I'll have the game tonight!! Can't wait to try it out! I just hope i love it....bit nervous though!!


Virtua Tennis? Weird, it was released here last week, but Grand Slam isn't released before next week ::shrug:

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Okay, I've had half an hour with the game, and Ihave to say I think it's brilliant! Straight away the ball was going where I wanted it to, how I wanted it to 95% of the time. It's so satisfying....


My only annoyance was what I thought would bug me, pressing A and B for lob and drop shot....I just never use it, which is a shame, hopefully this will change. Also hope there is loads of nuance to it, at the minute I'm really going for it with my swings and top spin/slice and they're going in similar areas (which is fine I'm doing the same thing) I really hope there's loads of subtety to how hard and placement....


But I'm really liking it, played two sets, got battered in the first and won the second - not bad :)


I'm well up for online matches tonight, so lets reconcevene in the online board!

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I've played a few online matches now, so far they've all been perfect. No lag whatsoever! I'm also really impressed with EA's online system, very slick indeed. icon14.gif


Played some more of career mode too, have won 3 grand slams so far, just got the US Open to go. :awesome:


Another thing I tried today, was going back to Wii Remote only control for a while. And surprisingly I got on really well with it, much more so than on my first session.

Having better got to grips with how GST plays, the use of Wii Motion Plus now seems loads more effective when using just the Wii Remote, as you can make more pronounced / real tennis style swings. It feels fantastic once you get it right! :yay:

When playing with the Nunchuck, you kind of end up doing shorter movements due to the cable, so although you get the benefit of effecting player position it takes away from the motion control a little bit.

But yeah, it's nice have to choice and to be able to switch between the two styles on the fly.


I'm just really glad that the online mode is solid, definitely where the bulk of playtime is going to come from with this game.

Speaking of which, I'll be on again tonight (around 9:45) for a few games. Hopefully catch some N-E peeps then.

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Just bought the game and have not managed to get it to work :( have tried about 9 times now but it keeps freezing on me!!! I took my first copy back to get it replaced and to my disappointment the same problem with the 2nd one...has anyone else noticed this or have I just been unfortunate and got a faulty batch or something like that?!?

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Okay....having played more, I don't think I'm in as much control as I thought...it's getting pretty frustrating... Cross court shots I can nail everytime, same with topspin.


What I'm struggling with is slice on the forearm and hitting it hand side (left side for the backhand and right side for the forearm (I'm right handed). If I really go for it it kind of does it, but it's not consistent....is this something that gets better?


One little niggle is that the way I hold the wiimote, the side of it isn't actually where the head would be for me on a real racket; more the angle of the wiimote...

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Okay....having played more, I don't think I'm in as much control as I thought...it's getting pretty frustrating... Cross court shots I can nail everytime, same with topspin.


What I'm struggling with is slice on the forearm and hitting it hand side (left side for the backhand and right side for the forearm (I'm right handed). If I really go for it it kind of does it, but it's not consistent....is this something that gets better?


One little niggle is that the way I hold the wiimote, the side of it isn't actually where the head would be for me on a real racket; more the angle of the wiimote...


I need to try out the slice a bit more tbh before I can comment on that, interesting points though.


My experience so far is extremely positive - I have no idea what game EG were playing because those comments do not apply. At first I wasn't quick to see the difference between my memories of Wii Sports Tennis and this. It just felt quite similar to me. But after an hour or so it began to click. The level of control is far superior. It's little things mostly that make a huge difference added up. You can really gauge just how hard your hitting the ball from your own strokes, you can kind of tap and caress the ball over the net to draw the opposition into the net and I feel comfortable not simply hitting a "hard" shot or a "soft" shot but levels of power in the middle too.


Direction is still largely timing based but then it also is in real life. I am confidently using both backhand and forearm with reliable results in terms of direction of shot. This is another area that just feels so much better than Wii Sports.


So far then, I am a fan of motion plus. But also remember the nunchuck - this made a huge difference for me and using the stick to move the player you really do feel in complete control. I really would recommend playing with it plugged in - feels a lot better to me than mote only.

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I might have spoken too soon about the online being perfect. I've had a couple of games with some lag now, as well as a bizarre connection loss. :hmm:

Hopefully those kind of things will be a rare occurrence.


You know what the most annoying thing about this game is though? The commentary. Man talk about repetitive! I was really relived to discover the audio options yesterday, have turned it off now.

If I had to hear Pat Cash say "these guys make it look so easy... just like a video game" one more time, I think I may have gone insane. :laughing:

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For some reason, it seems my remote is responding better in online matches than it is in single player mode. I keep losing in the first round on easy, all because my shots aren't registered at all.


And yea RedShell, i turned off the commentary after 1 hour as well. It's as if they couldn't pay for more than 5 sentences.

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Bought this earlier and have had a 30 minute go using MotionPlus. I sure as hell hope that I've got a broken one because if this is what MotionPlus adds to playing games then Nintendo can shove it. It doesn't work, mine doesn't anyway. Watched the MotionPlus introduction video to make sure I'd set it up right, and it's not hard, and then recalibrated it several times by lying it down face first on a flat surface but it did nothing. Definitely not getting 1:1 out of it. Getting a jittery mess, making it impossible to return any balls hit at me. It's just really not detecting anything. The game played better when I took the thing off.


It could well be that mine is broken because the connector on the MotionPlus is able to be moved around which shouldn't be right. But I doubt it's broken. Bloody mess though.


The game is alright from what I've played but I really can't enjoy it with the controls as bad as they are. I'm hoping that it'll sort itself out when I try it again later.

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Ha yeah, the commentary does get repetitive but I kinda still like it. What I've found a million times more annoying is the umpire pronouncing Ivanovic as "Ivanovick" rather than "Ivanovitch."


I think it also depends what tournament you are at. At Roland Garros they also have Rogèr Féderèr and Raphaël Nadál.

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Yep, definitely got a broken MotionPlus in my box. Was playing just there and the thing was going nuts. Even with it lying on a flat surface, trying to recalibrate it, it was making the racket in game move all over the place. Couldn't even play online because the controller was going haywire and doing all of the shots at air when I was holding it still. Typical that I get the broken one.

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Yep, definitely got a broken MotionPlus in my box. Was playing just there and the thing was going nuts. Even with it lying on a flat surface, trying to recalibrate it, it was making the racket in game move all over the place. Couldn't even play online because the controller was going haywire and doing all of the shots at air when I was holding it still. Typical that I get the broken one.


That's pretty unlucky, dude. Just one thing, although you probably did this already, have you checked the batteries in the Wiimote? Sometimes I forget that...batteries tend to die. I've played some games where the Wiimote just cuts out, because the battery levels were so low.

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Yeh, wondered about the batteries but checked in the Home menu thing and it's full and they were charged fully yesterday and not used until now. It sucks and is really annoying. I did get it working a little prior to it screwing up completely and managed to pull off a cracker of a shot that curved out then in at the byline when I was online and it was beautiful. I can imagine the other guy was like gobsmacked at the awesomeness. That tiny window there when it worked fine showed that it works well.

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Yeh, wondered about the batteries but checked in the Home menu thing and it's full and they were charged fully yesterday and not used until now. It sucks and is really annoying. I did get it working a little prior to it screwing up completely and managed to pull off a cracker of a shot that curved out then in at the byline when I was online and it was beautiful. I can imagine the other guy was like gobsmacked at the awesomeness. That tiny window there when it worked fine showed that it works well.


It's a shame then that it worked so well when it did work, and that it's broken now. Get it replaced, then kick some arse online.


All of this talk and watching lots of Tennis on the telly is making me crave this.

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It's a shame then that it worked so well when it did work, and that it's broken now. Get it replaced, then kick some arse online.


All of this talk and watching lots of Tennis on the telly is making me crave this.



Buy it! It's awesome!

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