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Tiger Woods 2010 - MotionPlus Confirmed!


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Tiger Woods 2010 will use MotionPlus. Time to unleash your inner Jack Nicklaus!


It’s confirmed the next edition of the popular golfing franchise will have true 1:1 control...


When it came to Wii last year, we loved Tiger Woods 09. The game featured a tonne of features, an impressive online mode and most importantly, sublime golfing controls. It looks like Mr Woods’ 2010 title will go one better, as EA confirms the Wii game will take use of Nintendo’s Wii MotionPlus gadget.


If you’ve been living under a rock for the past year, MotionPlus is an accessory that fits onto the bottom of the Wii Remote, and enhances the motion-controlling capabilities of the controller. In basic terms, it allows for true 1:1 gameplay in games – a feature that many gamers were hoping for originally.


The news means that the tally for titles so far confirmed to use MotionPlus is scratched up to four – with EA Sports upcoming tennis title, Ubisoft’s Red Steel 2 and Nintendo’s own Wii Sports: Resort making up the rest of the list.


Expect Tiger Woods 2010 to release this Autumn.



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I worry that buyers may be put off games that use M+, the expense and confusion may mean these games fail to impact sales wise.
It shouldn't really cause confusion, just market it along the lines of...


Motion plus, simply plug it into your Wiimote and enjoy even more interactive gaming!... done.


Really looking forward to seeing EA's sports games with Motionplus.


Nintendo have been extremely quiet on the device since way back at E3 though!!

Wasn't it due out in Q1 with Wii Sports Resort?

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Yeah I think all signs pointed towards Wii Sports Resort and Motion+ coming out around Easter.


Do we know for certain if games will be Motion+ only, or will they be playable without? If you can play the likes of Tiger Woods with and without Motion+ then no one should be alienated.


I reckon they will be compatible with both Motion+ and non-Motion+ Wii-motes. As for which games will have Motion+, only Tiger Woods 2010 and Wii Sports Resort will have this feature that i know of so far. Correct me if i am wrong btw.

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I reckon they will be compatible with both Motion+ and non-Motion+ Wii-motes. As for which games will have Motion+, only Tiger Woods 2010 and Wii Sports Resort will have this feature that i know of so far. Correct me if i am wrong btw.


Tellyn says in the opening post that RedSteel 2 and EA Tennis will be Motion+ games. :heh:

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I'm hoping any big games like Zelda will be MotionPlus-only. Otherwise, the whole game would have to be designed around the non-enhanced remote, which would hold it back.


We could see a mixture of games - some that need it and some that don't, but will be improved by using it. Turok 2 on the N64 worked with or without the RAM expansion. Majora's Mask, on the other hand, needed it, and therefore came with it.

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I'm just sad they screwed up with the original wiimote and now they need a janky solution to make it better.


Here's to hoping new wiimotes will come with motionplus built in and that any existing wii owners will be able to purchase a motionplus attachment at a discount

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Guest Maase
I worry that buyers may be put off games that use M+, the expense and confusion may mean these games fail to impact sales wise.


Nintendo was smart and used Wii Sports 2 to solve that problem ;)

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IGN has got to play Tiger Woods 10 with Motion+, and they recorded video about it. Seems to work pretty much like promised. I just hope that power consumption won't be too much, as wiimote does already guzzle batteries in pretty fast pace.


Video @ IGN

Very nice touch... adding weather and tying it in with the Wii-Forecast channel so they match up!
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IGN has got to play Tiger Woods 10 with Motion+, and they recorded video about it. Seems to work pretty much like promised. I just hope that power consumption won't be too much, as wiimote does already guzzle batteries in pretty fast pace.


Video @ IGN


That is brilliant! I'm not a golf fan, but I'm so impressed with the MotionPlus tech. I love the way the golf club remains still if you want it to, and the way it knows your exact angle and swing.


The Revolution's true controller is finally here (soon)! Bring on the real Zelda Wii!

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I kinda wish this was out on friday with Grand Slam Tennis, and Wii Sports Resort was the 3rd July. Be my first proper golf game i've purchased really...since Mario Golf, i think the 1:1 controls will make this amazingly fun to play!

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